Heritage Open Days 2024
28 August 2024Every September thousands of volunteers across England organise events to celebrate our fantastic history and culture. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – all of which are free to explore.
There are plenty of events to go to and historic places to see in the Reading area – including museum and archive tours, local history and heritage walks, open days at historic houses, gardens, churches and other venues, and much more. There’s everything from Terry’s guided local history walks to the opportunity to learn about (and maybe even have a go at playing) the famous Father Willis organ in the Town Hall.
Further details of what’s on in Reading and all over the country can be found at www.heritageopendays.org.uk. All events are free of charge but please note that numbers for many events are limited so advance booking may be required.
Continue reading →PCC Thames Valley Community Fund – Deadline 9 September 2024
28 August 2024The PCC Thames Valley Community Fund is an opportunity for community and voluntary groups to get involved and assist both the PCC and Thames Valley Police in tackling and reducing crime. Funding comes from the proceeds from the sale of items seized from criminals that cannot be returned to their rightful owner. Its purpose is to support voluntary and community groups that can help to prevent crime and keep communities safe, in line with the priorities of the Police & Crime Commissioner. This fund is open for applications twice a year.
Applications will be considered from voluntary and community groups. To be eligible, applicants should be:
-Working in the Thames Valley Police Force area.
-Able to demonstrate that the application supports one of the priority areas of the new Police and Criminal Justice Plan.
-A policing and/or community safety charity or community group.Priority will be given to organisations that support one of the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan priorities:
-Protecting Communities (including anti-social behaviour and road safety)
-Protecting People (including domestic abuse and the night-time economy)
-Protecting Property (including cybercrime and fraud and retail crime)A total of £200,000 is available for this round. There is no set limit for a grant. Funding is at the discretion of the Thames Valley PCC. Grants can be used either to support capital, revenue and project costs. Applicants will also be expected to explain what working links and relationships they have developed with the Office of the PCC and/or Local Police Area.
It is recommended that applicants review the Guidance Notes available on the funder’s website before submitting applications to the Community Fund.
All applications must be made by completing the online application form. Details and a link to the form are at www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/community-fund.
The closing date for this round of applications is 12.00 noon on Monday 9 September 2024. Successful applicants will be invited to attend a presentation event, hosted by the Police & Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable, on Thursday 31 October 2024.
if you need further support from RVA with preparing your application or the policies and procedures required for this funding, please contact Herjeet Vass at herjeet.vass@rva.org.uk.
Continue reading →Your South Reading
22 August 2024News from: Reading Borough Council
So many wonderful unique communities make up the town of Reading. We’re celebrating every inch of the borough by telling stories via our residents about seven local areas surrounding our libraries – hubs of the local community that provide services which span the generations and embrace the diversity of local populations.
Residents tell us about what makes the area home, local hidden gems and what they love about where they live and what makes their community so wonderfully unique across the borough.
Your South Reading is the third of our communities to be featured and includes the Cowsey, Whitley Community Café, Fobney Island Nature Reserve, Reading FC Community Trust and lots more local gems.
Keep an eye on the Reading Borough Council social media for Your area.
Continue reading →Reading’s Voluntary and Community Sector Survey 2024
22 August 2024News from: Reading Voluntary Action
The last few years have seen unprecedented upheavals and challenges across the UK and beyond. The voluntary and community sector has been at the forefront of the responses to these challenges and continues to be so today.
Reading’s Voluntary and Community Sector Survey 2024 aims to enhance understanding of the makeup of our vibrant and diverse voluntary and community sector and the challenges it faces. The information gathered will help build a picture of the difference the work of the sector is making to the people of Reading, the challenges groups face and the support they need.
The findings will be a starting point in creating an accessible pool of information on Reading’s Voluntary Sector, helping to identify patterns and trends over time and identifying strengths and gaps in provision.
The survey is open to any charity, community group or social enterprise providing activities and services in Reading. It is suggested that a trustee, committee member, senior manager or founder completes the survey.
The survey will ask questions about the makeup of your group, the services it provides and those you seek to serve. It will explore questions about your workforce, the demand and capacity of your services, your organisation’s governance and financial stability, the challenges your organisation faces and the kind of support you would like to have access to.
It should take 15-30 minutes to complete the survey. Your progress completing the survey can not be saved so you will need to complete it in one go, although there is no time limit so you can keep it open in your browser and return to it if needed.
The responses to the survey will be used to produce a report on “Reading’s Community and Voluntary Sector in 2024”. The report will be published and shared in November 2024.
All responses will be aggregated and anonymised in publicly circulated reports and presentations, except where you have permitted specific responses to be shared and attributed to you.
With your permission, the Reading Voluntary Action team may contact you to follow up on your responses and request or provide additional information.
The survey will close on Monday 30 September.
If you have any questions about the survey, need assistance completing the survey or you would like to receive a Word version please contact info@rva.org.uk.
