Our news is collected from our network of members, and is updated regularly. We also present information and articles from other sources that might be relevant to your kind of group.
RBC consultation on draft Affordable Housing SPD
16 October 2020Reading Borough Council has published a draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document for consultation – the deadline for responding is 17:00 on Friday 13 November 2020. The Affordable Housing SPD provides detailed guidance on how the Council will secure contributions towards affordable housing from new developments. It gives detail on meeting policies H3 (Affordable Housing) and H4 (Build to Rent Schemes) of the Reading Borough Local Plan, adopted in November 2019.
Roger Williams 1943-2020
12 October 2020We are sad to hear of the passing of one of Reading’s great community champions. Roger Williams was a well-loved figure in Reading’s voluntary sector, and a tireless campaigner for tenant participation and neighbourhood involvement. Roger’s energy and willingness to help always seemed to be boundless, at times even when he was unwell, and we have lost count of the number of organisations that he helped over the years – as a trustee and making use of his career in accountancy ...
RVA can still help you get online
12 October 2020As you would imagine, things have changed a lot for the Get Online project this year. It seems like a very long time since we had our last chance to offer one-to-one support sessions at libraries and community venues, and at the moment we don’t know when we’ll be able to return. However, we’re still open for business, just operating remotely.
RISC opens Global Refills shop
30 September 2020Reading International Solidarity Centre is pleased to announce the opening of Global Refills—Reading town centre’s first zero waste shop. Global Refills comes as a response to our concern over the excess plastic being used during the Covid crisis, and its impact on the environment. The team at RISC has steadily been working to repurpose the back of the Global Café for this venture, using reclaimed wood wherever possible.