
Event Information:

  • Wed

    Meet the Funder webinar

    12:30 - 13:15Online via Zoom

    Easyfundraising provides voluntary organisations with an easy, accessible, and permanent fundraising solution. Come along to this online session to find out how!

    Easyfundraising partners with 7,000 brands including John Lewis, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Trainline,, eBay and Amazon, who will donate to your organisation when your volunteers, staff and supporters shop with them. It is a completely free service and is already used by 180,000 good causes around the UK.

    Becky from Easyfundraising will talk through how it works, how to get started as well as answering any questions you may have. It will be an informal lunchtime session – feel free to invite your colleagues too.

    This session is suitable for: Voluntary groups, community buildings, churches, grassroots sport clubs, schools, self-help groups, community groups, charities, CICs and social enterprises.

    Registration in advance for this session here - after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.