Continue reading →Have your say on our town’s climate action priorities
25 July 2024News from: Reading Climate Action Network (RCAN)
Work has begun on Reading’s Climate Emergency Strategy for 2025–2030. Reading’s current Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan (which covers the period 2020–2025) is nearing its end. RCAN has dedicated 2024 – Reading’s Year of Climate Engagement – to bringing people together to shape climate action priorities for our next plan, for 2025–2030.
The new climate action priorities will be decided via widespread participation and consultation. A ‘core deliberative group’ of 50 people (called the Designing a Net Zero Reading deliberative group) has been invited to meet three times this year, to share knowledge and perspectives and to consider inputs from you, the wider public and working groups.
There are many opportunities for you to offer inputs, as an individual and/or as an organisation
Host a discussion and submit your ideas: Gather your group, host a guided conversation about climate change and Reading, and then share your ideas with us. You could do this at a meeting of your specialist policy group, residents’ association, book club, as a team at work, as a family, etc.
-How to participate: Download the Designing a Net Zero Reading Discussion Pack here.
-Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2024Storytelling and climate case studies: Tell us a story about something your group, community or organisation has been doing to respond to climate change. Stories and case studies are a great way to inspire and encourage others to take action: ‘If they can do it, so can we!’.
-How to participate: Download the Designing a Net Zero Reading Discussion Pack and go to Page 10 for storytelling guidelines and instructions for submission.
-Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2024Big Letter: Help young people aged 10–18 submit their contributions to a Big Letter, which will be read to the Designing a Net Zero Reading deliberative group. Schools, youth groups, holiday clubs, community events, theatre groups can all help us gather inputs from young people over the summer. Simply put up a big sheet of paper (on an easel, table or on the wall), write ‘Share your thoughts about climate change and Reading’ and then email a photo of the results to us for inclusion in the Big Letter!
-How to participate: Download the Big Letter Pack here.
-Deadline:10 September 2024Further information
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-For more information and for ongoing updates about Reading’s Year of Climate Engagement, please visit: www.readingcan.org.uk/priorities
-Help spread the word about Reading’s Year of Climate Engagement with this comms toolkit.Formal bidding process open for the Reading Central Library freehold premises
23 July 2024News from: Reading Borough Council (RBC)
Reading Borough Council have now commenced the 8-week bidding process for the release of the freehold Central Library premises subject to planning. This is being concurrently released to the local voluntary sector and on the open market via Savills for bids. Local voluntary organisations are invited to submit their subject to planning proposals by 12:00 on 11 September 2024.
How to apply: If you are a local voluntary organisation then please contact info@rva.org.uk or telephone 01189 372273 to receive copies of the following:
-Marketing brochure
-Application to bid form
-Scoring systemThe RVA Advice Service can offer support and advice to local voluntary organisations with understanding the third sector bidding process and any related governance support in order to submit your application.
Once you are ready to submit your application, please send these to the following individual at RBC:
Mark Redfern (Social Inclusion and VCS Partnerships Manager) – mark.redfearn@reading.gov.uk
Reading Borough Council
Civic Offices
Bridge Street
Reading, RG1 2LUPlease note that it is advisable to use guaranteed post/recorded delivery to ensure that your bid reaches RBC on time – no late bids will be considered.
Officers will then assess bids on the basis of the value provided to Reading Borough Council of releasing the property in accordance with the Council’s Third Sector Premises Policy Statement to a local voluntary organisation. You can find a copy of the full Central Library – Bidding Process from RBC here.
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-All viewings will be by block viewing appointment only with Savills – details will be added to Savills website shortly.
-Contact at Savills is: Megan Holman – megan.holman@savills.com (Associate – Development, Savills, One Forbury Square, The Forbury, Reading, RG1 3BB)Have your say: crime and safety in Reading
23 July 2024News from Reading Borough Council
Reading’s annual safety survey is now live. It’s a chance for you to share your views on how safe you feel and the crime issues affecting you in Reading. Have your say at www.reading.gov.uk/communitysafetysurvey.
Crime and safety in Reading is tackled by Reading’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP). By law, every local authority (council), police force and other crime agencies must work in partnership to tackle community safety and serious violence issues in their local area. Over the last year we have invested in additional CCTV equipment and better lighting, improved safety for women at night-time and opened a new safe hub – the Reading Safe Space – in the town centre.
The feedback you give us this year will help us determine what other improvements we could make to improve safety. We want to hear from as wide a range of people as possible so please share with the people you work with and your friends and family.
Take part at www.reading.gov.uk/communitysafetysurvey.The survey closes on 8 September 2024. If you have any questions or would like further information, including how to access paper copies or translations of the survey, please email: csp@reading.gov.uk
Continue reading →Your Town Centre
13 July 2024News from: Reading Borough Council
So many wonderfully unique communities make up the town of Reading. We are celebrating every inch of the borough by telling stories via our residents about seven local areas surrounding our libraries – hubs of the local community that provide services which span the generations and embrace the diversity of local populations.
Residents tell us about what makes the area home, local hidden gems and what they love about where they live and what makes their community so wonderfully unique across the borough.
