
  • Thu
    18:00 - 19:30The Griffin (Upper room)

    10-12 Church Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 7AD

    Come and find out all about how to organise a street party to bring your community together.

    We will give some examples and photos of local street parties, details of when to apply for a street closure for free, how to start things off, things to remember, ideas for food and entertainment, publicity, the benefits of having a street party plus an opportunity to ask any questions.

    Free event but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Sat
    14:30 - 16:00The Griffin (Upper room)

    10-12 Church Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 7AD

    Come and find out all about how to organise a street party to bring your community together.

    We will give some examples and photos of local street parties, details of when to apply for a street closure for free, how to start things off, things to remember, ideas for food and entertainment, publicity, the benefits of having a street party plus an opportunity to ask any questions.

    Free event but please book a ticket via to confirm your place.

  • Sun
    12:30 - 16:30rLab

    Unit C1, Weldale Street, Reading RG1 7BX

    Bring along your broken items and get help to repair them. The team of volunteers will be able to help repair a wide range of items including:

    • Electronics
    • Mechanical items
    • Computers (hardware/software)
    • Toys/Furniture
    • Clothing/textiles
    • Tool sharpening

    Additionally, if you have something you are making or a craft project you are stuck with, why not bring it along and one of the repairers can give you a hand to get on the right track!

    Repair Cafe is a free event but donations are welcome to help keep it going. As well as repairs, you can pop in for a cuppa and homemade cake.

    Email if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

  • Tue
    10:15 - 13:15Training Room, Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Whether behind the scenes in administrative roles or working directly with clients, volunteers play a vital role in supporting the work of organisations across our town.

    Given the central role that volunteers play in allowing organisations to achieve their objectives, it is perhaps surprising that many of those responsible for managing volunteers receive little or no specialised training.

    This bite size version of our Introduction to Volunteer Management training will focus on the process of recruiting the volunteers your organisation needs whilst providing an oversight of the legal aspects that need to be considered when involving volunteers in your work.

    What will be covered?
    Recruiting Volunteers

    • What to consider before involving volunteers in your work.
    • Developing a role description.
    • Promoting opportunities effectively.
    • Initial response and selection process.

    Keep it legal

    • Legal status of volunteers including how to deal with expenses.
    • Eligibility to volunteer – involving oversees volunteers and those in receipt of state benefits.
    • Top tips for your Volunteer Policy and Agreement.
    • What type of insurance you need.
    • What to do when things go wrong – volunteer problem solving procedures.

    This course is ideally suited to anyone who has responsibility for overseeing the work of volunteers, either as a Volunteer Manager or as part of a more wide reaching role.

    Please book online at The cost is £10 for the sessions and includes refreshments and materials.

  • Wed
    19:00 - 21:00Salvation Army

    522 Oxford Road, Reading RG30 1EG

    The Oxford Road Safer Neighbourhood Forum brings together voluntary organisations and partners including residents, the neighbourhood police, local authorities, businesses and schools, and assists in planning local neighbourhood policing tasks, based on priorities identified by the community.

  • Thu
    11:00 - 13:00Earley Crescent Resource Centre

    Warbler Drive, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 4HB

    Stronger Together helps people get into employment or self-employment, or just move closer to either of these goals. Eligible participants can access a wide range of support from 8 partner organisations – from confidence building and career planning, to training and volunteering.

    We are delighted to invite you to a showcase event on Thursday 23 January 2020 to find out more about the impact of the project for participants, partners, and employers, and the legacy of the project – opportunities for building on the work of the project when it ends in June 2020. Lunch is included.

    This event will be plastic free and there will be prizes for travelling by public transport. The Earley Crescent Centre is easily accessible on Reading Buses route 21 – the stop is Beech Lane.

    Free event, but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 15:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Join us for our regular Volunteer Coordinators’ Network meeting facilitated by Reading Voluntary Action.

    You will have a chance to contribute to the agenda ahead of time so that we can make sure your issue or concern can be given some attention, as well as having the opportunity to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role.

    The format is pretty informal RVA provides the tea and coffee. Feel free to bring your sandwich and eat with us if it helps your day along. You don’t need to stay for the whole event – we know everyone’s busy.

    Click here to register

  • Wed
    18:30 - 20:30344 Oxford Road

    Reading, RG30 1AF

    Do you feel as though local services are not meeting their responsibilities towards minority/marginalised groups? The Equalities Alliance working in partnership with the University of Reading aim to produce a ‘Rights-Based Approach to Equality’ report to highlight how effectively local statutory services are fulfilling their responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998.

    We want to consult widely in order to identify themes from within our communities and from individual experiences.

    If you are an individual or organisation with concerns that local statutory services are not delivering on their responsibilities, or hold a view to the contrary, we would like to invite you to take part in our focus group.

    Also, if you in a professional capacity agree or disagree with the premise, please come along and voice your thoughts, opinions and experiences on the matter.

    Refreshments provided

    Contact details
    Phone: 01189 510279

  • Thu
    15:30 – 17:00Thames Lido

    Napier Road, Reading, RG1 8FR

    Reading Voluntary Action are inviting Reading's charities, voluntary organisations and community groups to the launch of Reading Community Lottery. At the launch you can find out how the lottery works, and how your organisation can directly benefit from participating.

    There will be presentations about the lottery, refreshments, and plenty of chances to ask questions. The RVA team will be on hand to provide advice and guidance on what you have to do and next steps. You can sign up on the day and be one of the first local organisations to benefit from Reading Community Lottery.

    Free event but please register via to confirm your place. You can email with any questions.

  • Thu
    19:00 StartNew Bridge Nursery

    Montague Street, Caversham, Reading, RG4 5AU

    The North Reading Safer Neighbourhood Forum brings together voluntary organisations and partners including residents, the neighbourhood police, local authorities, businesses and schools, and assists in planning local neighbourhood policing tasks, based on priorities identified by the community.

  • Wed
    10:50 - 12:30Park United Reformed Church

    (Large Hall), Palmer Park Avenue, Reading, RG6 1DN

    Park Exercise and Dance is 30 years young in January 2020. Come and celebrate with us and enjoy a free class! We are a fun, happy, supportive group of ladies and gentlemen who come together every Wednesday at Park United Reformed Church.

    We exercise, learn fun routines and all to keep our bodies physically fit, toned, stretched, mobilised, safe and our minds challenged and sharp and all the while having a lot of fun with plenty of laughter. Long term friendships have been formed and networks established offering support and companionship.

    We want to celebrate this landmark date by inviting ladies and gentlemen over 60 to join us for a free class on Wednesday 5 February. This will be a general class of gentle exercise suitable for all abilities. The class will involve a mixture of seated but mainly mobile exercise to music. Present class members will also demonstrate one or two of their favourite routines for you.

    Further information

    • Arrive around 10:50 for your free session from 11:00 – 12:30 (includes refreshments and time to chat with present class members).
    • Easy parking directly opposite in Palmer Park Avenue, buses 17 and 4 stop outside the church on Wokingham Rd (Palmer Park Avenue bus stop).
    • Park Church is fully accessible.
  • Tue
    10:30 - 12:30Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ.

    RVA is delighted to be hosting the February Common Ground event on behalf of Befriending Networks at Community Place, on the top floor of Reading Central Library.

    Befriending Networks is a national charity providing training, resources and lots of other support to befriending groups and organisations, large and small.

    Common ground meetings run for two hours, the first hour discussing a set theme led by Befriending Networks and the second hour led by participants. This allows participants to raise any barriers they are facing in their project, share good news and best practice as well as network.

    Due to current funding, Common Ground meetings are free for all to attend, both members and non-members of Befriending Networks.

    Book your place at

  • Tue
    17:30 - 20:30Training Room, Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Trustees play an essential role in our society, making our charity sector work. It’s a hugely rewarding role but it’s not always easy to get all the information you require to be sure you are carrying out your role as effectively as possible. This training will help give you an overview of what’s expected of trustees as well as providing a networking opportunity with your fellow trustees from the area.

    Outcomes of this training are:

    • To better understand your role and legal responsibilities as a trustee
    • To understand how this role fits with other roles in the charity
    • To understand your reporting responsibilities
    • To know where to go for help and support
    • To feel confident in being an active member of your Board/Committee and helping to achieve your charities purposes

    To achieve this we will cover:

    • Introduction: ‘Trustee’, ‘Charity’ and legal structures
    • Trustee roles and responsibilities: 6 Main Legal Duties
    • Policies and Procedures: Which ones? Why do they matter?
    • Accounting & Reporting – the essentials
    • Essential resources and links to help you on your way

    The training is suitable for new and existing trustees and will also give a valuable introduction to anyone thinking of taking on the role. In some small community groups you may refer to yourselves as the Comittee. If you have overall responsibility for your community group, then this course is for you.

    Please book online at The cost is £10, which includes materials. Refreshments are provided.

  • Thu
    17:00 - 19:00University of Reading

    Meadow Suite, Park House, Reading, RG6 6UA

    Chatterbox is a digital startup that connects refugees with universities, businesses and charities and gives them the opportunity to use their language skills and lived experiences as tutors and conversation partners in their native languages. This year the Department of Languages and Cultures and the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism at the University of Reading have partnered with Chatterbox to offer language students 150 hours of additional conversational classes in a range of languages.

    The event will be an opportunity to hear from both the students at the University of Reading and the tutors from Chatterbox, and to explore issues around the theme of migration and languages which are at the core of the research and teaching at the Centre for Multilingualism and at the Department of Languages and Cultures at the University.

    A buffet and drinks reception will follow the presentations until 19:00. Free event but please register via as soon as possible to confirm your place.

  • Sun
    10:45 - 12:30South Street Arts Theatre

    South Street, Reading, RG1 4QU

    This month we are thinking about the environmental consequences of our food choices. With the help of Anthony Simpson, a local sustainability expert, we will be examining the emissions, water and land usage and wastage in our diets. We’re hoping to have some free low emission tasters for you to try and more songs, games and cakes.

    Sunday Assembly Reading is free to attend and runs entirely on donations. The Assembly is a secular congregation that celebrates life, meeting once a month at The Reading Irish Centre and welcomes all ages and all backgrounds.

    We can always do with help, so if you want to really feel part of our community, offer a hand or two. Either contact us now ( or arrive a bit earlier on the day and we’ll find you something fun to do.

    This Assembly is at the South Street Arts Theatre. Doors open at 10:30 with the Assembly starting at 11:00. After the assembly, we will go to a local bar or cafe.

  • Wed
    18:00 - 19:00Whitley Wood Community Centre

    Swallowfield Drive, Reading, RG2 8UH

    Come along and find out how easy (and cheap!) is it to run a street party in your neighbourhood.

    This workshop will cover the following

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food & drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    Free event, but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Thu
    19:00 - 20:30University of Reading

    Room G01, Building L022, London Road Campus, Reading, RG1 5AQ

    We all recognise how crucial reading is for children to do well at school and later on in the workplace. But what does research tell us about why it’s important, what children and young people should be reading, and what happens if they don’t read? Also what about children and young people who speak a language other than English at home?

    Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, bilingual or not, this public lecture from the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism will have something for you!

    Free admission, but please book online at to confirm your place.

  • Thu
    10:15 - 16:00RVA Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    As part of our regular Funder Presentations and Surgeries, we are partnering with Berkshire Community Foundation, The National Lottery Community, the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Arts Council.

    This event starts with a general presentation from the funders on their current funding streams at 10:15 – 11:15 followed by tea and coffee.

    Following this there is the opportunity to have a 1:1 session with the funders.

    Who should attend:

    • The presentation and surgeries are for groups and charities based in Reading who already have some experience in applying for funding.
    • At your 1:1 you will have the have the opportunity to canvas your idea. Please note that the funders cannot help you fill in the application form, but will give you general guidance and tips on applying for funding with them.

    The funders

    The National Lottery Community Fund: This is for Reaching Communities or Partnership Funding streams in excess of £10,000.

    Berkshire Community Foundation (BCF): The grant funding available at the time of this surgery will relate to the summer funding rounds provided through BCF. You can also use this appointment more generally to learn about future core funding rounds that will open later in the year so that you can prepare in advance and identify whether this is for you.

    The Heritage Lottery Fund: They fund a broad range of projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK.

    The Arts Council: Funding available from £1000 – £100,000 for projects relating to music, theatre, dance, visual arts, lterature, combined arts, museums and library arts projects.

  • Thu
    18:00 - 19:00The Warehouse (behind Wycliffe Baptist Church)

    1a Cumberland Road, Reading, RG1 3LB

    Come along and find out how easy (and cheap!) is it to run a street party in your neighbourhood.

    This workshop will cover the following

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food & drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    Free event, but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Sat
    09:00 - 12:00The Oasis

    21 Baker Street, Reading, RG1 7XT

    Celebrate great food from local producers. The Baker Street Area Neighbourhood Association hosts The Artisan Community Food Fair at The Oasis on the last Saturday of each month.

    • Various stands including high quality food, plants, organic and fairtrade coffee.
    • Free coffee and tea.
    • Also a chance to meet councillors, police, MP, fire brigade and more.

    Every time it's different with different people and traders attending.

  • Mon
    18:30 - 20:00Reading College

    King's Road, Reading, RG1 4HJ

    Free workshop run by Talking Therapies that teach strategies to support managing stress, including learning ways to manage worry, feelings of panic and sleep.

    To book a place and for more information please phone 03003 652000 or visit the website at

    Download an information flyer here

  • Tue
    10:00 - 16:00Berkshire Youth

    Watlington House, 44 Watlington Street, Reading, RG1 4RJ

    Understand the key principles of how to engage, motivate and educate young people to make informed life choices. Explore key values and attitudes in effective and meaningful work with young people and expand your toolkit of activities to enhance your work and increase impact.

    If you are new to working with young people or want to refresh on your youth work approach this training session is a great opportunity for you. Light refreshments will be provided.

    Contact details
    Phone: 02030 115995

  • Tue
    18:00 - 19:00Battle Library

    420 Oxford Road, Reading, RG30 1EE

    Come along and find out how easy (and cheap!) is it to run a street party in your neighbourhood.

    This workshop will cover the following

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food & drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    Free event, but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Thu
    18:30 - 20:00Katesgrove Children's Centre

    Elgar Road (Off Berkeley Avenue), Reading, RG2 0BN

    Come along and find out how easy (and cheap!) is it to run a street party in your neighbourhood.

    This workshop will cover the following

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food & drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    Free event, but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Sat
    14:30 - 17:00South Reading Leisure Centre

    Northumberland Avenue, Reading, RG2 8DF

    Do you have a child or young person with additional needs in your family?

    Reading Families’ Forum are holding a free information and fun day. Come along to find out about the support available to you from local and national organisations.

    • There will be stallholders from Reading Borough Council, Brighter Futures for Children, local charities, health services and many other service providers.
    • Fun activities throughout the afternoon, including Owen’s Animals, Flash Faces face painting and Circus Scene.
    • Download a flyer.

    The venue is wheel and power chair accessible and has a changing room. It is on the Emerald 5 bus route and there is free car parking.

    Reading Families’ Forum is a voice for families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

  • Sun
    15:00 - 17:30Reading Minster

    Chain Street, Reading, RG1 2HX

    In the beautiful and iconic setting of Reading Minster, Alana House will be holding a celebratory service for their 10th birthday on International Women’s Day, on Sunday 8 March.

    This year marks a decade of Alana House proudly supporting local women with a wide range of needs and the wider local community in Reading and across the Thames Valley.

    This special service will include a host of readers and performers including Reading Community Gospel Choir. There will also be refreshments and cake provided by the fabulous team of Baristas from Alana House’s community cafe.

    • Tickets are free but we do encourage donations towards Alana House’s work.
    • Places are limited so booking is essential.
    • If you have any questions please email us at
  • Tue
    14:00 - 16:00RISC Global Cafe

    35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS

    Come along and have your say. Share your views. Tell us how we can improve our services.

    This is a joint initiative with West Berkshire NHS Care Commissioning Group.

    Please contact Compass Recovery College by email at or phone on 07739 823140 if you would like to attend.

  • Tue
    18:00 - 19:30Oak Tree House

    10 Spey Road, Dee Park, Reading RG30 4DZ

    Unfortunately we have had to cancel this event because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Apologies for any inconvenience.

    RVA is pleased to add another Street Party Workshop to our 2020 roadshow – in partnership with Catalyst Housing in Dee Park.

    Local residents and community workers are invited to come along on 10 March at 6pm to Oak Tree House, 10 Spey Road, Tilehurst, to find out how to organise a street party. Street party veteran, David Neale, will be guiding us through all the things we need to think about in planning a street party in our neighbourhood – and demonstrating how to run one simply and on a tiny budget.

    Our first session on 19 February in Whitley Wood received very positive feedback and participants are now planning their summer events.

  • Wed
    19:30 - 21:30Reading International Solidarity Centre

    35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 5HL

    If we are to meet the challenges posed by the climate emergency, massive investments are required to make the transition away from fossil fuels. Further delay will make the transition more expensive and the consequences more disastrous.

    Economist John Christensen, who studied environmental policy making at the LSE, will discuss various financing mechanisms, and how fair taxation can contribute to tackling global warming. The event is free. Organised by Global Justice Reading

  • Thu
    12:30 - 16:00RVA Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Unfortunately we have had to cancel this event because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. We hope to organise another Befriending Forum soon – apologies for any inconvenience.

    For everyone who wants to take action on loneliness and social isolation in Reading. Ready Friends Befriending Forums meet quarterly and bring together local people who want to take action on loneliness and social isolation.

    You could be from an existing charity or voluntary organisation or an emerging community group or someone who’d like to make a difference in your neighbourhood.

    The March Befriending Forum will include:

    • Finding out what’s on in Reading if you don’t speak English, read English or your own language, or use the internet.
    • Reading Community Lottery.
    • Public Transport Travel Confidence project update.
    • Free networking buffet lunch, good news and notices.
  • Mon
    10:00 - 12:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    The One Reading Engagement and Participation Forum provides an opportunity for voluntary and community groups to find out about the One Reading Partnership, to highlight priorities in the community and help shape future services and policy.

    The agenda for this meeting will include:
    -An update on the Our Reading, Our Future, youth led research capturing experiences of  growing up in Reading with Charlotte Netherton-Sinclair.
    -Consultation workshop on the mental health crises service review with Yvonne Mhlanga.
    -A showcase of the Berkshire Observatory.
    -Summer holidays 2020.

    Please register to let us know you are coming: book here.

  • Thu
    10:15 - 13:00Community Place (Conference Room A)

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Funding Club is a monthly forum hosted by RVA for those who are new to making funding applications or need a refresher. It will run from March to July 2020, with a different focus each month.

    We recommend you attend all the sessions if possible to get the most out of Funding Club, as each session will build on the previous session. By the end of the series, you will have learnt what is needed when applying for small pots of funding (anything from £100 up to a maximum of £10,000).

    Who it’s for:

    • Small, mostly volunteer-led community groups who are either new to applying for funding or would like to learn/refresh their basic skills.
    • You might be a trustee or a volunteer for the community group. We suggest a maximum of two people from one organisation.

