Our news is collected from our network of members, and is updated regularly. We also present information and articles from other sources that might be relevant to your kind of group.
Become a Draughtbuster!
15 December 2022Draughtbusters is a voluntary group that surveys homes for draughts and takes remedial action. The website www.draughtbusters.net gives all the advice needed to survey your own home and make changes, but the main thrust of the project is to provide the materials and trained labour to undertake the work, free of charge, for those in fuel poverty. Households are referred to ...
Take care disposing of batteries
15 December 2022A recent fire at the re3 Smallmead Recycling Centre in Island Road was a stark reminder of the dangers of throwing away batteries, Reading Borough Council has said. The council has urged residents not to bin batteries or small battery-operated products such as single-use vapes, as such items always need to be recycled separately to minimise the danger of fires.
Reading for Warm Homes launches its campaign
13 December 2022With around six million people predicted to be in fuel poverty this winter campaigners are urging the government to implement common-sense solutions that will both lower skyrocketing energy bills and cut harmful carbon emissions. Additional financial support is urged for those struggling to afford to heat their homes to ensure people stay warm and well during the colder months. Campaigners gathered ...
Vacancies for Social Prescribers
1 December 2022Reading Voluntary Action (RVA) is looking to recruit 2 part-time Link Workers to provide social prescribing support for people in Reading. RVA has been delivering social prescribing in Reading for more than 5 years. Social prescribing enables people to take action to improve or sustain their quality of life based on what matters to them and their individual strengths. The ...
The Giving Tree 2022
28 November 2022Are you excited about the magic of Christmas? Have you also been looking for a way to help someone in need, making their Christmas magical, too? Why head not head into town to get involved in Reading’s much-loved Giving Tree Campaign? The Giving Tree is run by local charity Connect Reading. Last year, 2,075 gifts were given to people in ...
Consultation on Reading’s parliamentary constituencies
18 November 2022Reading’s constituencies are changing and the Boundary Commission for England want to hear your views on their new proposals. Constituencies are changing to rebalance the number of electors each MP represents. Under the proposed changes, Reading will change from two constituencies (Reading West and Reading East) to three constituencies (Reading, Earley & Woodley and Mid Berkshire). Have your say in ...
Mayor of Reading to host a Reading-themed online auction for chosen charities
18 November 2022The Mayor of Reading, Cllr Rachel Eden, is working with local businesses and organisations to raise money for good causes in an online Mayoral Auction. A wide range of Reading-based businesses and organisations have already pledged lots which include a headshot photoshoot from Viva Photography, a set by The Eric Tildiss Function Band, guided walks, a range of hampers, champagne ...
New service for carers – The Reading & West Berkshire Carers Partnership
17 November 2022The partnership includes: Age UK Berkshire, Age UK Reading, Communicare and Reading Mencap – all have a successful track record of working with carers. Information, advice and support services for family carers in Reading and West Berkshire will be provided by the Reading & West Berkshire Carers Partnership from 1 November 2022:- Get support to help you in your caring ...
Thames Valley PCC launches new online survey
17 November 2022The Police and Crime Commissioner has launched an anonymous online survey, giving residents an opportunity to share their views and experiences of policing and crime. The survey asks for views about how safe residents feel in their local area, their experience of both crime and the police as well as questions on the future funding of policing. To complete the ...
Help with heating costs
21 October 2022If you struggle to keep warm in winter you may be eligible for benefits, discounts and/or energy efficiency improvements to help with heating costs. -Priority Service Register -Winter Fuel Payment -Cold Weather Payment -Warm Home Discount Scheme -The £400.00 Energy Bills Support Scheme Discount -The Energy Company Obligation -Citizens Advice Reading