Your Town Centre the second of our communities to be featured includes Pete from Shed, Roland at Forbury Gardens, Rhodri at Chocolate Island and lots more local gems.
Keep an eye on the Reading Borough Council social media for your area.
Continue reading →Become a Community Health Champion
1 July 2024News from: Reading Borough Council
Community Health Champions are people who live in Reading and help their community by making sure everyone knows about important health information, services, and activities. They also listen to feedback from others about how to make things better for everyone’s health.
It is a voluntary role so anyone who lives in the borough can become a Community Health Champion. You could be a young adult, older resident, parent, someone who doesn’t work, or someone who does work. If you have a desire to help improve your community then this is a great opportunity for you!
A Community Health Champion training session is being held on 7 August 2024 at New Directions College from 09:30 until 13:00. Register your interest here.
Find out more
Continue reading →
–Download a flyer here.
–Read more on the RBC website.Community roadshows launched
26 June 2024A series of community roadshows has been launched at centres around the town, organised by Citizens Advice Reading in partnership with local advice and support organisations. These events is for local residents to:
-speak with organisations including Citizen’s Advice Reading, Reading Borough Council teams and many more
-find out what is happening at the community centre
-have a say in future activities and events at centres.
Roadshow events will be held at community centres around Reading on the days below:
-Coley Park, 140 Wensley Road RG1 6DW – 3rd Tuesday of each month, 2pm – 4pm
-Lyndhurst Road, Tilehurst RG30 6UB – 3rd Thursday of each month, 2pm – 4pm
-Whitley Wood, 28-35 Lexington Grove RG2 8UG – 2nd Wednesday of each month, 3pm – 5pm
-Hexham Road, 1A Bamburgh Close RG2 7UD – Last Thursday of each month, 3pm – 5pm.
Come along to your local community centres to give feedback on issues in your area, get advice and support from a range of local services and have a nice tea or coffee. There is no need to book – everyone is welcome to just drop in on the day.
Continue reading →
Upcoming events
Sat07Sep202411:00 - 16:00Caversham Court Gardens
13-19 Church Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7AD
This year’s theme for Heritage Open Days is Routes, Networks, Connections.
Bring the whole family along to Caversham Court Gardens on Saturday 7 September or Sunday 8 September (11:00-16:00) circumnavigate the globe learning the origins of some of the fine collection of plants and trees in the Gardens.
Throughout history, travellers have collected useful and beautiful plants and brought them back to Britain from all over the world. Our quiz will take you round the gardens and give you fun facts about important plants and their uses. Younger children will enjoy drawing some of the many unusual plants to be found in the gardens – drawing materials available free of charge.
You may be surprised to learn that there are plants from every continent except Antarctica in our lovely riverside gardens – test your knowledge of geography with our interactive map!
Contact details
Friends of Caversham Court Gardens
Email: friends@fccg.org.uk -
Thu12Sep202411:00 - 12:30RVA, Community Place
Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ
The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practice and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.
The Network is open to those overseeing the work of volunteers in organisations big and small and involving volunteers in a variety of ways.
Please register via the button below and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course. The plan is to hold this meeting in person at our office in Reading Central Library, but this will be confirmed closer to the event.
Wed18Sep202410:00 - 11:45RVA, Community Place
Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ
Reading has a wide variety of charities and community groups, of various sizes. Smaller groups have told us that they would like more specialist support as they have different challenges to larger groups. RVA therefore runs a Small Groups’ Forum for charities and community groups who are:
- Mainly volunteer led
- With an income below £50K
If you are a small group, come along to our next forum on Wednesday 18 September. The session will cover:
- An overview of the Reading-wide Voluntary and Community Sector survey, and how you can provide your views and responses as a small group.
- Funding opportunities for small groups.
- Safety tips for running your sessions.
- Networking with each other.
This is a friendly, informal session hosted by the Herjeet Vass from the RVA team, so don’t worry if you haven’t attended one of these sessions before. Refreshments will be provided.
If you have any access needs (such as a visual or physical impairment), just let us know in advance by emailing training@rva.org.uk and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Registration and refreshments from 10:15. Session starts at 10:30.
Free event, but please book online at www.eventbrite.co.uk to confirm your place. We hope to see you there.
Thu19Sep202413:00 - 14:00Online via Zoom
RVA is running an online session in September 2024 for anyone wanting to find out more about RVA’s social prescribing service.
The sessions will include:
- What social prescribing is (and isn’t!)
- How it works at RVA and how people access it
- How we measure its impact
- How we work in partnership with local services and community groups
- Information about free practitioner training and the Joy Marketplace
To book onto this session please register at www.eventbrite.co.uk.
Thu13Feb202513:00 - 14:00Reading Voluntary Action
Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ
RVA is running an in-person session in February 2025 for anyone wanting to find out more about RVA’s social prescribing service.
The sessions will include:
- What social prescribing is (and isn’t!)
- How it works at RVA and how people access it
- How we measure its impact
- How we work in partnership with local services and community groups
- Information about free practitioner training and the Joy Marketplace
Free event but please register at www.eventbrite.co.uk to confirm your place.