    Themes for Funding Club sessions:

    • Session 1 (19 March 2020) Getting started: Your project, budget and team
    • Session 2 (23 April 2020) Know your funder
    • Session 3 (19 May 2020) Structuring your application
    • Session 4 (11 June 2020) IT skills and online applications
    • Session 5 (7 July 2020) Reporting and showing your impact

    Please book your place for the 19 March 2020 online at Future sessions will go live for booking nearer the time. Free event.

  • Thu
    10:30 - 14:30Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality (ACRE)

    Middle Building, 344 Oxford Road, Reading, RG30 1AF

    Please note that this event has been CANCELLED.

    The Equality and Human Rights Framework – how can it work for us in real terms?

    Moving forward from our Hate Crime Forum, we invite you to come along to the Equalities Alliance Conference where we will hear in-depth testimonials and case studies, and hold discussions and feedback on the key themes identified at our Hate Crime Forum.

    • Keynote speaker: Ali Harris, Chief Executive of Equally Ours.
    • With speakers from our own Equalities Alliance members and local community: Joseph Wafula, Florah Mpanye, Sinclair Jeffrey, Saty Kaur, Nick Harborne and Aisha Malik.

    For more information or if you would like to attend please email Ritu Shankardass at or phone on 01189 510279.

  • Wed
    19:00 - 21:00The Oasis

    21 Baker Street, Reading, RG1 7XT

    As a result of public health advice about gatherings and meetings this event has been cancelled.

    The Oxford Road Safer Neighbourhood Forum brings together voluntary organisations and partners including residents, the neighbourhood police, local authorities, businesses and schools, and assists in planning local neighbourhood policing tasks, based on priorities identified by the community.

    Contact details
    Name: Richard Rowlands

  • Thu
    10:15 - 16:15Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Whether behind the scenes in an administrative roles or working directly with clients, volunteers play a vital role in supporting the work of organisations across our town. For many organisations, without the work of volunteers, it would not be possible for them to deliver the services they provide in the way they do.

    Given the central role that volunteers play in allowing organisations to achieve their objectives, it is perhaps surprising that many of those responsible for managing volunteers receive little or no specialised training.

    Content: This 1 day interactive session is designed to provide an overview of some of the key aspects to consider when involving volunteers in the work of your organisation, including:

    • First steps – a volunteer recruitment checklist.
    • Understanding volunteers’ desires – what motivates people to volunteer?
    • Standing out from the crowd – promoting your opportunities effectively.
    • Welcome aboard – integrating volunteers into your team and managing workloads.
    • Keeping it legal – exploring legal aspects of involving volunteers in your work.
    • Staying the course – keeping volunteers engaged and adapting to changing circumstances/ needs.

    This course is ideally suited to anyone who has responsibility for overseeing the work of volunteers, either as a Volunteer Manager or as part of a more wide reaching role.

    Ideal for those new to working with volunteers or for those looking for a refresher, the session will provide opportunities to put theory into practice by giving opportunities to explore your own organisation’s needs.

    The cost is £25 for a full day and includes refreshments, a light lunch and materials. Please book online at

  • Thu
    19:00 StartWeller Centre

    110 Amersham Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 5NA

    The North Reading Safer Neighbourhood Forum brings together voluntary organisations and partners including residents, the neighbourhood police, local authorities, businesses and schools, and assists in planning local neighbourhood policing tasks, based on priorities identified by the community.

  • Mon
    19:00 - 21:00John Madejski Academy

    125 Hartland Road, Reading, RG2 8AF

    We have heard that this event has now been POSTPONED - probably until the autumn.

    Redeeming Our Communities is a national charity founded in 2004 with over 200 projects throughout the UK. The charity’s main aim is to bring about community transformation by creating strategic partnerships which open up opportunities for crime and disorder reduction and improved community cohesion. This partnership approach has seen crime and anti-social behaviour fall and fresh hope brought to some of the most deprived and challenging areas of the UK, urban and rural alike.

    A ROC Conversation is a 2 hour structured community engagement event that brings together local people to celebrate all the good things happening in their community and explore practical ways of achieving more through partnership. We invite:

    • Residents
    • School and Youth representatives
    • Volunteer groups
    • Police & Fire Services
    • Faith groups
    • Councillors and MPs

    If you live, work or volunteer in Whitley and surrounding areas you are welcome to join the Conversation (but there are a limited number of available places). If you would like to register for your free place please go to:

  • Sat
    10:00 - 15:00Caversham Court Gardens

    Church Road, Caversham RG4 7AD

    Unfortunately we've had to cancel this event.

    An Econet event promoting local woodland products, plus bee and wildlife friendly gardening.

    Vegetable and ornamental plants grown by charitable organisations, and a range of beanpoles, peasticks and plant supports to grow them up for sale. Our plant supports come from locally managed coppiced woodland and willow beds and your purchase helps maintain this traditional technique.

    There are a range of activities all day including demonstrations of products using this source of traditionally managed timber. The garden kiosk is open for light refreshments.

    There will also be stalls representing a variety of local organisations including:
    -RSPB (making bird boxes, bird tables and hedgehog homes from timber offcuts)
    -BBOWT (sales and guidance on wildlife conservation)
    -FairTrade products (home made cakes and jams)
    and others.

  • Sun
    12:30 - 16:30Reading International Solidarity Centre

    35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS

    Bring along your broken items and get help to repair them. The team of volunteers will be able to help repair a wide range of items including:

    • Electronics
    • Mechanical items
    • Computers (hardware/software)
    • Toys/Furniture
    • Clothing/textiles
    • Tool sharpening

    Additionally, if you have something you are making or a craft project you are stuck with, why not bring it along and one of the repairers can give you a hand to get on the right track!

    Repair Cafe is a free event but donations are welcome to help keep it going. As well as repairs, you can pop in for a cuppa and homemade cake.

    Email if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

  • Thu
    10:15 - 13:15RVA Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    This session has been postponed in view of our offices being closed in line with government guidance. We plan to rearrange the session for after July 2020. However, in the meantime you can access online safeguarding resources and training through our Coronavirus Community Acton page, or contact

    Voluntary and community groups provide much needed services, often to those who are most vulnerable in our communities. Anyone working with Children or vulnerable adults has a duty to ensure that safer recruitment practices are in place for their volunteers and staff.

    It’s not always easy to understand just what DBS checks are needed (formerly CRB). This course will help you to gain an overview and understand what steps you should take to identify whether and to what level a DBS check is needed for your volunteers and staff.

    The workshop will cover: This is a practical workshop and you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learnt.

    • Why did we see a change from CRB to DBS and why is it important?
    • What does ‘regulated activity’ mean and how to work out whether it applies to your volunteer/staff roles.
    • The levels of DBS checks that can be requested.
    • How to complete the DBS form.
    • What is the update service, the benefits and how to sign up?
    • What if the DBS shows your volunteers or staff have a criminal record or unspent convictions?
    • Your responsibilities.
    • Help, support and advice that is available.

    Who should attend? This workshop is for anyone who works or volunteers for a voluntary and community group and is responsible for processing DBS checks, or supervises or manages others.

    Cost: The cost is £10 per person which covers refreshments and printed materials. Ticket will go on sale when ther rescheduled event is announced.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 11:15Online via Zoom

    Are you a trustee or manager of a charity or community group in Reading? Following on from our recent survey to Reading’s groups, we are launching a series of online, interactive sessions to help you with running your charity during the pandemic.

    The first session will look at Governance and Planning and cover:

    1. The role of trustees in governance and a quick recap of trustee duties.*
    2. Charity commission guidance issued to charities during the pandemic.
    3. Planning for the road ahead – what to keep doing and how to plan for various scenarios your charity might face.
    4. Break-out sessions to discuss the above with other trustees and managers.
    5. Q&A and wrap up.

    You may also like to view this free recorded webinar from NCVO that we have previously shared on a similar topic. However, don’t worry if that is not possible as we will recap salient points for you. In this session, the focus will be to give you an opportunity to discuss what is working, what are the challenges and to give scenario planning a go. So if you’re a manager or trustee of a charity or community group in Reading and wondering how to approach the road ahead, or would like to share what’s working, come along and take part.

    Please note that the session will be available for a maximum of 10 attendees to enable as much interaction as possible and we ask that a maximum of 2 people attend from one charity or community group. If there is further demand, we can hold another session.

    The session will be facilitated by Herjeet Randhawa, RVA’s Advice Worker. Herjeet has a background in Legal and Governance, and supports charities to work towards good governance as well as running the advice service and overseeing training.

    We will also be holding further sessions on other topics identified in our survey, such as adapting your services, financial planning, fundraising, buildings and risk assessments. Dates to be announced shortly.

    *Please also keep an eye out on our news page for our traditional training including trustee training, treasurer training and safeguarding.

    We look forward to seeing you on Zoom. If you are unsure on how to use Zoom, take a look at this free video tutorial and don’t worry if this will be your first Zoom session, we’ll talk you through it so you can take part.

    Please book your free place at

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online Event

    Before Covid-19, it looked like the national conversation about loneliness and social isolation had started to go a little quiet, but the current crisis has thrown it back into the spotlight.

    Community organisations across Reading have created telephone check-in chats with their members and some have transitioned to distance befriending services. The need to address loneliness in new ways that respect social distancing have created new challenges for everyone.

    At this online Befriending Forum we will look at and share our stories and ideas on the following issues:

    • What has worked well so far and what we have learnt
    • What local people facing loneliness need more of and where the gaps are
    • What local community groups need to start up or develop befriending services, and feedback on the current Ready Friends training resources
    • Mental health services – information on what’s available locally

    To book a place please click on this link:

    If you have any problems registering or finding the Zoom link, please contact Rhiannon:

  • Thu
    10:00 - 11:15Online Event

    In the second of our series of interactive Zoom sessions, we will be looking at how your charity or community group might adapt/continue to adapt your services to deliver these online due to the current restrictions on meeting in person. This session would be useful for Trustees or Managers of charities or community groups in Reading and will include an an opportunity to discuss ideas with others in the sector.

    The session will include:

    1. Introduction and governance updates.
    2. Speaker: Ruth Pearse, CEO of Parenting Special Children, on how the charity adapted its services to provide these online and the thinking that went on behind this in the team and at Board level.
    3. Speaker: David Neale from Reading Voluntary Action on top tips in using Zoom. David manages the Get Online project in Reading.
    4. Break-out sessions to discuss the above and your own ideas with other trustees and managers.
    5. Q&A with the panel and wrap up

    The session will give you plenty of time to discuss in the break-out sessions and we hope you’ll go away with some ideas and pointers on what your group may be able to do to adapt to providing services online in the mid-term.

    Please note that the session will be available for a maximum of 10 attendees to enable as much interaction as possible and we ask that a maximum of 2 people attend from one charity or community group. If there is further demand, we can hold another session.

    We look forward to seeing you on Zoom. If you are unsure on how to use Zoom, take a look at this free video tutorial and don’t worry if this will be your first Zoom session, we’ll talk you through it so you can take part.

    Please book online at

  • Tue
    14:00- 15:30Online Event

    Did you know that around 15% of the UK’s population rarely or never uses the internet? This percentage is slightly lower than that in Reading but there are still geographic areas and demographics that have remarkably low levels of internet access.

    Join us for a video conference where we’ll be discussing the digital divide in Reading and exploring innovative ways to get all the people of Reading online.

    The video conference link can be accessed directly on the day at – but we would be grateful if you could register in advance at to give us an idea of numbers.

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:30Online

    The Southbank Centre, The Local Trust and Torbay Community Development Trust will share inspiration for creatively connecting communities.
    Whether through art, music, theatre or dance, creativity and connection go hand in hand. Join this webinar to hear from Coalition members including the Southbank Centre, The Local Trust and Torbay Community Development Trust about inspiring and practical ways to use creativity and the arts to bring people together and build connections during a time of physical distancing.

    The event takes place online on 2 July, 11-12.30. More information and booking via Eventbrite.

  • Sat
    15:00 - 17:00Hexham Community Centre

    1A Bamburgh Close, Reading RG2 7UD.

    A series of community roadshows has been launched at centres around the town, for local residents to:

    -speak with organisations including Citizen’s Advice Reading, Reading Borough Council teams and many more

    -find out what is happening at the community centre

    -have a say in future activities and events at centres.

    Come along to your local community centre to give feedback on any issues in your area, get advice and support from a range of local services and have a nice tea or coffee. There is no need to book - everyone is welcome to just drop in on the day.

  • Thu
    11:00 - 14:00Online Event

    Join ACRE, Utulivu Women, Women with Vision and other grassroot communities in West Berkshire, with the support of Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, in the communities’ annual conference.

    This year’s theme is Potentializing the Communities Assets In Filling The Gaps For Sustainable Equity(All for our wellbeing). Please join to share and hear how we can collectively work together in an effort to narrow the Health Inequalities Gap.

    Download a leaflet.

  • Fri
    11:00 - 11:40Online Event

    6-week course – Fridays 11:00-11:40, 7 August to 11 September 2020

    This six-week course is divided into 6 forty-minute workshops on Zoom that will provide an introduction to yoga that is fun, relaxed and tailored to you. From the comfort of your own home we’ll explore what yoga can do for our overall wellbeing and how best to take on the physical practice for your body. Over the period of the course we will cover:

    • Breathing techniques
    • Basic yoga ‘language’ (familiarising you with terms you might commonly hear in a yoga class)
    • Basic yoga postures (e.g. child’s pose, cat/cow, savasana)
    • Mindful movements (thinking about how your body feels and how to adapt postures to suit your needs)
    • An introduction to sun salutations – a series of movements mobilising the whole body, a great yoga staple to incorporate into your daily or weekly routine
    • Balancing postures
    • Grounding and relaxation

    With small class sizes and short sessions we hope this will provide a personalised and gentle introduction to mindful yoga that encourages you to continue beyond this course.

    To book a place on the course please call 07739 823140 or email

  • Wed
    17:00 - 18:00Online via Zoom

    Campaigns such as #CharitySoWhite have challenged the sector to take a long hard look in the mirror for a while but only the ongoing worldwide anti-racism rallies have finally pushed the topic to the top of the agenda. Join this Zoom Talk to learn about how racism manifests itself in the charity sector and how we, as organisations and as individuals, can contribute to making the sector better.

    More details and booking link

  • Wed
    17:00 - 18:00Online via Zoom

    Leading a charity during a once in a lifetime global crisis is tough. Your organisation needs you more than ever at this time when, in private, you’re likely to be wrestling with the same lockdown frustrations and issues as everyone else during this pandemic. Join this Zoom Talk for a frank discussion with other charity leaders and to share your frustrations and victories, aspirations and hopes during these stressful times.

    More details and booking link

  • Mon
    17:00 - 18:00Online via Zoom

    Covid-19 has pushed many charities to the brink of an existential crisis and made efficient board communication more important than ever. With high consequence decisions to be made at pace, trustees naturally need to be more involved in the organisation; many boards hold more frequent meetings and ad hoc crisis working groups have been formed. But how much involvement is too much? How can organisations shape the board-executive crisis communication in a way that gives trustees all the information they need but doesn’t turn into an unnecessary additional burden on an already stretched executive? And when is it time to go back to a pre-crisis communication model?

    More details and booking link

  • Wed
    17:00 - 18:00Online via Zoom

    Are you tired of Zoom meetings, bored of being at home all day and just can’t wait to go back to the office? Or have you and your colleagues adapted so well to a new remote work setup that your organisation is considering giving up on a physical office space entirely in the future?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of a traditional office set up vs remote working, and can you get the best of both worlds with a more flexible approach between the two extremes?

    If you’re part of one of the many organisations that are currently reconsidering what their workspace should look like in the future, we’d love you to join us for this Zoom Talk on the future (or end) of the office.

    More details and booking link

  • Fri
    14:00 StartOnline via Teams

    Reading Borough Council has set up the Reading Covid-19 Outbreak Engagement Board to involve the public and partners in developing plans to prevent and manage a possible local Covid-19 outbreak. They want to work with local residents to support effective local action, including communication with anyone potentially affected by a local outbreak. They have published a summary of Reading’s Covid-19 Local Outbreak Response Plan and you can read it here:

    Take part in the first meeting

    • The first meeting of the Reading Covid-19 Outbreak Engagement Board will be on 4 September at 14:00 via Teams.
    • If you would like to take part, or wish to ask a question to the meeting, please email the Committee Services team (
    • You will need to register your interest in advance to receive a Teams link.
    • Please note that questions must be submitted in advance and by 18:00 on 27 August.

    The full agenda was published on the Council website on 26 August.

  • Wed
    13:00 - 14:00Online session

    All organisations, including charities and community groups, have a responsibility to safeguard the personal data of service users, staff, volunteers, contractors and anyone whose personal data they collect or use in the delivery of their services.

    This 1 hour online course will cover:

    • Data sharing and the law.
    • What does data sharing mean?
    • What is the difference between ‘systematic’, ‘ad hoc’ and ‘one off’ data sharing?
    • What factors to consider when deciding to share personal data.
    • How can you demonstrate fairness and transparency to individuals when sharing personal data about them?
    • What security considerations should you take into account before sharing personal data?
    • Data sharing agreements, what are they and when should they be used.
    • Respecting individual’s rights.
    • What to avoid.

    This is an accredited course and you will receive a certificate upon completion.

    Who should attend? Anyone who works or volunteers in a charity or community group who shares personal data with others outside of your organisation. For example if you work in partnership with other organisations or receive or make referrals to other organisation. You might be a volunteer, staff member or trustee.

    Cost: RVA has partnered with Databasix to offer a subsidised training offer to those working or volunteering for charities and community groups in Reading. The session is £10. Please book online at

  • Tue
    11:00 - 13:00Online via Zoom

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practise and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    Volunteering has been at the forefront of the response to the Covid-19 outbreak with volunteers taking on key roles in delivering community initiatives to mitigate the impact of the outbreak. This has seen existing organisations delivering new services as well as transforming existing ones. It has also seen new forms of social action take shape to address community needs.

    Volunteering has probably never been more prominent and we have a unique opportunity to help turn those mobilised in the face of an international crisis into the regular core of the volunteering workforce for years to come. We also know that many of those who have come forward during the crises may be feeling demotivated having been underutilised up to this point.

    This first VCN to be held since the outbreak is designed to provide an opportunity for us to come together to take stock of the way volunteering has changed in the past few months, draw out any lessons to be learned and to look forward to the challenges and opportunities in involving volunteers in our work in the months and years to come.

    Please register via the button below and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course.

    Register Here

  • Thu
    10:00 - 11:30Online via Zoom

    Please join us on 24 September 2020 for our AGM, where we’ll discuss the successes and challenges of the last 12 months, and how we see the next 12 progressing.

    We welcome you all, in order to receive the meeting invite please call 0118 956 0050 or contact

    We look forward to (virtually) seeing you there.

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:00Online

    Are you looking for a job in the care sector, or are you interested in a career in caring? Join this online job fair to find out more. The event is organised by the National Careers Service.

    To take part please email You can download a poster with more information here.

    For further support please visit
    or call 0800 100 900 to speak to a professional careers adviser (8am-10pm daily).

  • Thu
    12:50 - 14:30Online via Zoom

    Our quarterly Ready Friends Befriending Forums are for anyone in Reading taking action on loneliness and social isolation.

