
Event Information:

  • Thu

    Befriending Forum

    13:00 - 14:30Online

    The right services at the right time - Reading is blessed with so many activities and services yet still many people don’t know about them. Frontline volunteers can often spot the need but feel confused or anxious about the next steps. This forum will focus on supporting people to find the services and events that are just right for them. From starting the conversation to making the referral.

    What is social prescribing and how do people access it? Hear from RVA’s Social Prescribers about their work and the kinds of community groups and organisations they often refer and signpost people to.

    Useful guides – RVA Directory; Reading Services Guide; using Google
    What’s the difference between signposting and referral?
    What training do my volunteers need?
    Helpful questions to ask people and how to ask them.

    PLUS – all the usual news, funding updates and networking opportunities.

    Please click on this link to book.