Our news is collected from our network of members, and is updated regularly. We also present information and articles from other sources that might be relevant to your kind of group.
Freehold disposal of 2–4 Darwin Close – bidding open until 2 April 2021
15 February 2021The council property 2–4 Darwin Close, Reading, RG2 0RB is now on the market. The formal bidding process through the open market and the third sector process has now commenced and local voluntary organisations are invited to submit their proposals by 12:00 on Friday 2 April 2021. The property, which comprises office and warehouse space, is being advertised by Haslams. ...
Warning about Covid-19 text message scams
27 January 2021News from: Reading Voluntary Action – There have been reports of a new scam where a person receives a text saying they need to book a vaccination appointment and it takes them to a fake NHS form which then asks for their bank details to prove their identity. The NHS will never ask for banking information. There is a texting ...
Berkshire Youth Hubs – virtual and telephone-based support platform
27 January 2021After a successful pilot across West Berkshire and responding to best meet the needs of the local community, Berkshire Youth are delighted to announce the next evolution of the West Berkshire Youth Hub. Their award-winning hub has now been extended across the whole of Berkshire. They hope that the renamed ‘Berkshire Youth Hubs’ will prove just as popular and beneficial ...
Winter mental health support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and Refugee communities
26 January 2021Seven voluntary and community organisations are to share a £20,000 NHS England grant aimed at supporting the mental health of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and Refugee communities over the winter. Berkshire West CCG secured the funding and has worked closely with key partners to devise the best ways of allocating the money. Reading Voluntary Action, Involve (Wokingham) ...
Berkshire Community Foundation – Vital for Berkshire Coronavirus Fund – deadline 8 February 2021
25 January 2021The Vital for Berkshire – Coronavirus Fund is open for grant applications until Monday 8 February 2021 at 10:00. They will be allocating funds to local charities, community and voluntary groups impacted by and working to help people affected by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis in Berkshire. Grants up to a maximum of £10,000 will be considered, subject to funding availability. ...
Snow day at the vaccine hub
24 January 2021The snow on Sunday 23 January presented challenging conditions for the Reading Central and Whitley Vaccination Hub. Volunteers from the charity Re:Act were on standby to help, through the VCS Emergencies Partnership, but weren’t needed in the end. With grit, brooms and spades, RVA volunteers were able to keep the area clear and run the session pretty much as normal ...
Charity Commission updates: holding trustee meetings and AGMs
23 January 2021The Charity Commission has updated its guidance for charities as a result of lockdown 3 as follows: -Trustees should hold their trustee meetings online or via telephone, where possible during lockdown. -AGMs can continue to be held online (the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 has been extended until 30 March 2020). Further support -If you would like specific advice for your charity, ...
Food waste collections start in February 2021
20 January 2021Reading Borough Council is introducing a weekly food waste collection for residents in February 2021, as well as reducing the size of the general waste bins. The recycling team are keen to engage with as many community associations as possible. If you are able to help with distribution of information to residents of Reading they would like to hear from ...
Nominate a local hero for a Census 2021 Purple Plaque
28 December 2020Do you know someone in your area who is a community hero? To mark Census 2021 in March next year, a competition has launched to find the nation’s unsung community heroes. 22 people across England and Wales, one for each census that has taken place, will have their community spirit and efforts commemorated with a unique purple plaque.
New Family Carers Card
12 December 2020Many people are family carers and support someone who relies on them to collect shopping, prescriptions and other essential items. Reading Mencap have produced “The Reading Family Carers Card” which is available to carers for FREE and it will identify you as a family carer in order to help shorten the time you might have to spend queueing for a ...