    Even during lockdown and this shaky period of ‘lockdown-easing’, hundreds of Reading’s voluntary and community groups have shone brightly, quickly moving their activities and support online and over the telephone to help the most vulnerable, who have been isolated and often lonely. But, what if you don’t speak English, or read in your own language – or you can’t use the internet?

    At this Befriending Forum, we will hear from Reading Community Learning Centre and other local groups supporting people who speak other languages and we’ll identify the challenges and opportunities for improving access for everyone in Reading to the amazing variety of community support and activity.

    Please join us on Zoom at 13:00 on Thursday September 24.

    Please book on eventbrite using the link below, where you will also find the Zoom link and guidance for using Zoom:

  • Mon
    19:00 - 20:00Online Event

    An environmental critique of the draft Reading Transport Strategy and its approach to carbon, congestion and clean air.

    "Making the polluters pay" can reduce traffic and fund improved and cheaper bus services and new cycling infrastructure.

    Workshop Speaker: John Booth

    Please sign up to this online event at to gain access to the Zoom webinar link.

  • Tue
    19:30 - 20:30Zoom webinar - Reading Climate Action Network

    Consultation has finished, the Plan is finalised, and now we need to implement it. After a brief introduction to the overall goals from our Chair, some of our theme leads will look at some of the community actions in more detail and be ready to answer your questions.

    We'll cover the new Reading hydro scheme, reducing consumption of "stuff" and providing a better town meal to the non-human Reading residents!

    Workshop speaker: Trish Marcouse

    Please sign up to this online event at to gain access to the Zoom webinar link.

  • Thu
    19:00- 20:00Online Event - University of Reading

    Discover the causes and impact of food loss and food waste, the effect of common retail practices on food loss and reflect on your personal contribution to the problem. Explore the potential of the waste hierarchy and the circular economy providing a framework for solutions to this issue.

    Through this interactive workshop, discover innovations such as upcycled food and hear from companies that are making a difference. Gain practical ideas on reducing food waste at home and how to be an agent of change on a personal, community, and national level.

    Workshop speaker: Simona Grasso

    Please sign up to this online event at to gain access to the Zoom webinar link.

  • Fri
    19:00 - 20:00Online Event - Global Justice Reading

    The proposed trade deal with the US is not just about a few iconic products. US food standards are radically different to Britain’s; US agriculture is dominated by massive corporations with intensive use of antibiotics, hormones and steroids.

    Why do we need this trade deal? We already trade with the US and experts say that this would have very little impact on our economy. The most optimistic estimates predict it could bring a fraction of a percent growth after 15 years!

    We could still stop this dangerous deal going ahead but what can we do? Join this session to find out.

    Workshop Speaker: Jackie Oversby

    Please sign up to this online event at to gain access to the Zoom webinar link.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 12:00Online

    This seated exercise session will be a reoccurring online event that runs for one hour each time. Anyone can practise at home and it’s free for all. For more details and to take part please phone Krishna on 07504 009949 or email

    This event is run by IRDC, which has has received a small grant from Reading Borough Council to run seated exercise, yoga, and gardening activities. IRDC has been working for the interest of local communities in the Greater Reading area since 2013.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 16:00Online

    If you love food, enjoy spending time with family and want to learn about how you can eat more sustainably, then you will definitely want to join us for this year’s Reading annual celebration of locally grown and healthy food on Saturday 3 October. You can sign up now.

    We can enjoy the day together (albeit from our own households) with recipe cards, online workshops, Kahoot quizzes and much, much more. We are even hoping to broadcast live from Forbury Gardens on the day to help connect us all.

    Not only will we deliver exclusive town meal inspired recipe cards direct to your doorstep, there will also be a live cook-along to follow and surplus fruit and vegetables made available from our stall in Forbury for you to collect, take home and add to your town meal inspired recipes.

    Our online workshops will feature topics including how to tackle food waste, sustainable food growing methods and climate change.

    If you would like to help and support the running of this year’s socially distanced town meal there are volunteer roles to suit everyone’s skill set, ranging from donating fruit and vegetables, delivering recipe cards to households, helping us to publicise the event and much more.

    For more information about the Reading Town Meal visit the website or Facebook page, call 0118 958 6692 or visit our Facebook page for the latest event announcements.

  • Sat
    15:00 - 16:00Online Event

    A presentation and discussion with members of Compassion in World Farming, the leading farm animal welfare charity.

    This talk is for you if you are not ready to go vegan but care about animal welfare, environmental destruction, the climate crisis and your health.

    • Learn how the choices you make effect all of these and how you can make better ones.
    • Share your views and pick up some ideas.
    • Find out what the strange and confusing words and logos on food labels actually mean.

    We promise not to bully you or show horrible pictures of animals in pain, so don’t be afraid to join us. Suitable for adults and children of all ages.

    Please register at to gain access to the Zoom webinar link.

  • Mon
    11:00 - 12:00Online

    Have you been inspired to volunteer but don’t know where to start? Not sure what opportunity is right for you and how to go about finding it?

    This session will provide you with a general introduction to volunteering, we will:

    -look at the reasons people volunteer
    -consider how to decide what opportunity is right for you
    -explore some examples of different types of volunteering opportunity
    -discuss the kind of support and training you can expect when volunteering
    -identify how to go about taking your first steps into volunteering

    In addition to these general areas, we will also explore specific local opportunities to volunteer and access further training to prepare you for future volunteering roles.

    There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you have about volunteering.

    Sign up by completing this form.

  • Wed
    22:30Online Event

    Are you job-hunting? Do you know someone who is?
    Join Connect Reading for an opportunity to hear others share experiences and resources.

    The pandemic has had a huge impact on many people’s employment status. From the Jobseeker’s Perspective is an event for those looking for work and those supporting jobseekers. We’ll hear from Connect Reading members with experience of career change, bouncing back from redundancy and helping individuals become work-ready. Sessions will include topics such as interview techniques, CV writing and overcoming barriers.


    • 10:00: welcome and intro
    • 10:00–11:40: speaker presentations and interview with opportunities for Q&As
    • 11.40–12:00: Q&A and time for discussion
    • 12:00: Closing remarks

    Speakers include

    • Claire Brown from Claire Brown Coaching and Consulting
    • Sam Lloyd from Starting Point
    • Hazel Graft and Anna Aprea from Graft Thames Valley
    • Rhiannon Stocking-Williams and Anna Chapman from RVA
    • Sue Brackley from Reading UK CIC
    • Jane Padwick from SmartWorks
    • Sebastian Evans from Adviza

    Tickets are free, but please book via to confirm your place.

  • Wed
    10:30 - 12:30Online Event

    We can’t meet face-to-face yet, but we can still get together to cook some healthy, delicious, quick and easy recipes online

    • 6 sessions beginning Wednesday 4 November, 10:30-12:30.
    • You need to download the Zoom app onto the device you’re going to use and have an email address.

    Step 1: book yourself a place by emailing or ringing 0118 958 6692.
    Step 2: you’ll receive the recipes and Zoom invite by email a week before the course, or find the recipes on the Food4families Cookery Blog.
    Step 3: buy the ingredients.
    Step 4: log on to the Zoom invite to take part.

    Download a leaflet here

  • Fri
    13:00 - 14:00Online Event

    Have you thought about volunteering and wondering if Trusteeship is for you? Join us for a friendly Q&A on the final day of Trustees’ Week and ask your burning questions:

    • What do trustees do?
    • What are they responsible for?
    • How do you become one?
    • What opportunities are available locally?
    • How do I know if a charity is for me?
    • What experience do I need?

    This is a lunchtime session so do feel free to bring your lunch and a cuppa. The session will be delivered by Steve Hendry, Volunteering Development Manager and Herjeet Randhawa, Advice Service Manager, both of whom have considerable experience of supporting volunteers, charities and trustees in Reading.

    Find out more about Trustees’ Week 2020 here.

    Please register for the session on Eventbrite.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 11:30Online Event

    We would be delighted if you can join us for our Members’ Meeting and AGM – via Zoom, of course. We’ll be sharing RVA’s plans for the winter and hearing from members and partners about the support you need over the coming months. We look forward to welcoming you.

    • Please register via Eventbrite to let us know you will be attending.
    • The Zoom link will be emailed to registered attendees nearer the time.
    • Please let us know if you have any access requirements when you register.

    Nominate someone to the RVA Board of Trustees
    To nominate someone to become an RVA trustee, complete and return the nomination form by midnight on Thursday 5 November 2020. Organisations making nominations to the board must be RVA members.

    For all the latest updates from us and across the sector, subscribe to RVA's weekly newsletter.

  • Tue
    19:00 - 20:30Online Event

    Dear members, service users, volunteers, supporters, donors and staff members. You are warmly invited to attend our short formal AGM meeting and updates on our projects.

    There will be a formal meeting, followed by a service user testimony and addresses from RRSG patron Olivia Graham, Bishop of Reading, and the High Sheriff of Berkshire, Mary Riall.

    We particularly welcome all of our clients, past and present.

    Please register online on Eventbrite.

  • Tue
    17:30 - 18:00Online Event

    Dear Friends of RCLC,

    You are warmly invited to our 13th Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 1 December 2020, from 17:30 – 18:00, via Zoom.

    The AGM is a great opportunity to hear about our activities and celebrate our achievements over the past 12 months. We’d also like to hear your views on our work as we plan for the year ahead. If you have any questions which you would like to ask the board at the AGM please email your questions in advance of the board meeting to Aisha Malik on

    Members of Reading Community Learning Centre will be able to vote in the Trustee elections and other formal business via Zoom. Membership is open to everyone. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please contact Petra Robinson on She will be able to email you a membership form.

    Please confirm your attendance at our AGM by Monday 23 November 2020. You can reserve your place by contacting Petra Robinson, Centre Administrator on:

    Phone: 07923 138681

    Once you have confirmed your booking Petra Robinson will email you the zoom link to join the AGM meeting, the board profiles and the annual report.

    We look forward to seeing you.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online via Zoom

    Join us on Zoom for the next quarterly Ready Friends Befriending Forum on 3 December from 1pm.

    As well as a great networking opportunity for Reading’s local community groups and organisations, you’ll find out about recent local and national developments that can help us take action on loneliness and social isolation.

    The Psychology of Loneliness

    Ready Friends is delighted to announce that Dr Kalpa Kharicha, Head of Innovation, Policy and Research from the Campaign to End Loneliness will be our keynote speaker, presenting ground breaking new research into the psychology of loneliness and the new CTEL training programme.

    Winter Wellness Programme

    We will also hear about the 2020/21 Winter Wellness Programme which provides essential information on what support, events and activities are available in Reading for people facing loneliness or needing a range of other kinds of help with shopping, advice, prescriptions, transport and household essentials.

    Please book your place at or contact Rhiannon if you have any difficulties with booking at

  • Thu
    10:00 - 12:00Online via Zoom

    Come and enjoy some Christmas cheer in the relaxed, informal environment of Age UK Berkshire’s next online café for older people.

    Just like our previous Virtual Cafés, this online event will be run on video-calling platform Zoom and will be a chance to have a natter with old friends as well as chat to new ones. Don’t forget to bring a cuppa – and even a mince pie if you’re ready to get into that festive spirit!

    To join this event you must register beforehand on Eventbrite at

  • Wed
    11:30 - 12:30Online via Zoom

    Have you been inspired to volunteer but don’t know where to start? Not sure what opportunity is right for you and how to go about finding it?

    This session will provide you with a general introduction to volunteering, we will:

    • Look at the reasons people volunteer.
    • Consider how to decide what opportunity is right for you.
    • Explore some examples of different types of volunteering opportunity.
    • Discuss the kind of support and training you can expect when volunteering.
    • Identify how to go about taking your first steps into volunteering.

    In addition to these general areas, we will also explore specific local opportunities to volunteer and access further training to prepare you for future volunteering roles.

    There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you have about volunteering.

    Sign-up by completing the form found via the button below

    Register Here

  • Wed
    15:00 - 16:00Online via Zoom

    In this Zoom session, we will explore how volunteering can play a role in helping you in your journey towards employment.

    Whether seeking to return to the workplace following a break, looking for your first job or seeking to transfer into a new field, the right volunteering role can prove to be a valuable asset in successfully securing employment.

    After a brief general introduction to volunteering, the session will outline how volunteering can make a difference to your job search, from building confidence and demonstrating soft skills to standing out from the crowd and building your network.

    We will then explore how RVA can help you to identify the right role and other services available to support you into employment.

    Sign up at HERE to secure your place

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:00Online via Zoom

    In this Zoom session, we will explore how the right volunteering role can play a part in helping to enhance your sense of wellbeing.

    Whether seeking to return to the workplace following a break, looking for your first job or seeking to transfer into a new field, the right volunteering role can prove to be a valuable asset in successfully securing employment.

    Studies suggest that those who volunteer can benefit from a boost to their own wellbeing. This boost can result in an increased sense of happiness and life satisfaction and a reduction in feelings of depression and anxiety.

    After a brief general introduction to volunteering, the session will outline how volunteering can provide you with a unique gateway to accessing the five ways to wellbeing:

    • Give
    • Keep Learning
    • Stay Active
    • Connect
    • Take Notice

    We will then explore how RVA can help you to identify the right role and other services available to support your journey towards wellbeing.

    Sign up HERE to secure your place

  • Thu
    19:00 - 20:30Online

    This is one of a series of talks by Time to Talk West Berkshire and is aimed at those living with or supporting a child or young person and draws upon our collective knowledge and experience of working with this age group. These are not ‘how to parent’ talks but rather a guide to both increase understanding and knowledge as well as provide some practical strategies for supporting both you and your child. The talks are designed to work as a complete series and as such do lead on from each other but you can also attend single talks if preferred.

    This talk will look at why the adolescent years can be so challenging for children and young people and the people who support them. Drawing on psychology, neuroscience and experience, this session will give a behind the scenes perspective of what lies behind the behaviours we can see on the surface.

    Tickets £5. Book your place via Eventbrite.

  • Tue
    19:00 - 20:00Online

    Steve Silberman is the award-winning author of Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity. He’ll be in conversation with Cos Michael, who recently gave an entertaining and informative talk for AutAngel on Autism and Ageing. There will be Q&As following the interview.

    Neurotribes by Steve Silberman explores in fascinating, near-encyclopaedic depth how autism has evolved. It’s a gripping narrative written with journalistic verve.” The Guardian

    The interviewer: Cos Michael got her autism diagnosis aged 50 and advocates for more knowledge about autism and ageing. She spent several years leading NAS Autism and Ageing projects, and now works as an autism and ageing consultant and trainer. Cos speaks at conferences in the UK and abroad.

    Please join us for what promises to be a fascinating interview and Q&A session. Tickets are available on a donation basis, from £1.

    Please go to to book a place.

  • Tue
    14:00 - 14:45Online event

    Berkshire Vision are a local charity who offer vital practical support and activities to adults and children with visual impairment.

    We are offering a training session on Sight Loss and Eye Health and this is now open to the general public. This takes the form of an informative video by our trustee Jane Veys, who is an optometrist, and an opportunity for comments afterwards.

    The training lasts approximately 45 minutes and is free. Anyone can book onto our sessions by emailing

    We look forward to welcoming you.

  • Thu
    19:00 - 20:30Online

    This is one of a series of talks by Time to Talk West Berkshire and is aimed at those living with or supporting a child or young person and draws upon our collective knowledge and experience of working with this age group. These are not “how to parent” talks but rather a guide to both increase understanding and knowledge as well as provide some practical strategies for supporting both you and your child. The talks are designed to work as a complete series and as such do lead on from each other but you can also attend single talks if preferred.

    Very often big emotions can lie behind all kinds of challenging behaviours including self harm, anger and withdrawal. Leading on from the previous session, this talk will offer different strategies for regulating and managing big emotions both in children and young people and those supporting them.

    Tickets £5. Book your place via Eventbrite.

  • Thu
    19:00 - 20:30Online

    This is one of a series of talks by Time to Talk West Berkshire and is aimed at those living with or supporting a child or young person and draws upon our collective knowledge and experience of working with this age group. These are not ‘how to parent’ talks but rather a guide to both increase understanding and knowledge as well as provide some practical strategies for supporting both you and your child. The talks are designed to work as a complete series and as such do lead on from each other but you can also attend single talks if preferred.

    Being a parent/carer is not easy and very often, self care falls down our list of priorities. However, self care is an essential part of coping and is a valuable tool in maintaining our emotional and mental wellbeing. Children and young people learn a lot from watching the adults around them and self care is no different . By looking after ourselves, we can help those around us look after themselves. This talk will look at why we often overlook self care as a coping strategy and how we can work out our own ways to incorporate self care into busy lifestyles.

    Tickets £5. Book your place via Eventbrite.

  • Wed
    18:30 - 19:15Online event

    Berkshire Vision are a local charity who offer vital practical support and activities to adults and children with visual impairment.

    We are offering a training session on Sight Loss and Eye Health and this is now open to the general public. This takes the form of an informative video by our trustee Jane Veys, who is an optometrist, and an opportunity for comments afterwards.

    The training lasts approximately 45 minutes and is free. Anyone can book onto our sessions by emailing

    We look forward to welcoming you.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online

    The right services at the right time - Reading is blessed with so many activities and services yet still many people don’t know about them. Frontline volunteers can often spot the need but feel confused or anxious about the next steps. This forum will focus on supporting people to find the services and events that are just right for them. From starting the conversation to making the referral.

    What is social prescribing and how do people access it? Hear from RVA’s Social Prescribers about their work and the kinds of community groups and organisations they often refer and signpost people to.

    Useful guides – RVA Directory; Reading Services Guide; using Google
    What’s the difference between signposting and referral?
    What training do my volunteers need?
    Helpful questions to ask people and how to ask them.

    PLUS – all the usual news, funding updates and networking opportunities.

    Please click on this link to book.

  • Tue
    18:00 - 19:00Online event

    Kate Fox is a writer, broadcaster and performer. She sometimes refers to herself as a ‘stand up poet’. She’s also a late-diagnosed autistic. She’ll be in conversation with fellow late-diagnosed Cos Michael, and they’ll be talking poetry, performance and autism.

    There will be Q&As following the conversation.

    Please join us for what promises to be a fascinating conversation and Q&A session!

    Tickets are available on a donation basis. Please go to to book a place.

  • Wed
    11:00 - 12:30Online via Zoom

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practise and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    Volunteering has been at the forefront of the response to the Covid-19 outbreak with volunteers taking on key roles in delivering community initiatives to mitigate the impact of the outbreak. From the work that volunteers have undertaken during the vaccine rollout and in support of community testing, it is clear that volunteers will be vital in our post-pandemic recovery.

    This session will provide a forum to share experiences of using volunteers during the outbreak and to explore the challenges and opportunities volunteer-involving organisations may face in the coming 12 months and beyond. We will also explore the role that volunteering itself may play in helping individuals recover and thrive following the health, social and economic impacts of the pandemic.

    Please register online here - further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 10:45Online event

    Berkshire Vision are a local charity who offer vital practical support and activities to adults and children with visual impairment.

