News from: Reading Voluntary Action
The last two years have seen significant changes in the landscape of volunteering across the UK. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, volunteers have been mobilised in unprecedented numbers to take on novel tasks. The experience here in Reading has been no different, with thousands of individuals coming forward to volunteer in a host of different ways.
As the crisis stage of the pandemic gives way to a focus on recovery, volunteers are likely to continue to play a vital role as organisations seek to meet the challenge of rising demands for their services.
Now is an ideal time to review the volunteering landscape in the town and to work together in creating a Vision for Volunteering that ensures it continues to benefit Reading’s residents.
Working alongside Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality (ACRE) and Connect Reading we want to work with the broadest possible range of stakeholders to co-produce a Vision for Volunteering that will help ensure that we make the best use of the resources, skills and motivation across the town.
How can I get involved? Each of the three partners will be running a range of engagement activities over the coming months. RVA will be hosting the following events in the coming weeks with follow-up events and further opportunities to contribute to be confirmed in due course.
Tuesday 12 July 14:00-16:00 – Workshop for Volunteer Involving Organisations – In this workshop, we will introduce the background to the Vision and start the discussions on its development by exploring how volunteers are currently being utilised by organisations and the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in the coming years.
Tuesday 19 July 13:00-15:00 – Workshop for Volunteers – In this workshop we will explore with current volunteers what aspects of the volunteering they value the most and those that could be improved upon. Please do share this with your volunteer teams.
To keep up to date with the progress being made and future events please sign-up to the dedicated Vision for Volunteering mailing list HERE.