Are you a small group looking for funding?

Are you a small group offering services or activities to your community in Reading? Do you need help with getting funding to run your group? Come along to our Small Groups Learn and Share Network on Tuesday 4 July at the library. What we’ll cover: -Hear from Berkshire Community Foundation on their upcoming funding round -Hear about the council’s small grants fund -Get some top tips on funding applications and other support from RVA -Network with other small groups Continue reading Are you a small group looking for funding?

RVA Volunteer Thank You Evening

On Monday 5 June volunteers from across Reading gathered at the Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) for a Volunteer Thank You evening. Blessed with fine weather, volunteers were able to come together to enjoy food, drink and company whilst exploring the fascinating exhibitions the MERL has to offer, including their wonderful gardens. All this was set off by the background soundtrack provided by our very own volunteer trustee Steve Leitch. Continue reading RVA Volunteer Thank You Evening

Have your say: Civic Offices and a new library

In January 2023 the council received the news that it had been successful in its bid for the government’s ‘Levelling Up’ funding of £19.1 million. This includes an £8.6 million investment to rebuild the Central Library at the Council’s Civic Offices in Bridge Street. The existing library building is outdated and over several floors, and the plan is to build a new more accessible extension to the existing civic offices to house the library. Continue reading Have your say: Civic Offices and a new library

Young volunteers needed to support Summer Reading Challenge 2023

Libraries in Reading are again looking for young people aged 14 to 18 who are enthusiastic about reading to encourage children to take part in and complete this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, ‘Ready, Set, Read!’ Tasks will include discussing the books younger children have been reading and suggesting more books they might like, assisting library staff with Reading Challenge events and craft activities, and handing out rewards to participants. Continue reading Young volunteers needed to support Summer Reading Challenge 2023

Have your say: Improve proposals for Reading’s bus service and infrastructure

Reading Borough Council is inviting people to have their say on proposals for six new bus lanes in the borough, as part of its ambition to make travelling by bus in Reading quicker and more reliable. The proposed enhancement to Reading’s bus infrastructure is the next phase of Reading’s £26 million bus investment which aims to attract new bus passengers to even faster, more reliable and better-integrated bus services in Reading. Continue reading Have your say: Improve proposals for Reading’s bus service and infrastructure

Countdown to the opening of the new Rivermead Leisure Centre

Preparations are now well underway for the public opening on Monday 17 July, when residents can enjoy the brand-new centre’s dry-side facilities including a fantastic new 120-station gym with 3 studios, a 6-court sports hall with 280 spectator seats, soft play and café. The opening of dry-side facilities at Rivermead in July will be followed in summer 2024 by the two new swimming pools – a 25m 8 lane competition pool, and a teaching and diving pool. Continue reading Countdown to the opening of the new Rivermead Leisure Centre

Co-op Local Community Fund – Deadline on 11 June 2023

Co-op now opens applications for Local Community Fund. Co-op Group’s Local Community Fund has supported over 30,000 local community projects across the UK since its launch in 2016, and charities and organisations, that play a vital role in the well-being of communities, can now apply to be considered for the next round of funding. Continue reading Co-op Local Community Fund – Deadline on 11 June 2023

Reading Volunteer Thank You Event – registration open

Reading Voluntary Action is delighted to announce the return of the annual Reading volunteers’ celebration event. The event will celebrate those in our community who volunteer their time, talents and skills for the benefit of our town and takes place during the national Volunteers’ Week celebrations. It will be the first time we have hosted the event since the cancellation of the 2020 event due to Covid-19 restrictions. Continue reading Reading Volunteer Thank You Event – registration open

Voter ID support resources available

The UK government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This new requirement will apply for the first time at the local elections taking place in some areas of England on Thursday 4 May 2023. The Electoral Commission has created a wide range of resources to support those more likely to experience barriers in preparing for this change and may need support to access photo ID. Continue reading Voter ID support resources available

Participatory Action Research Training, 4 May 2023

Participatory Action Research training by the University of Reading, the Local Community and its partners. This is a face-to-face training working together with local organisations in Reading on how to conduct participatory Action Research in a meaningful way creating social change to the issues that matter to the community collaboratively. Continue reading Participatory Action Research Training, 4 May 2023