    We are offering a training session on Sight Loss and Eye Health and this is now open to the general public. This takes the form of an informative video by our trustee Jane Veys, who is an optometrist, and an opportunity for comments afterwards.

    The training lasts approximately 45 minutes and is free. Anyone can book onto our sessions by emailing

    We look forward to welcoming you.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 12:00Online event

    Join Berkshire Community Foundation for their next Community Focus event, for smaller charities and community groups with annual incomes of up to £25,000.

    They will be focusing on the journey of a grant application: from the application process and what funders look for, to financial due diligence, monitoring and reporting, through to how to create compelling stories and case studies.

    They’ll also share an update from BCF: what they have been up to so far in 2021, as well as key dates and milestones to look out for in the rest of the year.

    The free event will be online and hosted on Zoom.

    Follow the link below for more details and to register:

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:30Online Event

    Are you a volunteer-led, small group that’s embedded in your community? Do you want to find out more about funding, governance, publicising your work and developing your group? Are you keen to network and share with other small groups?

    If yes, then you are warmly invited to join the Small Groups Learn and Share Network, which brings together Reading’s small and emerging community groups to learn, share and grow stronger together.

    Please join us on 20 May, from 11:00 - 12:30, for the first Network event - The theme for this one will be Preparing for Life After Lockdown. We will look at the current government guidance; the experience of local services already providing face to face activity – and, of course, there will be lots of opportunity to network, share your own stories and challenges and to get updates on funding opportunities, events and local community news.

    Please go to to book a place.

  • Tue
    14:00 - 15:00Online via Zoom

    Get Berkshire Active are offering a free ‘Helping people become more physically active’ workshop on Tuesday 8th June to enhance individuals skills to encourage behaviour change and support people affected by the pandemic.

    Being physically active has never been more important. We all play a role in encouraging and empowering others to become active whether that's through signposting to resources, talking about the benefits, or simply encouragement.

    The workshop will cover:
    -Benefits of being physically active
    -National guidelines and practical tips
    -Key signposting resources – including local opportunities in Reading
    -How to have positive conversations about being more active
    -NEW – a 1-to-1 advice service available for older adults who have been inactive during COVID-19 and need support (pilot)

    All attendees will take away a free digital resource pack, CPD certificate and find out how to access further free training available such as Making Every Contact Count.

    Free event but please register at to confirm your place.

    For more information contact:

  • Thu
    13:30 - 14:30Online via Zoom

    This training provides some key demographic information for Reading when planning for needs and services and introduces how we can all all contribute to inclusion personally and in our organisations.

    If you are thinking about inclusion in your organisation, have started the journey or would like to know where to go next, this training can support you.

    There are up to two places per organisation available to allow for further discussion and development in your organisation after this training. lt will be held via Zoom, and will be led by Azra Raja, RVA’s Inclusion and Development Worker. A meeting link will be circulated to registered attendees closer to the time.

    Free registration via this Eventbrite link:

  • Sat
    11:00 - 17:00River Kennet & Reading Abbey

    Water Fest is Reading’s largest free town centre-based community event. It will feature an exciting mix of arts, culture and heritage, through live and digital performances, activities and workshops. The Abbey’s illustrious history will be brought to life with the Forbury Civil War Camp and Medieval Village where people can experience the sounds and smells of the Quarter’s history.

    2021 is an incredibly auspicious year for Reading - marking 900 years since Reading Abbey, originally one of Europe’s largest royal monasteries, was founded by King Henry I of EnglandReading Water Fest will be the focal celebration event for this landmark year.

    This accessible one-day event will take place on Saturday 19 June between 11am and 5pm, within the Forbury Gardens, Abbey Ruins and along the River Kennet, celebrating the Abbey’s rich 900-year history and its environmental and heritage connections with Reading’s waterways.

    Please note that because of the pandemic admission is by ticket only this year. Details on how to book a free ticket at this event are on What’s On Reading. A range of online activities will also be on offer to complement the live event.

  • Thu
    11:00 Start Online event

    Award-winning charity Smart Works Reading has partnered with major local employer PepsiCo to run a free employment advice webinar for female job seekers.

    The pandemic’s disproportionally negative effect on women’s livelihoods has shown that Smart Works Reading is needed now more than ever. Women are more likely to be in more vulnerable, lower paid jobs while juggling work with caring responsibilities. Smart Works Reading’s free employment advice and dressing service gives women the skills and confidence they need to excel at interview and transform their lives.

    The webinar is on 24 June. Join and find out how to:

    • Write a CV that will get you noticed
    • Prepare for your interview
    • Impress your interviewer
    • Ask for and learn from employer feedback
    • Record an effective video interview

    All attendees that complete a subsequent, free career coaching appointment with Smart Works Reading will also get the opportunity to record a mock video interview and receive feedback from PepsiCo’s HR team.

    The webinar is open to female-identifying job seekers living in the Thames Valley. Book for free via Eventbrite.

  • Wed
    10:30 - 12:15Online

    This free online workshop will give attendees increased confidence and skills to organise and deliver community-based projects to be more active. During the session, delivered by Get Berkshire Active, you will learn all you need to know about setting up and safely running new, or existing, physical activity sessions post lockdown for your community or local area.

    The webinar will provide you with skills that cover:

    -Risk assessing the community building or space you are hiring to safely run your activity in.
    -Ensuring that you understand and comply with safeguarding and licensing requirements.
    -Ideas on how to successfully promote and market your activity to the local community.
    -Understand economies of fees and budgeting.
    -How to successfully gather feedback from attendees and use this to develop long-term sustainability.

    This training is aimed at individuals or groups that either already run physical activity sessions but would like to know more about ensuring that they are efficiently and safely run or a refresh post lockdown, and
    individuals or groups that would like to set up a new activity locally and would like some advice and guidance regarding how best to do this.

    This event is free, but please register via Eventbrite.

  • Tue
    17:15 - 19:45Online via Zoom

    Following our well attended session in March, we’re holding another online Trustee Training session. These sessions have been adapted to take place via Zoom but you will still have the opportunity to interact with fellow trustees in the sector.

    Trustees play an essential role in our society, making our charity sector work. It’s a hugely rewarding role but it’s not always easy to get all the information you require to be sure you are carrying out your role as effectively as possible. This training will help give you an overview of what’s expected of trustees as well as providing a networking opportunity with your fellow trustees from the area.

    Outcomes of this training are:

    • To better understand your role and legal responsibilities as a trustee
    • To understand how this role fits with other roles in the charity
    • To understand your reporting responsibilities
    • To know where to go for help and support
    • To feel confident in being an active member of your Board/Committee and helping to achieve your charities purposes

    To achieve this we will cover:

    • Introduction: ‘Trustee’, ‘Charity’ and legal structures
    • Trustee roles and responsibilities: 6 Main Legal Duties
    • Policies and Procedures: Which ones? Why do they matter?
    • Accounting & Reporting – the essentials
    • Essential resources and links to help you on your way (Tools)

    The training is suitable for new and existing trustees. In some small community groups you may refer to yourselves as the Committee. If you have overall responsibility for your community group, then this course is for you.

    Places are limited to a maximum of 4 people from one organisation to ensure you have the opportunity to interact with trustees from other organisations too. If you wish to book more than 4 places please contact us in advance. We hold these sessions quarterly.

    Please book online at The cost is £10. Further registration details and meeting link will be circulated nearer the time.

    Contact details
    Phone: 01189 372273

  • Tue

    There are lots of ways to be efficient with your energy use. Join us and expand your knowledge on ways and means to make cost savings on electricity and gas and to keep your home as warm as possible. This event is presented by Citizens Advice Reading in association with Step Energy.

    • Check out our price comparison site
    • Understand your bill and know what you are currently paying for
    • Learn behaviours that will help to beat the bills
    • Check out our videos to see how to make changes
    • Complete our online mini training course – and get a free energy saving device –

    Join us on line and we’ll take you through ways to achieve energy equilibrium.

    Send an email for registration to and you’ll be sent a link for the online group or register via Eventbrite using the following link:

    If you need energy advice from our specialist adviser, please contact us:
    Phone: 0118 214 4895

  • Thu
    12:00 - 14:00Online via Zoom

    Introducing RVA's first Social Prescribing Forum! This will be a chance to find out more about:

    • RVA’s expanded Social Prescribing service and meet the team.
    • Wild Being – a project by RVA and partners to boost the local Social Prescribing offer – awarded £50K from the Thriving Communities Fund.
    • The range of community activities and support available across Reading, and how your organisation can feature in our directories for each area.

    This event will rake place on Zoom - please register via Eventbite to participate.

  • Sun
    15:00 - 18:00KIng's Meadow

    92 Napier Rd, Reading, RG1 8AB

    Reading Interfaith Group would like to celebrate this opportunity to strengthen our ties as a community. We have all been through a challenging time. Many of us have experienced illness, bereavement, isolation, uncertainty and fear. We have learned to make sacrifices and appreciate nature, whilst valuing family and friends even more.

    25th July is St James day. 900 years after the founding of Reading Abbey we can be honest about the challenges life can sometimes bring, united as a community and ready to support each other.

    Please bring your own food, drink, hand sanitiser and appropriate activities to share.

    All ages welcome, children accompanied by a responsible adult and well-behaved dogs on a lead.

  • Thu
    17:00 - 22:00Path Hill Farm House

    Goring Heath, Reading RG8 7RE.

    A solidarity fundraiser for Reading Red Kitchen and Growing Solidarity
    A chance to spend time in nature and in community!

    There will be music, games, talks, hemp burgers, foraged drinks and more!

    We are raising funds to support our work in the city during the crisis. We aim to continue this work in the city and at the farm as lockdown eases. Your donations go towards transport costs, and materials and a little goes a long way!

    Growing Solidarity is a collaborative project that aims to build resilience in and across communities.

    Got a few extra coins rattling around your bank account? Growing Solidarity is our community outreach project, aiming to connect refugees and marginalised groups with nature through supporting them to grow their own food. So those extra coins could become seeds, planters, squash, cabbages… All those good things.

    Please donate to Buckets will also be jangling on the night! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions - email or call us on 07720 541341.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online event

    How does our built environment affect whether we feel included and socially connected or lonely and isolated?

    Have your say in the current consultation on Reading’s town centre and ensure that future developments redesigns have a positive effect on all people at risk of loneliness and isolation.

    Plus all the usual networking opportunities, funding and service updates.

    Free event, please use the link below to book your place:

  • Sat
    12:00 - 16:00Forbury Gardens

    Reading, RG1 3BB

    The biggest ‘picnic in the park’ returns to Reading (Covid permitting). It brings together food, music, community stalls, workshops and local producers. It’s a fantastic celebration of local food sustainability.

    You can be part of this by volunteering or growing produce (see details on the website). Or just come along to enjoy food prepared and served by Reading College catering students, made from locally grown fruit and vegetables.

    Don’t miss out! Reading Town Meal helps to make Reading a special place.


  • Tue
    11:00 - 12:30Online event

    Are you a volunteer-led, small group that’s embedded in your community? Do you want to find out more about funding, training, governance, publicising your work and developing your group? Are you keen to network and share with other small groups?

    If yes, then you are warmly invited to join the Small Groups Learn and Share Network, which brings together Reading’s small and emerging community groups to learn, share and grow stronger together.

    Please join us on September 28 from 11:00-12.30 for the next Network event, which will include:

    • Sharing our experience of post-pandemic reopening services and events.
    • Hearing about an exciting new funding opportunity to co-design and deliver mental health and wellbeing workshops for your communities.
    • Funding session.
    • Lots of opportunity to network, share your own stories and challenges and to get information on training, events and local community news.

    Free event, but please use the link below to register your place:

  • Wed
    11:00 - 12:30Online via Zoom

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practise and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    Please register via the button below and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course.

    Register Here

  • Thu
    14:00 – 15:30Online event

    NAVCA is delighted to be hosting free workshops for its members on ‘How to create a culture of inclusion and become an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Ally’.

    These workshops will be led by Gamiel Yafai – Managing Director and Founder of Diversity Marketplace.

    We encourage all staff, volunteers and trustees of our member organisations to come and experience this highly engaging and thought-provoking interactive event. We will be using Mentimeter to gain your insights as well sharing Gamiel’s 21 years of being an EDI strategist.

    The next workshop will be held online on Thursday 14 October. Please register via

    Please note: although it’s all about inclusivity, we regret that this event is only for staff, trustees and volunteers from NAVCA’s member organisations. The good news is that representatives of RVA member organisations can attend provided they state that they have been referred by a NACVA member. On the online booking form, they will be asked to declare that RVA has referred them.

  • Wed
    09:30 - 12:30Online

    RVA is delighted to be co-hosting a free online Members’ Assembly with NCVO. This event is aimed at staff and trustees from NCVO members in and around Reading. Non-member organisations in the area are also welcome. Join us to:

    • Hear the latest on public policy and other current issues facing the sector, and how NCVO is working on these
    • Meet and network with other voluntary organisations in Reading and the surrounding area
    • Share best practice, experiences and ideas.

    There will be two short presentations, followed by opportunities for discussion.

    Rebalancing the relationship
    In 2018, NCVO, ACEVO and Lloyds Bank Foundation launched a project to address competition and collaboration, particularly between organisations of different sizes delivering public services. The findings from this project and considerations for practice are laid out within the Rebalancing the Relationship report. By building awareness and highlighting good practice, this report aims to encourage organisations to work in a more collaborative way. At our Members’ Assembly we will explore the findings of the Rebalancing the Relationship report with voluntary organisations in Reading and the surrounding area.
    Co-producing local knowledge to achieve change

    Reading Voluntary Action and local voluntary and community sector organisations currently work with the University of Reading’s Participation Lab on community-led research into a range of issues, including the impact of covid-19 on health inequalities, the experience of growing up in Reading and how Reading town centre can be made more inclusive. Dr Sally Lloyd-Evans, Leader of the Participation Lab and Public Engagement with Community Research Fellow, joins us to discuss the benefits of co-producing local knowledge to achieve change in any community and locality.

    Book your free place for this online event via the NCVO website here.

  • Thu
    18:00 - 20:30Reading Borough Council Chamber

    Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU

    The Equalities Alliance in partnership with Reading University Student’s Community Champions are hosting a conference on the theme “Do Black Lives Matter?”

    The UK Government commissioned a report in response to BLM concerns which surmised “There was anecdotal evidence of racism, there was no proof there was “institutional racism” in Britain” – Chair, Commission on Race & Ethnic Disparities

    Join the debate on Thursday 21 October in Reading Borough Council Chamber. Spaces are limited to 50 but event will be broadcast live. Details to follow.

    Registration: To express interest please email

    Download a poster for this event here

  • Tue
    17:15 - 19:45Online event

    Trustees play an essential role in our society, making our charity sector work. It’s a hugely rewarding role but it’s not always easy to get all the information you require to be sure you are carrying out your role as effectively as possible. This training will help give you an overview of what’s expected of trustees as well as providing a networking opportunity with your fellow trustees from the area.

    Outcomes of this training are:

    • To better understand your role and legal responsibilities as a trustee
    • To understand how this role fits with other roles in the charity
    • To understand your reporting responsibilities
    • To know where to go for help and support
    • To feel confident in being an active member of your Board/Committee and helping to achieve your charities purposes!

    To achieve this we will cover:

    • Introduction: ‘Trustee’, ‘Charity’ and legal structures
    • Trustee roles and responsibilities: 6 Main Legal Duties
    • Policies and Procedures: Which ones? Why do they matter?
    • Accounting & Reporting – the essentials
    • Essential resources and links to help you on your way (Tools)

    The training is suitable for new and existing trustees. In some small community groups you may refer to yourselves as the Committee. If you have overall responsibility for your community group, then this course is for you.

    Places are limited to a maximum of 4 people from one organisation to ensure you have the opportunity to interact with trustees from other organisations too. If you wish to book more than 4 places please contact us in advance. We hold these sessions quarterly.

    Due to popular demand and for ease of access, this will take place online from 17:15 – 19:45 with a short comfort break in the middle.

    The cost is £10. Please book online at or contact if you have any questions.

  • Tue
    19:00 - 21:00Argyle Community Centre

    Argyle Road, Reading, RG1 7YL

    Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) is a national charity aiming to bring communities together to make them safer. Join us for a community engagement conversation to celebrate good work and address social needs.

    This is an opportunity for local people and voluntary organisations to come together. Local organisations can feature their work. There will be round table discussions to come up with new ways of working together.

    Everyone welcome. Come and meet others to celebrate your community.

    Free tickets from

  • Sat
    13:00 StartBroad Street

    Reading, RG1 2BL

    Join our Climate March in Broad Street. Learn about the latest science and what we can do for the environment.

    The march will be in Reading town centre, to protest and urge further action. Please bring relevant flags, banners, placards etc.

    A poster for this and other events can be downloaded here.

  • Sat
    14:00 StartSt Laurence Church

    Friar Street, Reading, RG1 1DA

    Come and meet local groups who fight for climate action. There will be speakers from Reading University, Reading Community Energy, Reading Climate Action Network and more.

    At the event, Reading’s environmental researchers and campaigners will give advice about the changes that need to be made, practical measures on how to live more sustainably and how to get involved. There will be representatives from the Reading Friends of the Earth, Econet, Greater Reading Environmental Network, Extinction Rebellion Berkshire, Global Justice Reading, Reading Hydro CBS, Fairtrade and many more!

    At 15:00, Richard P Allan, Professor of Climate Science at the University of Reading, Department of Meteorology, and lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th assessment report, will open the presentations and Q&A. He will talk through the science of climate change and will be followed by presentations from Reading Community Energy, Reading Youth Parliament and local councillors highlighting the changes already made in Reading to deliver the Climate Action Plan. Closing remarks from Rev. David Shaw, Wesley Methodist Church, representing faith communities in Reading.

    The event is being jointly organised by Reading Friends of the Earth and Econet.

    Download a poster for this event here

  • Wed
    11:00 - 13:00Online event

    Keep warm in winter and take control of your energy bills.

    It’s never been so important to understand how to be efficient with your energy use. Join us and learn more about what the energy crisis means to you, and how to make cost savings on electricity and gas while keeping your home warm.

    • Understand your bills and know what you are currently paying for
    • Understand how to make sure you’re on the best price
    • Learn ways to help beat the bills
    • Complete our online mini training course – and get a free energy saving device –

    Register online at or send an email to and you’ll be sent a link for the online group.

    If you need energy advice from our specialist adviser, please contact us:
    Phone: 0118 214 4895

  • Thu
    13:00 - 15:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Online via Zoom

    We would be delighted if you can join us for our Members’ Meeting and AGM – as a result of the feedback we have received, this meeting will be held online. We’ll be talking about the difference we made in 2020–21 and hearing from members and partners about the support you need over the coming months. We look forward to welcoming you.

    • Please register via to let us know you will be attending.
    • Details on how to join the meeting online will be sent to registered participants in advance of the event.

    For all the latest updates from RVA and across the sector, subscribe to RVA's weekly newsletter.

  • Tue
    10:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Are you new to being a treasurer of a charity or community group in Reading, or considering taking on the role? If so, this training is for you. RVA can also help match you to a volunteer treasurer role if you are not yet volunteering in a role.

