
Event Information:

  • Wed

    Pitch Your Ask with WhatImpact

    12:00 - 13:00Online event

    Are you a school, charity or Non-profit?

    Connect Reading are proud to announce a new partnership with WhatImpact making social value partnerships and match-making much easier than before.

    Whatimpact is the social value platform that:

    • Connects your organisation with companies and grantmakers aligned with your cause and goals.
    • Provides transparent data on the impact made, validating your efforts and helping you to find new donors for future projects.
    • Streamlines grant applications to alleviate the burden of paperwork.
    • Generates project video greetings which you can share publicly to increase awareness of your work.

    WhatImpact will be taking you through the platform, showing you just how easy grant-giving can be and how to bring social value into the everyday of your organisation.

    Please register online at: