Our news is collected from our network of members, and is updated regularly. We also present information and articles from other sources that might be relevant to your kind of group.
Job vacancy: CWO Social Prescribing Manager – closing date 29 April 2024
28 March 2024RVA is looking to recruit a CWO Social Prescribing Manager to join the Community Wellness Outreach project. The CWO Social Prescribing Manager will join a small and friendly project team providing the outreach sessions. The primary responsibility of the role is to enable participants at risk of poor cardio health to make changes to improve their health outcomes. The right person is likely to be motivated to overcome health inequalities and have some understanding of good cardio health.
RBC/ACRE: Community Health Champions project grants – deadline extended to 5 April 2024
21 March 2024Reading Borough Council, together with Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality, are inviting local organisations who support Reading residents with their health and wellbeing to apply for this project grant. The grants are designed to support community-based organisations working with those at the greatest risk of experiencing poor health outcomes and health inequalities.
Thinking of holding a street party? Free road closures available this summer
21 March 2024A street party is a great way to bring your neighbours together and have fun, and as in previous years communities across Reading are invited to host street parties without having to pay the usual road closure fees. This year the council has announced that free road closures will be available for street parties that take place on any weekend in June or July. To apply to hold a street party, please use the online application form at www.reading.gov.uk/streetparties.
Are you ready for May’s elections?
15 March 2024The local council and PCC elections will take place in Reading on Thursday 2 May 2024. If you’re not yet registered to vote, have moved address, or changed your name, you have until 23:59 on Tuesday 16 April 2024 to do so. The easiest and quickest way is online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. Residents can contact the Electoral Services Team if they need an application posted at elections@reading.gov.uk or 0118 937 3717.
New app for Reading’s library users
26 February 2024Residents can now reserve or renew books in any of the town’s libraries with a new app. The Library App gives residents the ability to reserve or renew books remotely, enabling users to manage their library accounts conveniently from their devices. The app enhances the overall user experience and will help users access all the resources available from Reading Libraries wherever they are.
BBC Radio Berkshire Make a Difference Awards 2024
7 February 2024The BBC Radio Berkshire Make a Difference Awards are back for 2024. For the third year, BBC Radio Berkshire wants to celebrate and say thank you to people living in our villages and towns who make where we live a better place. Every day we hear stories of people doing incredible things for each other and their communities. Now it’s time to recognise them for all their hard work.
Invitation to a Joy Marketplace information session
27 January 2024Reading Voluntary Action is inviting local community groups and charities to a 45 minute information session on the Joy Marketplace. Joy is an online platform that connects people to life-changing local services. It instantly refers clients to high-quality support on the marketplace of services, which automatically stays up to date. It’s free for VCOs to join and gives your organisation visibility to the public and to health and wellbeing professionals.
Community Wellness Outreach: free health checks available
16 January 2024This is an opportunity for the community to receive a free NHS health check and advice to improve their health in community settings in Reading. The Reading Community Wellbeing Outreach partnership project will run to the end of March 2025. The partnership is funded by the Integrated Care Board ICB to pilot outreach activities to reduce health inequalities for our most vulnerable communities. The programme is open to all, but people at risk of developing cardiovascular conditions are a priority.
Let’s Sing Reading now open to all vocalists as it returns for 2024!
14 January 2024The Mayor of Reading’s annual choir competition is expanding to also welcome applications from local soloists, duets, and singing groups as it returns for 2024. The contest is divided into three age categories and a panel of judges, including Reading Mayor, Cllr Tony Page, will select up to 6 entrants from each category. Successful finalists will be part of the grand Let’s Sing final, performing live on The Hexagon stage on Tuesday 26 March.
Senior Changemakers – nominate for the chance of a £2,000 donation
14 January 2024If your organisation has any volunteers over the age of 65, we would love to invite you to take part in the Senior Changemakers: Volunteering Champions project. Following the launch of the Unifying Generations initiative last year, which aimed to change the perceptions of the older population and emphasize their positive contribution to society, Edwards Lifesciences are proud to present the Senior Changemakers project, which aims to highlight and reward those at the heart of volunteering.