    Aims of the workshop

    • To build an understanding of the role of a treasurer in a small voluntary organisation.
    • To ensure the ability to deal with the specifics of the finances of a small voluntary organisation.
    • To give confidence about the issues that are likely to be faced by a treasurer of a small voluntary organisation.

    Learning outcomes - The content covered will be tailored depending on the needs of delegates on the day. However typically attendees will:

    • Understand their financial responsibilities as trustees.
    • Understand the particular requirements for the accounts of a small voluntary organisation.
    • Be aware of governance issues facing small voluntary organisations.
    • Be ready to resolve issues with record keeping and know where to get help if they need it.
    • Be able to determine if the organisation they volunteer with needs an audit or independent examination of their accounts.

    The training session will be open to up to 12 delegates. It will be aimed primarily at volunteer Treasurers of registered charities in Reading, but will also be suitable for volunteers who are stepping up to the role.

    We have secured a reduced rate of £40 for Reading based charities and community groups. We would like to offer this training in person at Reading Central Library, however if this is impractical for attendees it will be online via Microsoft Teams. There will be an option during booking to express your preference and we will notify delegates in advance of the delivery location/method.

    Please register at

  • Tue
    12:00 - 13:30Online via Zoom

    Dear Friends of RCLC,

    You are warmly invited to our 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 30 November 2021 from 12:00 to 13:30 via Zoom.

    The AGM is a great opportunity to hear about our activities and celebrate our achievements over the past 12 months. We’d also like to hear your views on our work as we plan for the year ahead. If you have any questions which you would like to ask the board at the AGM please email your questions in advance of the board meeting to Aisha Malik on

    Members of Reading Community Learning Centre will be able to vote in the Trustee elections and other formal business. Membership is open to everyone. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please contact Petra Robinson on She will be able to email you a membership form.

    Please confirm your attendance at our AGM by Monday 23 November 2021. You can reserve your place by contacting Petra Robinson, Centre Administrator on:
    Call: 07923 138681

    Once you have confirmed your booking the board profiles, agenda, minutes from last year’s meeting, RCLC signed accounts and the annual report will be emailed to you.

    We look forward to seeing you.

  • Fri
    18:15 StartQueens Walk

    Reading, RG1 7QF

    Reading Reclaim the Night is an event on Friday 3 December, starting from Queens Walk and finishing with a rally in Town Hall Square. This is not a party political event, it is for ALL women. We want to come together and declare that women in this town stand together in our fight to end male violence against women.

    Meet at Queens Walk between 18:15 and 18:30.

    If your organisation could take part in and support this event this would be very welcome. There are several ways in which you could support this event:

    • Organise to bring a group of women to the event to represent your organisation or group.
    • Offer a speaker to address the rally at the end of our walk together.
    • Advertise and promote the event to your organisation/group and your networks. Download the poster here.

    We really hope you will support this initiative, please contact Jan Gavin at if you would like to be involved, especially if you are able to offer a speaker!

  • Thu
    12:30 - 16:30Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    The theme of this event will be announced shortly, but it will include:

    • News and service updates
    • Community need alerts
    • Plenty of networking opportunities

    The event is for anyone from local communities, groups and organisations interested in helping reduce loneliness and social isolation in Reading.

    Free event, but please register using the link below to confirm your place:

  • Fri
    13:00 - 15:00St Matthews Church Hall

    Southcote Lane, Reading RG30 3AX.

    Join Age UK Berkshire and Talkback for a festive afternoon of music, singing, dancing and fun.Friday 10 December, 1pm - 3pm at St Matthew's Church Hall in Southcote.

    Everyone is welcome, please call Sarah on 0118 937 4399 to book your place early as spaces are limited.

    £5 a ticket to raise funds for local charities. This includes your admission and all refreshments.

    To keep everyone safe, if possible we are asking all attendees to complete a Covid-19 test before attending the event and to stay at home if you are unwell.

    You can download a poster for the event here.

  • Sun
    10:00 - 11:00Forbury Gardens

    Abbot's Walk, Reading, RG1 3BB

    Reading’s most iconic festive event returns on Sunday 12 December: Reading Santa Run!

    Don your Father Christmas outfit, and join hundreds of other Santa's for a festive 5km around Reading Town Centre and help raise money for amazing local charities this Christmas.

    There’s also a family-friendly 1km Mini-Santa and Elf Run, so everyone of any age or ability can join in the fun. Dogs, prams and bicycles are all welcome on the fun run too.

    Reading Santa Run is organised by Reading Rotary Club and this year’s race is raising money for Reading Refugee Support Group and Thames Valley Air Ambulance.

    The Mini Santa Run starts at 09:30. The main Reading Santa Run starts at 10:00.

    This year’s event is sponsored by Creffields and Dexter Montague Solicitors. Medals are sponsored by ROC Search, and other sponsors include Field Seymour Parkes, Hickies and Macbeth Insurance Brokers.

    Each race place includes a Santa Outfit (or Elf Outfit for kids) and race medal.

    Book your discounted race places from Reading Refugee Support Group here: or Thames Valley Air Ambulance here:

    Full price race places can be booked here:

  • Wed
    18:00 - 21:00Salvation Army

    Willow House, Willow Street, Reading, RG1 6AB

    Looking for a new job? Need that next step on the career ladder? Do you have a passion for working with people?

    Come and visit us at Willow House Lifehouse at our Recruitment Open Evening, Wednesday 15 December 2021.

    Our friendly team will be available to answer any questions that you have about the positions as well as giving you information about the benefits of working for a worldwide charity.

    Light food, refreshments and free car parking (at rear of building) will be available.

    For details of the available jobs please download the attached poster. If you are unable to attend the Recruitment Open Evening, please visit to find out more about these positions and to apply online. Closing date for all applications is Sunday 9 January 2022.

  • Fri
    18:15 - 20:45Reading Minster

    Chain Street, Reading, RG1 2HX

    After a two year wait, Reading Refugee Support Group is incredibly pleased to reunite with Reading Community Gospel Choir to proudly present the return of our Gospel Carol Service.

    Launched in 2019, the first Gospel Carols Service was a smash success, with RCGC stunning a packed audience and raising thousands of pounds to help refugees living in Berkshire.

    Sadly last year’s event was unable to go ahead due to COVID restrictions, so we are unbelievably excited to finally bring it back in 2021!

    This special event promises to be a Christmas Carol event with a difference, with Gospel style renditions of your favourite Christmas Carols and an alternative telling of the Nativity story through the eyes of refugees.

    Following the recent Afghanistan Crisis, the number of refugees needing support in Berkshire has rocketed, and the money raised at this special concert will help provide vital mental health support, social activities, practical help and advice for the many families in need.

    After the event, we will be serving delicious mulled wine and juice, paired tasty mince pies and baklava.

    Ticket Prices

    • £10 - Adult
    • £5 - Concession
    • Free for Children under 11 and refugees (booking required).

    Contact details

  • Sat
    16:00 - 18:00The Great Hall - Reading University

    London Road, Reading, RG1 5AG

    Join Trinity Concert Band at the beautiful Reading University Great Hall for their annual Christmas spectacular! Expect an evening full of Christmassy music and the opportunity to sing along to some of your favourite carols.

    Trinity Band will be warming things up with a real cracker of a piece titled The Night Before Christmas, featuring narration of the treasured poem (you guessed it..!) ‘The Night Before Christmas’ with the band providing a fabulous cinematic accompaniment; a truly magical composition. By this time you’ll be all set for a festive trip to Hollywood where you can enjoy music from the timeless holiday movies White Christmas, Home Alone and Miracle on 34th Street. No Christmas concert would be complete without some popular seasonal classics such as Winter Wonderland, Leroy Anderson’s Christmas Festival and many more! Don’t miss this spectacular event!

    Due to capacity restrictions only 250 tickets will initially be available for this concert, possibly increasing to 300 closer to the event. As a result of this their Newcomers’ Scheme is temporarily suspended for this concert. Any unsold tickets will be sold on the door on a first-come, first served basis, but they strongly advise you to book in advance to avoid disappointment. As a courtesy to other members of the audience and the volunteers they politely request that face masks be worn inside the venue.

    Doors open at 15:30.

    Tickets are on sale now:

    • Advance: £12
    • Full Price: £14
    • Students: £7 (ID may be required)
    • Under 16’s: FREE

    Advance price applies up to one week before the concert, after which the full price applies. The box office closes 24 hours before the concert.

    Tickets are available online at Alternatively you can call the box office on 01184 492099 or email No booking fee.

  • Mon
    18:00 - 20:00Reading Minster

    Chain Street, Reading, RG1 2HX

    Held in the beautiful setting of Reading Minster, PACT’s annual carol concert will take place on Monday 20 December 2021. This promises to be a fun event for all the family and we encourage our young guests to come dressed up in their favourite Christmas outfits and costumes.

    There will be a pre-concert tea party of light refreshments and cakes from 18:00, followed by a concert of music and readings from 19:00. Enjoy festive performances from groups including Reading Youth Orchestra and Reading Rock Choir.

    Tickets are £10.00 per adult, £5.00 per child or £20.00 for a family of four. Please join us to celebrate family life this Christmas!

    If you have any questions, please email PACT at

  • Tue
    17:00 - 18:00Online using Zoom

    Compass Recovery College are commencing their free voluntary sector mental health and wellbeing training in January, these workshops are open access to staff, volunteers and befrienders alike. Throughout the pandemic volunteers and community groups have been vital in supporting those who need it, Compass recognises the importance of this work and wants to give back to those who do so much for others. The goal of this free training is to boost voluntary sector mental health and wellbeing knowledge and help those supporting others to take control of their own mental well-being.

    We would like to continue developing this training based on the needs and interests of the voluntary and community sector. If you have any experiences or interests we can help with please contact Ashley at to discuss future opportunities.

    Self-care: In this wellbeing session we will use yoga tools and practices, such as breathing, movement and self-massage to care for ourselves. We will listen to our needs as supporters with kindness and begin to care for those needs as a priority both for ourselves and the people we support.

    Registration: If you are interested in attending the above workshop please use this sign up form

  • Thu
    10:00 - 12:30Online using Zoom

    Compass Recovery College are commencing their free voluntary sector mental health and wellbeing training in January, these workshops are open access to staff, volunteers and befrienders alike. The goal of this free training is to boost voluntary sector mental health and wellbeing knowledge and help those supporting others to take control of their own mental well-being.

    Professional boundaries: This session explores how voluntary sector staff and volunteers can set professional boundaries when working with mental health challenges. These boundaries can support our work and provide a safe and secure environment from which to work with our service users. These sessions will support us to be mindful of when it is appropriate to self-disclose, the danger of too much self-disclosure and the risks of transference and counter transference. The aim is to enable service users to take charge of their wellbeing by providing opportunities for growth and self-development.

    We would like to continue developing this training based on the needs and interests of the voluntary and community sector. If you have any experiences or interests we can help with please contact Ashley at to discuss future opportunities.

    If you are interested in attending the above workshop please register here:

  • Thu
    11:00Third Floor, Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ.

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network (VCN) meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practise and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    The Network is open to those overseeing the work of volunteers in organisations big and small and involving volunteers in a variety of ways.

    Please register here - further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course. The plan is to hold this meeting in person at our office in Reading Central Library, but this will be confirmed closer to the event.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 11:30Online Event

    As part of RVA’s regular funding events, we are partnering with Berkshire Community Foundation, the National Lottery Community Fund and Reading Borough Council to offer funder presentations to Reading voluntary and community groups on Thursday 3 February 2022. This session will be held online via Zoom.

    This event is open to any voluntary or community group providing services in Reading, who would like to learn a little more about the funding streams. For example Berkshire Community Foundation is opening a new round of Vital for Berkshire funding in January and RBC are also opening a new round of Covid Support Funding in January. There will be time for a Q&A following each presentation.

    This event is limited to Reading-based charities and community groups. More than one person is welcome to attend per organisation but we would suggest limiting it to a maximum of 2 per organisation so the event can be widely attended.

    Please book through the link below:

  • Tue
    11:00 - 12:00Online event

    The Cranfield Trust are offering a free introductory webinar on Problem Tree Analysis and the Theory of Change to charity trustees, managers and leaders.

    We all face problems trying to achieve our organisational goals, big and small. But how do you tackle them? What strategy is likely to be most successful? If a problem seems too large or complex to handle, where do you start looking for solutions?

    Solving problems isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to understand the root causes of a problem and how they impact different parts of your organisation. But with a clearer understanding of what’s causing the problem, you can start to form a theory of change.

    This is a 1-hour introductory webinar, you will learn practical techniques and tools to help you with your strategy, decision-making, monitoring and evaluation, as well as communication, so you can see the big picture—and make decisions with confidence.

    You will build knowledge on:

    • Exploring and articulating problems, their causes and effects by using problem tree analyses;
    • The basics of what is meant by a theory of change;
    • The different shapes it can take;
    • The process of developing one and pitfalls to avoid;
    • Choosing an approach that works for you.

    Book your place with the Cranfield Trust directly through this link.

  • Tue
    12:00 - 13:00Online

    Being physically active for children and young people has never been more important. We can all play a role in encouraging and empowering children and young people to become active. Whether that’s through signposting to resources, talking about the benefits, or simply encouragement. Join us for this important workshop to learn more.

    Who can attend? Youth workers, family support roles and those working to support children’s wellbeing.

    You’ll learn:

    -Benefits of being physically active
    -National guidelines and practical tips
    -Key signposting resources
    -How to have positive conversations about being more active.

    And take away a digital resource highlighting easily accessible opportunities.

    To book a free place please visit

  • Wed
    17:00 - 18:00Online event

    Find out about the benefits of Covid-19 vaccination and the support available to access vaccines in Reading.

    • Hear from Dr Deepak Ravindran, Clinical lead in Pain Medicine and Clinical Lead for Berkshire Long Covid Integrated Service and Ida Osei, Pharmacist and Vaccinator.
    • Find out about support to access vaccines in Reading.
    • Question and answer session.

    This information session is hosted by Reading Voluntary Action in partnership with NHS Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group and Reading Borough Council.

    This event will be held via Zoom – the link will be sent to registered attendees.

    Free event, but please register at to confirm your place.

  • Wed
    11:00 - 12:30Online workshop

    We believe people should have the power to shape the places where they live.

    During Covid, we woke up to the power of community. But it’s not new. People like you have long been working together to support each other, create good local jobs and improve your areas, and by doing so, helping to tackle some of the biggest problems facing us.

    So why is making a difference still such an uphill struggle? What might society look if we were to trust the people who know their areas and put power in the hands of our communities? How would this work? How could it be achieved?

    For more information see the website at

  • Sun
    10:00 - 12:00Online event

    Activity Alliance believe that inclusive coaching is just good coaching. The Inclusive Activity Programme is a unique development opportunity for sports coaches, community leaders and health and care professionals. Learn about the key principles of delivering inclusive activities and how to ensure that your sessions are fun and enjoyable for everyone!

    The Inclusive Activity Programme is particularly valuable for people working in:

    • Sport and physical activity delivery, such as sports coaches and activity providers.
    • Local community groups and organisations, such as community activators working in disabled people’s organisations, local charities, community housing and scout/guide groups.
    • Health and care settings, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and care and support workers.

    This session will help you:

    • Learn how to support disabled people to be more active through Activity Alliance’s ten principles.
    • Understand how your sessions can be inclusive and how you can create and adapt your own activities using STEP and the Activity Inclusion Model.
    • Explore where you can find more information for yourself and the people you support.

    Please book online at The cost is £15pp. For more information please contact: Chelsea Piggott on or 07548 226485.

  • Fri
    12:30 - 13:30Online via Zoom

    Street parties are a fun and safe way for people to meet their neighbours, especially for those who rarely get out, and it’s not as difficult or expensive as you may think to put one on in your neighbourhood.

    Reading Voluntary Action is delivering three free online workshops for anyone interested in running a street party in 2022.

    The workshop will cover:

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food and drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    The workshops will be held online via Zoom – details will be sent to registered participants before the event.

    Please register at

  • Mon
    10:00 - 10:45Online event

    Berkshire Vision offer a training session on Sight Loss and Eye Health, which is now open to the general public. This takes the form of an informative video by our Trustee, Jane Veys, an Optometrist and an opportunity for any comments afterwards.

    The training lasts approximately 45 minutes and is free. Book onto this session by emailing

    A flyer for this training can be downloaded here.

  • Mon
    18:30 - 19:30Online via Zoom

    Street parties are a fun and safe way for people to meet their neighbours, especially for those who rarely get out, and it’s not as difficult or expensive as you may think to put one on in your neighbourhood.

    Reading Voluntary Action is delivering three free online workshops for anyone interested in running a street party in 2022.

    The workshop will cover:

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food and drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    The workshops will be held online via Zoom – details will be sent to registered participants before the event.

    Please register at

  • Wed
    15:00 - 16:30Online via Zoom

    The next Connection Coalition youth loneliness network will be on Wednesday 2 March.

    Picking up one of the key themes from the first panel in December, we will be discussing engaging and involving young people in the conversation on youth loneliness. We are hoping to co-facilitate this session with young people and those who are already doing this work brilliantly!

    If you would like to assist with organising this workshop, present your work or have other ideas on this topic to share, please contact

    Please register for this workshop online at

  • Thu
    10:30 - 11:30Online via Zoom

    Is it difficult to get support for your autistic child?
    Then join us for an on-line video session and talk with Nina Crispin, Information & Engagement Officer, and Katie Badger, Trainee Public Health Programme Officer, from Reading Borough Council.

    Nina and Katie want to hear your views on what the new all-age Reading Autism Strategy should include to improve the lives of your child and the wider family.

    To book your place, please email or telephone/text on 07516 185380 and we can then let you know the appropriate log-in details for the call.

  • Fri
    09:00 - 16:30Online event

    An event by the National Academy for Social Prescribing. Celebrate the hard work of the social prescribing workforce and the invaluable positive impact that social prescribing is having across our communities. There will be a fantastic range of speakers and performances, showcasing different aspects of social prescribing.

    This event celebrates and champions social prescribing, bringing together expert contributors from a variety of sectors. There are multiple sessions to participate in over the course of the day:

    • Session A – Communicating the power of people’s stories
    • Session B – Ensuring adequate workforce support for the delivery of social prescribing
    • Session C – Accelerating innovation through social prescribing partnerships
    • Session D – Building a global social prescribing movement
    • Session E – Mapping out social prescribing evidence: current progress and future needs
    • Session F – Unleashing the power of local communities

    Booking and further information

    • Book your free ticket here to attend in person.
    • Or go here to book a virtual ticket to access the event online (available to the general public thereafter).

  • Mon
    15:00 - 16:00Online event

    Our health is closely bound with social and economic aspects of our lives: from where we are born, live and work, to our educational opportunities, income and influence. These social factors lead to inequalities in health and wellbeing across different people and communities, both in access to healthcare, and in the opportunities we have to live healthy lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened existing inequalities and thrown a harsh spotlight on the topic once again.

    Community groups, health professionals, and national charities have always been at the heart of tackling inequalities. But what is the role of social prescribing in addressing health inequalities?

