Our news is collected from our network of members, and is updated regularly. We also present information and articles from other sources that might be relevant to your kind of group.
Holiday activities for children, families and adults
23 July 2021Here are a number of activities and events taking place over the summer holidays, for young people, families and adults. -Youth Team Activities -Holiday Activity Fund -Yoga and Pilates with Compass (6 weekly sessions, starting Wednesday 7 July) -Reading For Health with Compass and MERL (6 weekly sessions, from Wednesday 21 July). In many cases, see the attached fliers for full details but links are also provided below.
Ecclesiastical – Movement for Good Awards, phase 2 – deadline 6 August 2021
22 July 2021Ecclesiastical are delighted to be launching their Movement for Good awards for the third successive year – giving back to the communities they serve and championing the issues that really matter to them. They are awarding 30 charities a share of £500,000. Through their second phase of giving, they are actively championing innovation, giving charities the backing they need to propel their plans forward and turn creative ideas into practical solutions that benefit society.
Pop-up and play – free summer holiday activities for kids
22 July 2021Join Nature Nurture and friends for a healthy, happy summer at four locations across Reading aimed at 5–13yr olds: Dee Park, Amersham Road, Southcote and Whitley. There will be loads of activities on offer encouraging your child to learn about nature, get active and stay healthy while being creative and having fun. The perfect way to spend the summer holidays! Not only will your child get a fun-packed day, eligible children will also receive a free healthy lunch.
Help the council improve Reading’s Public Rights of Way
19 July 2021Reading Borough Council is encouraging residents to have their say on how they currently use Reading’s Public Rights of Way Network, in a bid to provide a better experience for its users and encourage active travel. The council manages 21 miles of public Rights of Way across the borough, which provide vital connections for many people to access open space and are often used by residents when travelling to work and school.
Future investment in community support: RBC consultation open until 25 July 2021
25 June 2021Reading Borough Council has launched a consultation on ‘future investment in community support’. Voluntary and community groups have until 25 July 2021 to give their views. Since 2016, the council has focused on ‘narrowing the gap’ between different groups of residents. A number of voluntary and community organisations are now delivering services under funding agreements with the Council which are aimed at tackling poverty, promoting wellbeing, and supporting thriving communities.
Emergency broadcast alert test in Reading on 29 June 2021
25 June 2021The UK government is introducing an emergency alert system using mobile phones. In the event of an emergency such as a flood or nuclear accident, the government and emergency services would have the ability to send a push message to mobile phones in a geographic area using cell broadcasting towers (i.e. not through phone networks) to warn the public about danger and advise how to stay safe. The system is being tested in Reading.
Campaign to highlight food poverty – #EatFor20
23 June 2021Take part in #EatFor20 from 17 to 23 July 2021. A new joint campaign from Citizens Advice Reading and ReadiFood is asking people to live on £20 for a week this summer, in order to highlight the need for continuing the £20 Covid-related uplift to Universal Credit. Chancellor Rishi Sunak has extended the £20 a week benefit boost until the end of September, in a bid to help UC claimants who may be struggling financially during the pandemic.
All adults in Reading can now walk in and get a Covid vaccine
20 June 2021In response to an increase in Covid-19 infections and cases of the Delta variant in Reading, the Council and the NHS are boosting the local vaccination programme with a targeted vaccination clinic at the Reading Borough Council Civic Offices from Thursday 17 June to Sunday 27 June. People who have not received a vaccine are more likely to become ill or be hospitalised as a result of catching the Delta variant.
Lockdown easing delayed: what community groups needs to know
19 June 2021This week the government announced that they would be pausing at Step 3 of the Spring 2021 Roadmap to the lifting of the coronavirus restrictions due to the increase of the Delta variant. This means that Step 3 coronavirus restrictions remain in place. It is expected that the earliest we will now move to Step 4 is on the 19 July 2021. However, all organisations should continue to check government updates for any changes to this.
RBC funding to support community and voluntary groups – closing date 25 July 2021
18 June 2021Small Grants Fund 2021/22:- RBC’s £100k Small Grants Fund 2021/22 is available for voluntary and community groups to apply for funding for community-led activities that tackle poverty and support mental wellbeing. Start-up/re-start grants for community groups:- The Council has also allocated £50k of its CEV funding from the Government for Start-up/re-start grants to help community group meetings or activities get going again after lockdown to help people regain community connections where they may have already undergone lengthy periods of self-isolation.