
Our news is collected from our network of members, and is updated regularly. We also present information and articles from other sources that might be relevant to your kind of group.

  • Magic Little Grants – Open on 1 March 2023

    27 March 2023Magic Little Grants – Open on 1 March 2023

    Localgiving is the UK’s leading independent non-profit online fundraising platform for charities and community groups. They are incredibly excited to announce that Magic Little Grants 2023 is going to be even bigger and better than ever before. This fund gives local charities and community groups the chance to apply for £500 grants to deliver projects across Great Britain that encourage people to be physically active.

  • Coronation street parties – free road closure application deadline 31 March

    25 February 2023Coronation street parties - free road closure application deadline 31 March

    Local communities across Reading are being invited to host their own coronation street parties in May – and Reading Borough Council is again waiving the usual road closure fees. To help celebrate the coronation the Council will waive the usual road closure fee for any approved street party taking place over Saturday 6, Sunday 7 or Monday 8 May – so that residents can celebrate without any extra costs.

  • Building Berkshire Together Options Survey – deadline 6 March 2023

    25 February 2023

    The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust is on the government’s New Hospital Programme. This means they will receive funding to either redevelop or rebuild the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. They have called the programme Building Berkshire Together or BBT. By being on the New Hospital Programme it gives the Trust the chance to think about the hospital and the services provided there.

  • Choose your favourite design for Coley play area

    19 February 2023Choose your favourite design for Coley play area

    Help the council choose from six exciting new play area designs for Coley Recreation Ground. The consultation runs from 13 February to 20 March and you are encouraged to vote on your favourite design. View the six designs and have your say. The council has earmarked Coley Recreation Ground for a £200,000 refresh of its existing playground as part of our ongoing major investment across Reading’s parks.

  • Free street party workshops

    16 February 2023Free street party workshops

    Street parties are a fun and safe way for people to meet their neighbours, especially for those who rarely get out, and it’s not as difficult or expensive as you may think to put one on in your neighbourhood. Reading Voluntary Action is delivering a series of free online workshops for anyone interested in running a street party in 2022.

  • Recruiting for University of Reading Sleep Study

    9 February 2023Recruiting for University of Reading Sleep Study

    Sleep is an essential component of physical and emotional wellbeing, and lack or disruption to sleep is a highly prevalent problem. In recent years, a number of centuries-old herbal treatments to improve sleep have been investigated for their effectiveness to improve sleep and wellbeing. This project will investigate the impact of a commercially available herbal extract on sleep quality and quantity, as well as mood and wellbeing, in adults aged 18-40 years with subjective mild sleep problems over 4-weeks.

  • Vital for Berkshire funding available

    26 January 2023

    Berkshire Community Foundation’s spring funding round – Vital for Berkshire – has launched for 2023, with applications from local charities and constituted community groups now invited. Grants of up to £5,000 are available, with priority being given to those working with the most vulnerable people. Please visit for details on eligibility and criteria.

  • Have your say: public rights of way in Reading

    25 January 2023Have your say: public rights of way in Reading

    You are invited to have your say on the council’s second Rights of Way Improvement Plan which includes plans to maintain and improve the borough’s rights of way network in a bid to get more people using them. The plans have been developed following a previous public consultation in 2021, when residents and local organisations were invited to have their say on how they currently use Reading’s network, and to highlight any barriers or issues to increasing its use.

  • Have your say: Digital Inclusion Survey 2023

    24 January 2023Have your say: Digital Inclusion Survey 2023

    As more and more services move online we need to understand why some residents aren’t accessing them this way, whether that’s because it’s a struggle to afford internet access, data or a device, such as a laptop or phone, they aren’t confident or they don’t feel safe online. We also want to understand what people can do online, whether that’s ordering food and gifts, online learning and job searching, or contacting friends and family or a healthcare professional.

  • £100,000 available to community groups to help prevent crime across Thames Valley

    18 January 2023£100,000 available to community groups to help prevent crime across Thames Valley

    The first of two rounds of the Community Fund in 2023 opened to applications on Monday 16 January. The Community fund, which is jointly managed by Thames Valley Police Chief Constable, John Campbell and Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber, aims to put money that has been made following the sale of items seized from criminals, to worthy initiatives within the community. Funding is made available twice a year and organisations from across the force area are invited to apply.