    How can the unique position of link workers support people who are affected by inequality? How can local groups use data to focus on the people and communities most at risk? What does the evidence say about who is benefiting from social prescribing and who is missing out?

    To kick-off this important conversation, the National Academy for Social Prescribing presents a webinar which will explore this complex area.

    Who is it for? Anyone interested in or involved with social prescribing. You might be from:

    • A community or voluntary group
    • A charity or organisation wanting to get more involved with social prescribing
    • The health sector either working in or commissioning social prescribing
    • A local infrastructure organisation
    • Local government
    • An arms-length body or government department

    Chaired by Ingrid Abreu Scherer, Head of Accelerating Innovation in Social Prescribing, National Academy for Social Prescribing.

    The event is free and you can register at

  • Mon
    18:30 - 19:30Online via Zoom

    Street parties are a fun and safe way for people to meet their neighbours, especially for those who rarely get out, and it’s not as difficult or expensive as you may think to put one on in your neighbourhood.

    Reading Voluntary Action is delivering three free online workshops for anyone interested in running a street party in 2022.

    The workshop will cover:

    • Getting started
    • Ideas for games and activities
    • Getting the neighbours involved
    • Food and drink
    • Getting permission to close your street (for free) and other legal stuff

    The workshops will be held online via Zoom – details will be sent to registered participants before the event.

    Please register at

  • Sat
    15:00 - 16:15Reading Minster

    St Mary's Butts, Reading, RG1 2HX

    Please join us for our annual Alana House celebratory service in honour of International Women’s Day. The service will take place at 15:00 on Saturday 12 March 2022. Held in the beautiful Reading Minster we will be celebrating the strength of women together with a host of readers and performers including the Mayor of Reading and Reading Rock Choir. After the service we be enjoying delicious refreshments and cake provided by the fabulous team of Baristas from Alana House’s community café.

    We will also be live streaming this event so if you are unable to attend in person you don’t need to miss out.

    Alana House proudly supports women with a wide range of needs in Reading and across the Thames Valley. This support is currently more prevalent than ever.

    Everyone is welcome: women, children, and men as well! We kindly ask that all attending wear a mask, unless exempt.

    Tickets are free but we do encourage donations towards Alana House’s work. Places are limited so booking is essential. We are delighted to be partnering with The Big Give who will match fund every donation gratefully received.

    Please book via

  • Wed
    17:30 - 18:30Online event

    Getting on Board is offering affordable onboarding induction training for newly appointed trustees on various dates in 2022. Sessions will take place online and they are offered at a very affordable rate of £10 per session.

    Details of the session from Getting on Board
    In this one hour session, we’ll take you through your trustee duties in a clear and engaging way. There will be a chance to ask questions and we’ll signpost you to further support. This session is also suitable as a refresher for existing trustees.

    By the end of this introductory webinar you will understand:

    • The role of a trustee
    • The main duties and responsibilities of a trustee
    • How to carry out your trusteeship duties effectively

    2022 dates:

    • Wednesday 16 March, 17:30-18:30
    • Wednesday 27 April, 17:30-18:30
    • Wednesday 18 May, 17:30-18:30

    Please register online at to book your place or email

    Further support from RVA

    • RVA free Advice Service for 1:1 confidential advice on legal and governance matters, including advice on trustee roles and responsibilities. Please email or telephone us on 0118 937 2273.
    • RVA Knowledge Base, which has a wealth of resources on trusteeship and governance that you can browse at your convenience.

  • Mon
    10:00 – 13:00Online event

    Our free course will prepare you for job applications in the digital age and help you upskill for work itself. Running from 21 March, Mondays and Wednesdays, for 6 weeks, with a 2-week Easter break. Learn new skills, gain confidence, write a brilliant CV.

    We are a small charity in Reading and our online course is for anyone struggling with barriers to employment in Berkshire. We support people with disabilities, learning difficulties, gaps in their CV, for example. So if you feel that applying for work is a struggle and that you need support then get in touch, we are happy to answer any questions that you have.

    Join us for help with your CV, we will teach you how to think about your strengths and weaknesses and put your best foot forward with renewed confidence. Lessons in Word, Excel and further to help you get work when every job has an element of it where technology is used.

    With some homework each week, the course is either online or if you have no access to the internet, at our office in Reading centre. Our mantra is for you to ‘know yourself’, you will be more prepared for job searching and interviews no matter your barrier to employment.

    For more information or to sign up please contact Graft Thames Valley using the details below.

    Contact details
    Phone: 01183 805950

  • Tue
    14:00 - 14:45Online event

    Berkshire Vision offer a training session on Sight Loss and Eye Health, which is now open to the general public. This takes the form of an informative video by our Trustee, Jane Veys, an Optometrist and an opportunity for any comments afterwards.

    The training lasts approximately 45 minutes and is free. Book onto this session by emailing

    A flyer for this training can be downloaded here.

  • Fri
    19:00 - 23:00Tilehurst British Legion

    Downing Road, Tilehurst, Reading RG31 5BB.

    All funds raised will support humanitarian support through The Reading Ukrainian Centre or Lions International who directly support Lions clubs in Poland, Romania and Ukraine.

    A huge thanks to our sponsors, The Tilehurst British Legion and Northwoods for their support. A snazzy raffle and a fantastic fish and chip supper will compliment what quizmaster Paul states is his BEST QUIZ EVER. Who are we to disagree, he puts a cracking quiz together and ensures fun for all. Team of up to 6.

    Free parking and a short walk from major bus routes This venue is located is easy to reach with a fully licenced and well priced bar.

    Limited tickets available for £15+booking fee including food - Book now on Eventbrite. An email will follow with food available choices.

    Donations of quality raffle and auction prizes welcomed - for details please email

  • Mon
    19:00 - 21:00The Michael Malnick Centre

    Leighton Park School, Shinfield Road, Reading, RG2 7DE

    Join Trinity Concert Band at the fabulous Michael Malnick Centre at Leighton Park School in Reading for our song and dance-themed concert. Our incredibly choreographed programme of music will have you swinging and swaying all night long!

    Throughout the evening, we’ll transport you to Russia for Borodin’s Polovtsian Dances from his famous opera Prince Igor, with a quick stop in the Emerald Isle for the toe-tapping Riverdance. Hang on tight as we whisk you across the Atlantic to hear the beautiful music from the film Dances with Wolves. Our lively performance of Sing, Sing, Sing, most famously associated with the King of Swing, Benny Goodman, will definitely get those feet tapping!

    We’re just scratching the surface here. There’s a whole lot more to look forward to at this spectacular concert!

    • Advance Price*: £12
    • Full Price: £14
    • Students: £7 (ID may be required)
    • Under 16’s: FREE

    *Advance price applies up to one week before the concert, after which the full price applies. The box office closes 24 hours before the concert. No booking fee.

    Tickets will go on sale in February 2022. Visit the website for more information

  • Tue
    11:00 - 12:30Online Event

    Are you a volunteer-led, small group that’s embedded in your community? Do you want to find out more about funding, training, governance, publicising your work and developing your group? Are you keen to network and share with other small groups?

    If yes, then you are warmly invited to join the Small Groups Learn and Share Network, which brings together Reading’s small and emerging community groups to learn, share and grow stronger together.

    Recruiting and supporting an effective volunteer team.
    In this session, we will be joined by Steve Hendry, RVA’s Volunteering Development Manager. Steve will talk us through the process of identifying and defining volunteer tasks in order to create clear volunteer task descriptions that will help you make the most of the support volunteers can offer whilst setting clear boundaries to involvement. He will also explore the question of how to build an effective volunteer team where everyone understands their role and the rights and responsibilities that come with it.

    Plus all the usual networking opportunities and information about up and coming training and other events.

    Free event, but please register at to confirm your place.

  • Sat
    14:00 - 16:00Caversham Court Gardens

    13-19 Church Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7AD

    Come along to Caversham Court on Easter Saturday, when the Friends of Caversham Court Gardens will be hosting an Easter Nature Quiz Trail in the lovely riverside gardens. All young competitors will win an Easter Egg prize or a non-dairy treat.

    Entry is free, but donations to the Friends of Caversham Court Gardens will be appreciated. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

    Volunteer stall open for refreshments.

  • Sat
    10:00 - 15:00Caversham Court

    Church Road, Caversham, RG4 7AD

    An Econet event promoting local woodland products and wildlife friendly gardening. There will be an opportunity to purchase bean poles and pea sticks, plants, reconditioned tools and willow products and have garden tools sharpened.

    There will also be several stalls manned by organisations selling local and fairtrade products including:
    -Reading and District Beekeepers (Honey and beeswax products plus information about bees and beekeeping)
    -Women's Institute (Jams and chutneys)
    -Traidcraft (Fairtrade goods)
    and others.


  • Wed
    17:30 - 18:30Online event

    Getting on Board is offering affordable onboarding induction training for newly appointed trustees on various dates in 2022. Sessions will take place online and are free to attend with an option to make a donation of your choice at checkout.

    Details of the session from Getting on Board
    In this one hour session, we’ll take you through your trustee duties in a clear and engaging way. There will be a chance to ask questions and we’ll signpost you to further support. This session is also suitable as a refresher for existing trustees.

    By the end of this introductory webinar you will understand:

    • The role of a trustee
    • The main duties and responsibilities of a trustee
    • How to carry out your trusteeship duties effectively

    Please register online at to book your place or email

  • Wed
    19:00 - 21:00Reading Canoe Club

    The Warren, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7TH

    The Friends of Caversham Court Gardens will be holding their spring meeting on Wednesday 27 April, 19:00 for 19:30, in the Reading Canoe Club.

    Richard Bisgrove, co-author of Gardening in the Global Greenhouse – The Impacts of Climate Change on Gardens in the UK, will give an illustrated talk on ‘Climate Change and Historic Gardens’.

    The talk will follow the briefest of AGMs. All welcome, you don’t have to be a member. Free event.

    Contact details
    Phone: 01189 545779

  • Sat
    12:00 - 15:00Broad Street Mall

    Broad Street, Reading, RG1 7QE

    Workshop to promote the Home Office Windrush Documentation and Compensation schemes to help anyone who arrived in the UK before 1989 and is settled here to obtain the correct documentation to live and work in the UK and or to obtain UK citizenship.

    If you have suffered loss as a result of the Home Office hostile environment policy, you may be eligible for compensation.

    We will provide free legal advise and help you with your application.

    Download a leaflet with further information here

  • Wed
    17:30 - 18:30Online event

    Getting on Board is offering affordable onboarding induction training for newly appointed trustees on various dates in 2022. Sessions will take place online and are free to attend with an option to make a donation of your choice at checkout.

    Details of the session from Getting on Board
    In this one hour session, we’ll take you through your trustee duties in a clear and engaging way. There will be a chance to ask questions and we’ll signpost you to further support. This session is also suitable as a refresher for existing trustees.

    By the end of this introductory webinar you will understand:

    • The role of a trustee
    • The main duties and responsibilities of a trustee
    • How to carry out your trusteeship duties effectively

    Please register online at to book your place or email

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online via Zoom

    The Ready Friends befriending forum is a place for community groups, friends and neighbours taking action on loneliness and social isolation.

    An uplifting and celebratory event where we inspire and share just what we can achieve for the people we support through our work.

    The agenda will include:

    • A range of Reading’s VCOs will share their real-life good news stories about taking action on loneliness. Find out what happened and why – and how that could shape what we do in our own practice
    • Ready Friends plan for 2022-2024
    • Updates and information on forthcoming events, funding and training opportunities
    • Networking

    Free event, but please register at to book your place.

  • Thu
    14:00 – 16:00Online event

    The GDPR expects organisations to keep their teams up to date with best practice for compliance with the regulations. Keeping the GDPR front of mind is essential and made even more relevant as changes take place to ways of working, communication and technology.

    This session is ideal as a ‘refresher’ or part of annual training for people who already have a baseline knowledge of the GDPR. It explains the practical implications of processing personal data as part of your everyday role, and understanding the risks with handling and storing personal data.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • An explanation of what is personal data and special categories of personal data that voluntary sectors organisations typically.
    • An Introduction to the principles of the GDPR, providing relevant examples.
    • An explanation of how voluntary sector organisations can demonstrate that they are being fair, lawful and transparent with the personal data they are processing.
    • An explanation of what needs to be considered when the person whose data you want to collect needs to give their consent.
    • An explanation of when a voluntary sector organisation can rely upon legitimate interests for processing personal data.
    • How to understand and respect the rights of the person whose data you are collecting, in particular how to respond to requests.
    • What operational and technical security measures you need to follow when processing personal data, including working remotely.
    • How to keep personal data safe and secure, including good password management, identifying phishing scams, how to delete/shred data.
    • The importance of data protection impact assessments when introducing a new system into the organisation.
    • How and when to report a personal data breach.

    Who should attend: Anyone who works or volunteers in a charity or community group who processes the personal data of others. You might be a volunteer, staff member or trustee.

    Cost: RVA has partnered with Databasix to offer subsidised training to those working or volunteering for charities and community groups in Reading. The session is £18.00 per person. This offer is restricted to groups in Reading.

    Please book online at, or contact for further information and to book your place.

  • Wed
    11:00 - 17:00Victoria Hall

    Reading Town Hall, Blagrave Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1QH

    Join us at Reading Town Hall on 1 June where we will be hosting a special open day to show you more about the work Samaritans does to help support people and how you can get involved.

    Find out more about:

    • How we support people struggling with their emotional and mental health and those at risk of suicide
    • Tips on how to become a better listener
    • Our community outreach projects and activities in the town
    • How you can get involved to raise awareness and support your local branch
    • How to become a Samaritans listener or support volunteer
    • Partnership opportunities for schools, community organisations and local businesses

    Whether you are interested in becoming a volunteer or just want to find out more about what we do, everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 17:00River Kennet & Forbury Fardens

    Reading Water Fest will take place earlier than usual this year, on Saturday 4 June, to coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend. This accessible one-day event will take place between 11am and 5pm within the Forbury Gardens, Abbey Ruins and along the River Kennet.

    Water Fest is Reading’s largest free town centre-based community event. It features an exciting mix of arts, culture and heritage, with a plethora of live entertainment, children’s activities and refreshments, water activities, narrow boats, craft and charity stalls.

    The event celebrates and showcases the Kennet Canal in all its glory, along with the gorgeous and historic spots on its towpath, with the chance to spot beautifully painted boats and chat to boaters. It is run in partnership with the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust and will also partner with the Blue Collar Street Food event in the Forbury.

  • Wed
    10:00 - 11:30Online Event

    We now have an Act of Parliament, the Health and Care Bill which has received Royal Assent, enacting the most significant health legislation in a decade into law. Integrated systems were deemed essential, with their four purposes outlined:

    • Improving population health and healthcare.
    • Tackling unequal outcomes and access.
    • Enhancing productivity and value for money.
    • Helping the NHS to support broader social and economic development.

    This marks a milestone in the recovery and reform of how health and care services work together. The Live Longer Better programme was designed on these principles, recognising that activity: physical, cognitive and emotional, is an essential part of population health management and must be integral to improving community health and longevity.

    This Live Longer Better National Event takes a consultative approach with National Clinical Directors.

    Register for this event to find out their barriers and hurdles, understand how physical activity can help them quantify the benefits of overcoming these problems and support delivery on their key objectives.

    Registration is now open and the event is free of charge. Please register online at

  • Sat
    11:00 - 16:00Victoria Recreation Ground

    Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 6DH

    Friends of Berkshire Hospitals are coming back bigger and better than ever before. We have around 100 stalls booked in along with bouncy castles, assault courses and entertainment for all the family. We are still looking for stall holders and volunteers to come and help us out on the day – please contact Laura at or on 07532 127051 if you can help us.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 15:00Madejski Stadium

    Junction 11, M4, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0FL

    Following a successful Inclusion Forum in March 2022, a lot has happened since! Our partners expressed an interest in meeting face-to-face to support further collaboration. GBA are inviting you to join our next forum, this is an opportunity for those working across Berkshire to come together, listen to presentations/keynote speakers on disability and long-term health conditions, a chance to expand your network with other organisations face-to-face and discuss inclusive sport and physical activity opportunities.

    The forum will be aimed at the following:

    • Sports development organisations
    • Public health teams
    • Charities across this division
    • Sport and physical activity providers/clubs
    • Local community groups

    Refreshments and light lunch will be provided. Free event but please book online at to confirm your place.

  • Sat
    14:00 - 17:00RISC

    35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS

    • Did you or your parents arrive in the UK before 1989?
    • Were you born in the UK or arrived in the UK before the age of 18?
    • Have you been denied employment or health treatment?
    • Been unable to find a place to live?
    • Been subject to immigration action, detention or deportation because you could not show that you had a right to live and work in the UK?

    If your answer to any of the above is yes or you are unsure, visit our Windrush Compensation Surgery, on Saturday 2 July 2022 at RISC, 35-39 London Street, Reading.

    Our legal team will help you get the correct documents to live and work here legally and help you apply for compensation if you meet the criteria.

    Our advice is absolutely free.

    Contact Details: St Vincent & The Grenadines and Friends Association (Reading)

  • Sat
    19:00 - 21:00Art Space in St Nicholas Church

    Sutcliffe Avenue, Earley, Reading, RG2 7JN

    Bringing together poetry, prose, paintings and photographs created by 32 people from all over the world.

    Half of the creatives who have generously provided their work are refugees and the rest are friends and supporters of refugees.

    There will be copies of the artworks for sale. The book launch and exhibition form part of a programme of events RSG will be running throughout refugee week.

    Contact details: Reading Refugee Support Group
    Phone: 07875 071026.

  • Mon
    14:00 - 17:00Engelfield House Gardens

    Engelfield, RG7 5EN

    We are delighted to invite you to our Garden Party fundraiser to support our work with children, families and the local community. The event will take place on Monday 18 July at Englefield House, West Berkshire.

    In addition to celebrating and supporting PACT’s work, the afternoon will be an opportunity to enjoy the enchanting and rarely-seen gardens of Englefield House. The head gardener of the estate will be joining us to answer any questions you may have about her work.

    There will be live music and a raffle with a top prize of tea-for-two at the Ritz and our fabulous Alana House café team will be selling delicious refreshments and cakes to top off a special afternoon.

    Tickets are £20 each for adults and accompanying children are free.

    Places are limited so book your tickets today!

    Please book via the website at

  • Mon
    13:00 - 14:00Online event

    A no-strings information session on volunteering roles that make a difference to people facing loneliness and isolation in Reading. Join us on Zoom to hear about:

    • The life-changing impact of volunteering
    • Skills and experience needed
    • Training and support for volunteers
    • Which community groups are recruiting and how to contact them
    • The benefits of volunteering – from the volunteers themselves!

    and plenty of time for questions.

    Please register online at

  • Tue
    13:30 - 15:00RVA Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    The previous two years have seen significant changes in the landscape of volunteering across the UK. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, volunteers have been mobilised in unprecedented numbers to take on novel tasks. The experience here in Reading has been no different with thousands of individuals coming forward to volunteer in a host of different ways.

    As the crisis stage of the pandemic gives way to a focus on recovery, volunteers are likely to continue to play a vital role as organisations seek to meet the challenge of rising demands for their services.

