Design a poster for Berkshire Archaeological Society

Berkshire Archaeological Society Poster Competition. The invitation is to design a poster that inspires and informs and shows your enthusiasm and interest for the archaeology of Berkshire: -A selection of the entries will also be displayed by the Society at its events and meetings and used in its publicity material. -This competition will include sites in those parts of Berkshire which became parts of other counties in 1974. -The deadline is 30 April 2022. Continue reading Design a poster for Berkshire Archaeological Society

Support for Ukraine – what organisations can do

How charities and civil society can support Ukraine:- NCVO have published a blog on the devastating and urgent situation in Ukraine and what charities and civil society can do to help. -Reading Ukrainian Community Centre: Both the Reading Ukrainian Club and the British Red Cross have too many clothing donations and Reading Ukrainian club are suggesting that clubs and communities hold a jumble sale and send the money to the British Red Cross… Continue reading Support for Ukraine – what organisations can do

Free Course – Survival Guide Digital

Graft Thames Valley are running a free digital skills course for those who are looking for work and are interested in developing their computer skills. Survival Guide-Digital is designed to help jobseekers navigate the complexities of job-searching online. It will improve digital skills and provide support for those who are new to online job seeking – covering all of the basics and also some specific activities such as using Indeed and other job boards, and uploading personal documents securely. Continue reading Free Course – Survival Guide Digital

Your Place Our Place urban room – programme for March 2022 announced

Your Place Our Place is one of the first pilots of the Community Consultation for Quality of Life project. It involves community consultation through activities at an Urban Room and a digital mapping tool. This Urban Room in Broad Street Mall will be providing information to the local community about key issues such as the Reading Town Centre Strategy, offering a place for discussion to encourage awareness and connection between various communities. Continue reading Your Place Our Place urban room – programme for March 2022 announced

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service consultation – open until 28 March 2022

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is asking people to consider how their fire and rescue service responds to emergencies across the County as part of a public consultation. The consultation will run until Monday, 28 March 2022 and focuses on how they respond to Automatic Fire Alarms in lower-risk, occupied buildings such as shops, office blocks and factories. Continue reading Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service consultation – open until 28 March 2022

Reading Community Energy Society Community Grants

Reading Community Energy Society comprises members from the local community, Reading Council and Energy 4 All, all of whom are passionate about increasing the amount of renewable energy in Reading. An important strand of their work is their Community Grants Programme. As a Community Benefit Society, they are committed to supporting sustainability locally, and offer grant funding between £100 and £5,000 to organisations to support a wide range of initiatives that deliver this aim. Continue reading Reading Community Energy Society Community Grants

Free street party workshops

Street parties are a fun and safe way for people to meet their neighbours, especially for those who rarely get out, and it’s not as difficult or expensive as you may think to put one on in your neighbourhood. Reading Voluntary Action is delivering a series of free online workshops for anyone interested in running a street party in 2022. Continue reading Free street party workshops

Thames Valley Community Fund open for applications

The Community fund, which is jointly managed by Thames Valley Police Chief Constable, John Campbell and Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber, aims to put money that has been made following the sale of items seized from criminals, to worthy initiatives within the community. Funding is made available twice a year and organisations from across the force area are invited to apply. Continue reading Thames Valley Community Fund open for applications

Help to improve the Reading Borough Council website

The Reading Borough Council Digital Team are working to improve the Council’s website. We’d like residents to be able find the information they need on the website and interact with the Council simply, quickly and efficiently. To help us do this, we’d like to spend some time with residents to understand their needs and find out how they think the website can be improved. We are running multiple testing sessions between February and April 2022. Continue reading Help to improve the Reading Borough Council website

Reading Covid Support Fund 2021/22

Reading Borough Council has allocated £220k for grants to the voluntary and community sector for the year 2021/22 from the ‘Reading Covid Support Fund’. The council is inviting applications for funding that support the following grant criteria: -Social Isolation/Mental Health/Emotional support -Self-isolation Support (not financial) targeting hard to reach groups -Bids supporting carers and children and young people -Other Covid-related areas of impact (e.g. financial hardship, physical health). Continue reading Reading Covid Support Fund 2021/22