    Now would seem an ideal time to review the volunteering landscape in the town and to work together in creating a Vision for Volunteering that ensures it continues to benefit Reading’s residents.

    Working alongside Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality and Connect Reading we want to work with the broadest possible range of stakeholders to co-produce a Vision for Volunteering that will help ensure that we make the best use of the resources, skills and motivation across the town.

    In this workshop, we will introduce the background to the Vision and start the discussions on its development by exploring what aspects of volunteering you value the most and which could be improved upon. The workshop will be relevant to anyone who volunteers in whatever capacity. It doesn’t matter if this involves supporting a registered charity or community group, lending a hand in your local school or helping out a neighbour. It doesn’t even matter if you would describe what you are doing as volunteering, we would still very much welcome your insight.

    Please register at:

  • Tue
    13:30 - 15:30RVA Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Working alongside Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality and Connect Reading we want to work with the broadest possible range of stakeholders to co-produce a Vision for Volunteering that will help ensure that we make the best use of the resources, skills and motivation across the town.

    In this second workshop for Volunteer Involving Organisations, we will explore some of the ideas raised in earlier sessions whilst providing further opportunities to shape the Vision.

    This workshop will be relevant to all those who work with volunteers, either directly as volunteer managers/ coordinators or those overseeing organisations and projects in which volunteers play a role.

    You don’t need to have attended any previous sessions.

    Please register online at to confirm your place.

  • Wed
    14:30 - 17:30Courage Park

    Edenham Crescent, Coley, Reading, RG1 6HU

    The Courage Park Community Fun Day is taking place on Wednesday 24 August at Courage Park. The event is being coordinated by Brighter Futures For Children and the Coley Park Community Association is hosting a range of activities.

    Activities include Larger Than Life circus workshop, archery, giant games, coconut shy, face painting, cycling from Freewheelers, some fundraising stalls from local charity contacts and more. There will also be some free refreshments.

    There will also be opportunities for local residents to make suggestions about what they would like from their community centre and to give their view on the Council’s serious violence, domestic abuse and community safety strategies.

  • Sun
    18:30 StartReading Abbey Ruins

    Reading, Berkshire, RG1 3BA

    Launchpad’s Big Sleep Out is back at the Reading Abbey Ruins and they would love you, your friends, family and colleagues, to mark World Homeless Day and support Launchpad by taking on the challenge of swapping a comfortable bed for a sleeping bag for the night at this historic location.

    As the cost of living rises over the coming months, Launchpad’s vital services will be a lifeline to many local people in need. Their drop-in service is already seeing an increase of individuals, couples and families facing spiralling rent arrears or eviction because they simply can’t make ends meet.

    By joining #TeamLaunchpad and taking part in the Big Sleep Out at Reading Abbey Ruins, you will help raise £40,000 to fund Launchpad’s vital work and ensure local people avoid homelessness. By sleeping out, you can ensure others in Reading don’t have to.

    For more information and to book your place, please visit:

  • Wed
    12:30 - 13:30Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    A no-strings information session on volunteering roles that make a difference to people facing loneliness and isolation in Reading. Join us at Reading Library to hear about:

    • The life-changing impact of volunteering
    • Skills and experience needed
    • Training and support for volunteers
    • Which community groups are recruiting and how to contact them
    • The benefits of volunteering – from the volunteers themselves!

    and plenty of time for questions.

    Free event, but please book at to confirm your place.

  • Sat
    14:00 - 17:00Flavell Suite, Sindlesham Court

    Sindlesham, Wokingham, Berks, RG41 5EA

    Join the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre for Sparkling Jubilee Afternoon Tea. We are very pleased to invite you to join us to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as we come together to support the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre.

    Everybody is welcome to join in the celebrations at this very special event so please invite your friends and family to come along.

    We will be hosting a sparkling drinks reception on arrival and later we will enjoy an afternoon tea of sandwiches, cakes, scones with cream and jam, washed down with tea and coffee. There will be live music courtesy of 5Ts Brass, a fantastic local trombone band and there will be a raffle.

    Tickets are £25, purchase your tickets here, or from reception at the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre.

    The event is being held in the Flavell Suite at Sindlesham Court. It is fully accessible with a large disabled toilet and plenty of space in the room. There is a large car park suitable for blue badge holders.

    For more information contact Kim on 0118 901 6000 or email

    Download a flyer for the event here

  • Wed
    12:00 - 13:00Online event

    Are you a school, charity or Non-profit?

    Connect Reading are proud to announce a new partnership with WhatImpact making social value partnerships and match-making much easier than before.

    Whatimpact is the social value platform that:

    • Connects your organisation with companies and grantmakers aligned with your cause and goals.
    • Provides transparent data on the impact made, validating your efforts and helping you to find new donors for future projects.
    • Streamlines grant applications to alleviate the burden of paperwork.
    • Generates project video greetings which you can share publicly to increase awareness of your work.

    WhatImpact will be taking you through the platform, showing you just how easy grant-giving can be and how to bring social value into the everyday of your organisation.

    Please register online at:

  • Wed
    12:30 - 13:15Online via Zoom

    Easyfundraising provides voluntary organisations with an easy, accessible, and permanent fundraising solution. Come along to this online session to find out how!

    Easyfundraising partners with 7,000 brands including John Lewis, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Trainline,, eBay and Amazon, who will donate to your organisation when your volunteers, staff and supporters shop with them. It is a completely free service and is already used by 180,000 good causes around the UK.

    Becky from Easyfundraising will talk through how it works, how to get started as well as answering any questions you may have. It will be an informal lunchtime session – feel free to invite your colleagues too.

    This session is suitable for: Voluntary groups, community buildings, churches, grassroots sport clubs, schools, self-help groups, community groups, charities, CICs and social enterprises.

    Registration in advance for this session here - after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • Sun
    09:00Mapledurham House

    Mapledurham, Reading RG4 7TR

    In partnership with Chancellors Reading, Walk for Wards 2022 will be taking place at the stunning Mapledurham Estate.

    Get active and help support your local NHS by taking part in our 2022 Walk for Wards event. A fantastic walk through the beautiful British countryside, starting and finishing in front of Mapledurham House! There are 5km and 10km options available, with any money raised going straight to your local NHS.

    As a registered charity, we’re here to help your local NHS. We raise funds to support the excellent care you and your family receive locally, which is why we’ve created this special fundraising walk to support the wards and departments within the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. We hope you’ll join us!

    Due to the nature of the terrain, the routes are, unfortunately, unsuitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs; however, dogs on leads are welcome.

    Tickets £7 (5km) or £10 (10km). Details and registration at

  • Sun
    14:00 - 16:00Ridgeline Trust Therapeutic Garden

    25 Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 7BY

    Come and enjoy our beautiful garden and help raise money towards providing our invaluable horticultural therapy sessions. Featuring produce and plants, homemade cakes and refreshments, live classical guitar music, stalls and children’s activities. Apple press – bring your own apples and containers and take home freshly pressed juice. Free entry.

  • Wed
    10:00 - 14:00Berkshire Vision

    Midleton House, 5 Erleigh Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 5LR

    Volunteers are at the heart of everything we do.

    We have a wide range of volunteer roles that make a real difference to the lives of people living with sight loss.

    Pop in and meet the friendly team for a chat at Midleton House (5 Erleigh Road). No need to book.

  • Wed
    10:00 - 14:00Smart Works Reading
    Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading RG1 4QA

    Smart Works Reading are excited to announce that we are hosting our first ever women-only Jobs Fair on 28 September at our premises.

    We will have a wide variety of employers, all with jobs on offer and opportunities for networking.

    Smart Works Reading will be offering dressing and coaching appointments to all women who secure an interview, and career coaching to any who don’t.

    No booking necessary.

    You can download a flyer for the event here.

  • Fri
    10:00 - 15:00Broad Street Mall

    Reading RG1 7QE.

    Reading will be celebrating National Older People's Day on Friday 30 September with a free fun-packed event at Broad Street Mall, highlighting the contribution older people make to the Reading community.

    Older People’s Day coincides with the UN International Day of Older Persons. The main aim for the day is to be a celebration of the achievements and contributions that older people make to our society and the economy. Older People’s Day supports the campaign to challenge negative attitudes and outdated stereotypes.

    Reading is a vibrant town with a rich array of local services that support residents, come along and find out how they can help you: Tuvida Carers Hub, Citizens Advice Reading, Macmillan Cancer Education, Compass Recovery College, Age UK Berkshire, Age UK Reading to name but a few. Royal Berkshire Hospital will also be offering free blood pressure checks and hearing tests on the day.

    10:00 Event start time – introductory remarks by The Mayor of Reading
    10:30-10:45 Seated Yoga - IRDC
    12:15-12:45 Hand Bells - U3A
    13:00-13:30 Physio session - RBH
    13:30-14:00 Firtree 50+ club
    14:15-14:45 Seated Exercise - Get Berkshire Active.

    Other activities on the day:
    11:00-14:00 Dementia Friends sessions (Age UK Berkshire)
    11:00-15:00 Dementia Bus (outside on Hosier Street)
    10:30-12:30 RVA IT Cyber Security talk and discussion
    11:00-12:00 Abbey Ruins Walk (Reading Museum).

    15:00 Closing time.

  • Sat
    10:30 - 15:30Starts: Reading Train Station (Northern Entrance)

    Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8BT

    We are delighted to share that Sport in Mind’s much-loved sponsored walk is back.

    On Saturday 1 October, everyone will set off for a wonderful 10k walk, departing from Reading, along the Thames down to the Coppa Club in Sonning where we will have some light refreshments before returning along the same route, ending in Forbury Gardens.

    To sign up we are asking for a suggested donation of £5 (or however much you would like to give!) which you can do on the day or via our donation page here.

    To let us know that you are coming, please email Laura at

    We really hope to see you there!

  • Sat
    11:00 - 15:00Junction Arch

    Reading Old Cemetery, London Road, Reading RG1 4LS

    It’s an exciting time for the Cemetery Junction Arch. We’re completing our contractual discussions with Reading Borough Council. We’ll soon be in a position to submit an application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for a grant to buy the Arch, restore it and repurpose it as a space for the community.

    We’d like your input to help us develop our plans to make it a special place to visit and enjoy. Please join us for our community consultation on Saturday 1 October from 11am-3pm at Junction Arch, Reading Old Cemetery, London Road, Reading RG1 4LS.

  • Tue
    11:00 - 12:30The Quakers Meeting House

    2 Church Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 2SB

    The AGM is a great opportunity to hear about our activities and celebrate our achievements over the past 12 months. We’d also like to hear your views on our work as we plan for the year ahead.

    We will then have short presentations on the charity’s work by our learners and volunteers. Followed by a chance for everyone to meet and talk over a lovely buffet of halal and vegetarian food.

    If you would like to attend our AGM, please reserve your place by contacting Petra Robinson, Centre Administrator, by Monday 26 September 2022 on:

  • Tue
    18:00 - 19:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    A no-strings information session on volunteering roles that make a difference to people facing loneliness and isolation in Reading.

    Join us at Reading Library to hear about:

    • The life-changing impact of volunteering
    • Skills and experience needed
    • Training and support for volunteers
    • Which community groups are recruiting and how to contact them
    • The benefits of volunteering – from the volunteers themselves

    and plenty of time for questions.

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place.

  • Wed
    15:00 - 16:00Online event

    A no-strings information session on volunteering roles that make a difference to people facing loneliness and isolation in Reading.

    Join us on Zoom to hear about:

    • The life-changing impact of volunteering
    • Skills and experience needed
    • Training and support for volunteers
    • Which community groups are recruiting and how to contact them
    • The benefits of volunteering – from the volunteers themselves

    and plenty of time for questions.

    Please register online at

  • Thu
    17:30 - 20:30Council Chamber

    Council Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU.

    Over the years, grassroots communities have rallied behind the mainstream services in providing meaningful and practical support to our communities, and this became obvious during the Covid-19 lockdowns. This has often been overlooked as it is rarely publicly seen or much talked about. For this year’s Black History Month celebrations, we at Utulivu Women's Group aim to acknowledge and appreciate the work that these grassroots communities continue to deliver.

    Thanks to Connect Reading who have helped in getting kind sponsors for the awards to be given to these communities that evening and Reading Borough Council for the venue. We are still looking for a sponsor for refreshments and welcome anyone/organisation who is in a position to support this.

    If you wish to come and join the grassroots communities that evening please register by email at

  • Thu
    12:00 - 14:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    It’s been 3 years since the last real life RVA AGM!

    We know you’ve all missed the delicious breakfasts so this year we will celebrate with a fabulous networking lunch.

    Please join us in Community Place to catch up with the team and partners.

    Plus, a short piece of important formal business.

    Please book a space online at

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ.

    Want to connect with others? Would you like to learn more about living in Reading? Come and join us for a free coffee morning on Saturday 10 December from 11:00 to 13:00. This month meet Let’s Connect (Berkshire NHS) and New Directions and hear what they have to offer Reading residents!

    No need to book – just drop in.

  • Wed
    18:00 - 19:00The Concert Hall

    Reading Town Hall, Blagrave St, Reading RG1 1QH

    Join us with your family and friends to mark Christmas 2022 and raise vital funds for local people in housing crisis – at Launchpad’s much-loved Carols by Candlelight!

    Held this year at the magnificent Concert Hall in Reading Town Hall and hosted by Launchpad patrons, Matt Allwright and Danyl Johnson, there will be sing-along carols performed by the joyful Reading Community Gospel Choir, readings by special guests and inspiring stories about our work with people in housing crisis – all against the backdrop of magical candlelight.

    There are some incredible prizes to be won in our raffle on the night – including dinner for two in the Reading Room at the Roseate, a £50 voucher for The Oracle and a £75 voucher for Jacobs the Jewellers. Please bring cash or card with you to enter the raffle!

    Tickets cost £10 per person and are available online at

  • Thu
    18:30 - 19:45Reading Minster Church

    Chain Street, Reading RG1 2HX

    We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the festive season with us this year at Reading Minster. Join us for a fun-filled, family-friendly concert of music, readings, performances and Christmas reflections to celebrate family life and raise money for PACT’s work with children, families and the local community.

    Children are invited to dress up. Come and meet Elsa and Olaf and hear performances from Reading Rock Choir, St Mary’s School Choir and Reading Youth Orchestra.

    Everyone is welcome and we invite you to stay for refreshments after the concert.

    Tickets cost £10 for adults and £5 for children, or you can purchase a £20 family ticket for two adults and two children. Please book your tickets online at

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online via Zoom

    The next Ready Friends Befriending Forum will focus on the knowledge, skills and training needed for staff and volunteers to support people facing loneliness. This event is the postponed forum from 8 December.


    • Welcome, introductions and event outcomes
    • Knowledge, skills and training overview – Rhiannon
    • How to run a skills audit in your VCO – Richard Silcock, Advice Worker, RVA
    • Breakout sessions and feedback
    • Training providers, resources and how to fund it when it’s not free
    • Forthcoming training, voluntary sector updates, news etc

    For more information please see the event listing at, email Rhiannon at or phone on 07485 327958.

  • Fri
    10:00 - 14:00Church House

    59 Church St, Caversham RG4 8AX

    The course is organised by Sport in Mind, facilitated by an experienced walk leader and trainer and includes a short demonstration walk. It covers all the basic skills of walk leading including: choosing an appropriate route; qualities of a good walk leader and what to do before, during and after the walk.

    We will focus on building confidence, knowledge, and skills to lead a short walk on easy terrain, for all abilities. There will be some pre-course reading and e-learning, which the session will bring to life and build on.

    For details and registration please email

  • Mon
    10:00 - 12:00Online event

    This session organised by Compass Recovery College explores how voluntary sector staff and volunteers can set professional boundaries when working with mental health challenges. These boundaries can support our work and provide a safe and secure environment from which to work with our service users.

    The session will support us to be mindful of when it is appropriate to self-disclose, the danger of too much self-disclosure and the risks of transference and counter transference. The aim is to enable service users to take charge of their wellbeing by providing opportunities for growth and self-development.

    Please register for this event using the online booking form.

  • Thu
    10:15 - 16:15Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Whether behind the scenes in an administrative role or working directly with clients, volunteers play a vital role in supporting the work of organisations across our town. For many organisations, without the work of volunteers, it would not be possible for them to deliver the services they provide in the way they do.

    Given the central role that volunteers play in allowing organisations to achieve their objectives, it is perhaps surprising that many of those responsible for managing volunteers receive little or no specialised training.

    This 1 day interactive session is designed to provide an overview of some of the key aspects to consider when involving volunteers in the work of your organisation, including:

    • First steps – a volunteer recruitment checklist.
    • Understanding volunteers’ desires – what motivates people to volunteer?
    • Standing out from the crowd – promoting your opportunities effectively.
    • Welcome aboard – integrating volunteers into your team and managing workloads.
    • Keeping it legal – exploring legal aspects of involving volunteers in your work.
    • Staying the course – keeping volunteers engaged and adapting to changing circumstances/ needs.

    Who should attend: This course is ideally suited to anyone who has responsibility for overseeing the work of volunteers, either as a Volunteer Manager or as part of a more wide-reaching role.

    Ideal for those new to working with volunteers or for those looking for a refresher, the session will provide opportunities to put theory into practice by giving opportunities to explore your own organisation’s needs.

    Cost and what is included: The cost is £10 for a full day and includes refreshments, a light lunch and materials.

    Please book online at, or contact RVA at if you have any questions.

  • Tue
    17:15 - 18:15L22, G01, London Road Campus
    27 London Road, Reading RG1 5AG

    Although many people in the UK are multilingual, as a society we are predominantly monolingual. What it is like to live in such a monolingual society as a multilingual speaker?

    At this event to celebrate International Mother Language Day, you will hear the experiences of two Ukrainian refugees who came to the University of Reading through its Sanctuary Scholarship scheme. Within an interactive, multilingual interview format, we will question what it means to be multilingual in the UK today and how the languages we speak can shape our cultural identity.

    Hosted by the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism

    Professor Federico Faloppa
    Professor Ludovica Serratrice
    Debra Page (PhD student)
    Anastasiia Kabantseva (undergraduate student)
    Sofia Yemets (undergraduate student).

    Details and registration at

  • Tue
    13:00 - 15:00Online Event

    This FREE webinar looks to share information and discuss the topic around the importance of physical activity and managing long term health conditions.

    The benefits of taking part in physical activity far “outweigh the risks” for people living with long-term health conditions, it is believed that one in four people in the UK live with a long-term health condition, and those in this group are twice as likely to be inactive, despite evidence that being active can help manage many conditions and reduce the impact and severity of some symptoms.

    However, we know that there are many barriers to becoming active for those living with a long-term health condition – including fears that physical activity may worsen their symptoms, requirements to gain medical clearance prior to increasing activity levels and that all pain is considered bad.

    This webinar aims to break down these barriers by clarifying fundamental safety considerations and bridging the gap between evidence, clinical and public health guidelines and people's lived experience.

    There will be insight from key industry experts!


    • Professor Mike Hurley – Emeritus Professor, Population Health Research Institute, St George’s University of London, Emeritus Professor, Kingston University & Clinical Director, ESCAPE-pain, Orthopaedic Research UK
    • Andrew Bennet – National Clinical Director MSK Conditions NHS England
    • Steph Smith GLL Healthy Communities Manager – Reading
    • Duncan Coleman – GLL Heathwise manager
    • Francesca Thomson – Education and Events Manager (ESCAPE-pain)
    • Peter Dutton – Activation Manager We Are Undefeatable, Influencing, Brand and Content

    To aid future networking we will be sharing a delegate list with attendees. When booking you will be asked if you are happy for your contact details to be shared and to provide a brief overview of your organisation for inclusion in the list.

    We hope you can join us!

    Please book online at to confirm your place.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 12:30Reading VCS Assembly – Challenging Inequality in Reading

    Town Hall, Blagrave Street, Reading RG1 1QH

    ‘No One Left Behind’

    Reading residents experience some of the most unequal health and economic outcomes in England. Outcomes are worsening for our most disadvantaged communities and the reasons are complex.

    'The increase in health inequalities in England points to social and economic conditions,
    many of which have shown increased inequalities, or deterioration since 2010' - Marmot Review 10 years on.

    Join us to hear how Reading Borough Council and the NHS plan to reduce inequalities. Share your experiences and the challenges faced by your community or service users.

    This event is aimed at local voluntary sector organisations. To book a space please visit

    To book a marketplace stall for your organisation email


    • Cllr Jason Brock – introduction as Leader of RBC and Chair of Integrated Care Partnership BOB
    • Sarah Webster – Exec Director for Berkshire West ICB
    • Dr Claire Reidy – NHS Researcher Digital
    • Mark Redfearn – RBC Tackling Inequality Strategy.
    Engagement activity
    • Feedback, final questions and reflections.
    • Cup of tea and an opportunity to showcase your organisation in the Marketplace.
  • Fri
    09:30 - 15:30Alana House

    2 Southern Court, South Street, Reading RG1 4QS

    Parents and Children Together (PACT) community projects, Alana House and Bounce Back 4 Kids, will be hosting an open day in Reading, and we would love interested individuals, organisation and businesses to attend.

    The event will be a celebration of International Women’s Day with the aim of providing more information on both of our trauma informed services including the outcomes we achieve for women and families (please note that BB4K also supports male survivors of domestic abuse). In addition to a presentation on our work the PACT team and some of our service users will also be available for informal tours and to answer any questions.

    The day will include an opportunity to buy artwork by the women of Alana House plus our recipe book that was compiled by service users and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our community café will also be open serving hot drinks and cakes. Tickets can be booked at

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Our six-weekly coffee morning aimed at people who are new to the Reading area as well as people with local knowledge.

    Come along to this free drop in session at Reading Central Library – find out about joining the library and using its resources, meet local organisations providing services, meet other new people.

    If you have lived in Reading a while come along and share your knowledge. This month we have representatives from New Directions, Sustrans (Cycling and Walking), Reading Community Learning Centre and Lifespring Church community services. Refreshments provided and all are welcome.


  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:30Third Floor, Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ.

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network (VCN) meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practice and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    The Network is open to those overseeing the work of volunteers in organisations big and small and involving volunteers in a variety of ways.

    Please register at, and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course.

    The plan is to hold this meeting in person at our office in Reading Central Library, but this will be confirmed closer to the event.

  • Thu
    10:15 - 16:15Reading Voluntary Action
    3rd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Whether behind the scenes in an administrative role or working directly with clients, volunteers play a vital role in supporting the work of organisations across our town. For many organisations, without the work of volunteers, it would not be possible for them to deliver the services they provide in the way they do.

    Given the central role that volunteers play in allowing organisations to achieve their objectives, it is perhaps surprising that many of those responsible for managing volunteers receive little or no specialised training.

    This 1 day interactive session is designed to provide an overview of some of the key aspects to consider when involving volunteers in the work of your organisation, including:

    • First steps – a volunteer recruitment checklist.
    • Understanding volunteers’ desires – what motivates people to volunteer?
    • Standing out from the crowd – promoting your opportunities effectively.
    • Welcome aboard – integrating volunteers into your team and managing workloads.
    • Keeping it legal – exploring legal aspects of involving volunteers in your work.
    • Staying the course – keeping volunteers engaged and adapting to changing circumstances/ needs.

    This course is ideally suited to anyone who has responsibility for overseeing the work of volunteers, either as a volunteer manager or as part of a more wide-reaching role. In very small and completely volunteer-led organisations this may even be somebody on the committee.

    Ideal for those new to working with volunteers or for those looking for a refresher, the session will provide opportunities to put theory into practice by giving opportunities to explore your own organisation’s needs.

    RVA supports Reading’s voluntary and community sector, therefore this course is primarily open to organisations delivering voluntary and community services in Reading. If you do not offer services in Reading, please contact us before booking, and we may be able to add you to the waiting list.

    The session will be co-delivered by Reading Voluntary Action’s Advice Worker Richard Silcock and Volunteering Development Manager Steve Hendry, both of whom have extensive experience in providing advice and support in the area of volunteer management and governance.

    The cost is £10 for a full day and includes refreshments, a light lunch and materials. Please book on Eventbrite at Please contact if you have any questions.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 17:00Reading Voluntary Action
    3rd Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ
    Emergency First Aid at Work Training leading to a Level 3 (6 hour) VTQ qualification. The certificate will be valid for 3 years.

    The course includes:

    • Scene Management
    • Management of the unconscious casualty
    • Management of a heart Attack
    • CPR ( Adults )
    • Choking
    • Management of a serious bleed and shock
    • Management of Burns/scalds
    • Management of Epileptic Seizures.

    Registration will be on a first come first served basis as there are limited spaces. This training is for RVA member organisations and is free of charge.

    To register an interest please email your details to

    Please note that participants will need to bring their own refreshments.

  • Sat
    14:00 - 16:00Caversham Court Gardens

    Church Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7AD

    Come along to Caversham Court on Saturday 8th April, when the Friends of Caversham Court Gardens will be hosting an Easter Egg Quiz on a nature theme in the lovely riverside gardens. All young competitors will win an Easter Egg prize or a non-dairy treat.

    Entry is free, but donations to the Friends of Caversham Court Gardens will be appreciated. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

    The Tea Kiosk will be open for refreshments all afternoon.

  • Thu
    14:00 - 16:00Thrive Trunkwell Park

    Beech Hill Road, Beech Hill, Reading, RG7 2AT

    You are warmly invited to visit Thrive’s Trunkwell garden, in Beech Hill, near Reading. Our clients are proud of the work they do and will be delighted to welcome you at one of our open days!

    Please do bring friends and family to explore our three acre Victorian gardens, meet the people involved, buy some plants, and enjoy a slice of homemade cake and refreshments.

    Entry is by donation, assistance dogs only, payments by cash appreciated.

    For more information please see the website at

  • Wed
    19:00 - 21:00Reading Canoe Club

    The Warren, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7TH

    Please join the Friends of Caversham Court Gardens at Reading Canoe Club for a brief AGM followed by an illustrated talk by Hester Casey titled:
    New Discoveries about the History of Caversham Court featuring Ghosts, Gardeners, Good Works and Girl Power

    All welcome, no need to be a member. Free event

    Contact details
    Phone: 01189 545779

  • Tue
    10:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    We are pleased to say that our popular trustee training is back!

    Trustees play an essential role in our society, making our charity sector work. It’s a hugely rewarding role but it’s not always easy to get all the information you require to be sure you are carrying out your role as effectively as possible. This training will help give you an overview of what’s expected of trustees as well as providing a networking opportunity with your fellow trustees from the area.

    Outcomes of this training are:

    • To better understand your role and legal responsibilities as a trustee
    • To understand how this role fits with other roles in the charity
    • To understand your reporting responsibilities
    • To know where to go for help and support
    • To feel confident in being an active member of your Board/Committee and helping to achieve your charities purposes

    To achieve this we will cover:

    • Introduction: ‘Trustee’, ‘Charity’ and legal structures
    • Trustee roles and responsibilities: 6 Main Legal Duties
    • Policies and Procedures: Which ones? Why do they matter?
    • Accounting & Reporting – the essentials
    • Essential resources and links to help you on your way

    The training is suitable for new and existing trustees. In some small community groups you may refer to yourselves as the Committee. If you have overall responsibility for your community group, then this course is for you.

    The session will be held in person in the RVA training room, 3rd Floor, Reading Central Library. There is no parking onsite but the Central Library is easily accessed vis public transport. Nearby car parks are Queens Road and the Oracle. The cost is £10. Please book online at

  • Thu
    11:00 - 14:00Third Floor, Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Charities and community groups are looking for volunteers in and around Reading Town Centre. Our Central Reading Central Community Volunteer Fair will give you an opportunity to come and chat with representatives from a number of groups about how you can get involved.

    Groups who will be there on the day include ABC to Read, The Mustard Tree and Me2 Club. Members of the RVA team will also be on hand to help you find the role that is right for you.

    Stop by for a cup of tea and to find out how you can play your part in helping to make Reading a thriving community.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 14:30Meadway Sports Centre

    Conwy Close, Reading RG30 4BZ

    Reading Voluntary Action will be hosting a Community Volunteer Fair at Meadway Sports Centre on Thursday 25 May 10am-2:30pm.

    The event is part of a pilot running small-scale volunteer fairs within community venues. We are inviting organisations who are seeking volunteers to support activities in and around the Tilehurst area to join us on the day.

    If your organisation are looking for volunteers in Tilehurst and would like a stall please email to request a place. Space is limited and organisations actively seeking to involve volunteers in Tilehurst will be given priority.

    Members of the public are invited to come along and to speak to local groups - come and find out how you can make a difference in your community.

  • Sat
    14:00 - 16:30Hemdean House School

    Hemdean Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 7SD

    Come and dance the afternoon away at PACT’s Family Disco!

    Children and families are invited to join us for a fun-filled fancy dress disco in Reading raising money for local charity PACT.

    Bring your dancing shoes and your best outfit as Crazy Times Disco plays tunes to get adults and children dancing. We encourage children to come in fancy dress for a parade at the end of the afternoon where there will be a small prize for the winning costume!

    There will be light refreshments on sale along with a tuck shop, balloon modelling, badge making and temporary tattoos for a small fee.

    Adults must attend with children and children must be supervised by parents/guardians at all times. This event is suitable for children aged 11 and under. Children age 2 and under go free but please book a free ticket so that we can manage numbers safely.

    All proceeds from this fun-filled family event will go to PACT’s vital work with children and families in our community.

    For more information or to book online please see the website at

  • Wed
    10:30 - 12:00Online event

    This online workshop from compass Recovery College is designed to provide psychoeducational information on depression and how to manage it. It will focus on:

    • Understanding the different symptoms and manifestations of depression
    • The importance of self-care
    • Understanding and challenging unhelpful negative thoughts
    • Behavioural activation and the importance of planning activities.

    Please visit for the booking form.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 17:00River Kennet & Forbury Gardens

    We’re celebrating 34 wonderful Water Fest years with a programme full of fun, music, dance and activities.

    Water Fest is Reading’s way of celebrating and showing off the Kennet Canal in all its glory, along with the gorgeous and historic spots on its towpath.

    Visitors can take in the sights and sounds as they wander through Chestnut Walk, Forbury Gardens, and the Abbey Ruins. En route you’ll see some beautifully painted boats and meet some of the friendly boaters keen to chat to you about life on board.

    Water Fest is brought to you by Reading Borough Council, in partnership with the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust. This hard-working charity is committed to enhancing and promoting the canal for people to enjoy – both on and off the water!

  • Sun
    12:00 - 16:00Northumberland Avenue

    Welcome to Whitley Carnival! Step right up and prepare to be amazed by the colours, sounds and energy of Reading’s brightest and best street party.

    Launching at midday on Sunday 11 June 2023, Whitley Carnival’s Parades will weave through the streets of Whitley before meeting up at the John Madejski Academy for a Fun Day of stalls, food and performances.

    Everyone is welcome to take part by walking in our Parades – from school children to local performers, Whitley residents to professional carnival walkers, we’d love you all to join us!

    In 2023 we will be celebrating the past, present and future of Whitley – if you’d like to get involved in ANY way, please get in touch. More details on our Facebook page at

  • Wed
    10:00 - 13:00Training Room, Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Are you new to being a treasurer of a charity or community group in Reading, or considering taking on the role? If so, this training is for you.

    Aims of the workshop

    • To build an understanding of the role of a treasurer in a small voluntary organisation
    • To ensure the ability to deal with the specifics of the finances of a small voluntary organisation
    • To give confidence about the issues that are likely to be faced by a treasurer of a small voluntary organisation

    Learning outcomes - The content covered will be tailored depending on the needs of delegates on the day. However typically attendees will:

    • Understand their financial responsibilities as trustees
    • Understand the particular requirements for the accounts of a small voluntary organisation
    • Be aware of governance issues facing small voluntary organisations
    • Be ready to resolve issues with record keeping and know where to get help if they need it
    • Be able to determine if the organisation they volunteer with needs an audit or independent examination of their accounts

    The training session will be open to up to 12 delegates. It will be aimed primarily at volunteer Treasurers of registered charities in Reading, but will also be suitable for volunteers who are stepping up to the role.

    We have secured a reduced rate of £50 for Reading based charities and community groups. This includes printed course materials, refreshments and one hour of follow up support. The session will be delivered in person in the RVA training room, Third Floor, Central Library.

    Please register online at

  • Sat
    19:00 - 21:00All Saints Church

    Wiltshire Road, Wokingham RG40 1TN

    Join Trinity Concert Band for a rousing celebration of some of the greatest film and TV music ever written!

    The award-winning concert band will take you on a nostalgic journey through the soundtracks that have moved us the most – melodies that have made us laugh, cry and jump out of our seats and have defined many of the most memorable moments in TV and cinema history. Enjoy this musical feast, including music to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Disney, whilst taking in the beautiful surroundings of the newly-renovated All Saints Church in the heart of Wokingham. Highlights to include:

    Chariots Of Fire – The Incredibles – Monty Python – The Vicar Of Dibley – Lincoln – Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves – The Magnificent Seven…and many more!

    With such an exciting repertoire performed by one of the UK’s top community wind orchestras, SCORE is a concert you won’t want to miss – a musical delight for performers and audiences alike. So, whether or not you’ve experienced the thrill of live music, be sure to book your tickets for this spectacular concert.

    A portion of concert proceeds will go to the band’s chosen charity for 2023, Thrive – using gardening to change lives.

    Tickets go on sale in May 2023

    • Adults: £13
    • Students: £7 (ID may be required)
    • Accompanied U16’s: FREE
    • Newcomers: FREE (t&c’s apply; find out more about our Newcomers’ Scheme on our website)
    • Ukrainian Refugees: FREE (accompanying host families pay the standard price)

    For more information or to book online please see the website at

  • Sun
    13:00 - 19:00Palmer Park

    Reading RG1 3PA.

    Join us on Sunday 25 June for East Reading Festival 2023.

    The festival is a free community-focused event, with a music stage, spoken word/poetry stage, a funfair, a small food court with a variety of different cuisines and a wide range of community, charity and commercial stalls.

    If you would like to get involved in the festival as a stall holder, performer, volunteer, committee member etc, please complete this form:

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:30Online event

    Join us at the next Befriending Forum where we will hear from local voluntary and community groups on how they are adapting their support to local people facing loneliness, in response to increasing complexity and community need.

    The agenda will include:

    • Welcome, introductions and event outcomes
    • Presentations by local VCOs on how they are coping with changing needs
    • Forthcoming training, voluntary sector updates, news etc
    • Networking opportunities

    The Befriending Forum is open to all local community groups, friends and neighbours taking action on loneliness and social isolation.

    Free event, but do register online at to confirm your place.

    If you would like more information about the Befriending Forum, please email Rhiannon at

  • Thu
    19:45Online event

    Reading Branch of Berkshire Family History Society are meeting on Zoom on Thursday 29 June at 7:45pm. Our subject will be a presentation on 'Was your ancestor a public servant?'

    Postal employees, Customs officers in ports and Excise officers all over the country for example are mentioned in public records with often significant amounts of personal information to be found about them and their families. There are few guides to help family historians where to search. It is not widely known that the Society of Genealogists holds original establishment records for Customs and Excise officials covering the period from the 1860s into the 20th century. This talk will cover the main categories of public servant and give a background on where to go to find out more about them.

    This talk is free to members of Berkshire Family History Society, and we request a donation of £5 from non-members. Pre-booking is required, because the meeting link will be emailed in advance. Booking ends one day before event.

    To book, please visit

  • Tue
    11:00 - 12:30Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Are you a small community group based in Reading and mainly volunteer run?

    If yes, this network is for you. It is an opportunity for you to learn, share and grow stronger together with other similar groups and access support from Reading Voluntary Action and partners.

    The topic for this session will be finding the money to run your group and activities. You will hear from Berkshire Community Foundation on their upcoming funding round, what you can apply for and top tips when applying. You will also hear what other support is available to small groups for free from Reading Voluntary Action. The session is also a chance for you to network with each other.

    We have heard from many of you that you miss attending in-person events. This network session is therefore planned to be in-person in our training room, 3rd floor, Reading Central Library.

    More information and free booking at

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Welcome to Reading Coffee Morning is a free and friendly drop-in session for people who are new to Reading as well as people who have been here a while and would like to meet people.

    Come along and join us on the ground floor of the library over a cuppa and find out more about living in Reading. Chat to local organisations who will be here to tell you about their services. We look forward to meeting you!

  • Tue
    10:30 - 12:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Are you a charity or community group looking for space to run your activities or services, or do you have space within your building that you would like to hire out, lease or offer to others?

    Then come along to our next Community Buildings Forum on 11 July 23. This is an opportunity to hear about available space in the town and to network with others.

    RVA will also share best practice and some top tips so you can start preparing for your new space or space-sharing.

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place.

  • Mon
    09:30 - 12:00Hilton Reading

    Drake Way, Reading RG2 0GQ

    Get Berkshire Active are pleased to announce a third Early Years and Family Workshop event. This free event is aimed at practitioners who work with families and their children under 5 across Berkshire.

    We will be focusing on engaging the adults around children in supporting the development of physical activity, as well as exploring practical ideas to use with them. There will be discussion and tips on how to engage families to understand the importance of physical activity and how to share these important messages.

    Please be sure to book your space as numbers are limited. Free car parking and morning refreshments will also be provided.

    Details and registration at

  • Sat
    12:00 - 21:00Ibis Club

    Scours Lane, Reading, RG30 6AY

    A day where families and friends can come together and enjoy a day of fun, dancing, sports activities and more. A display of different businesses from the local community and beyond, and plenty of food.

    A day where the young, and the not so young, the various different tongues from our mother land Kenya and from other communities represented from the diaspora Africa come together.

    Contact details
    Kenya Reading Organisation
    Phone: 07572 765319

  • Tue
    10:00 - 13:00Berkshire Vision

    Midleton House, 5 Erleigh Road, Reading, RG4 5LR

    Would you like to know more about volunteering with Berkshire Vision? Come along and meet the team and find out about the volunteer roles we have available.

    Our wonderful volunteers support our visually impaired members as telephone befrienders, as guides, as tech buddies, as admin support and assist at sports and social activities (including virtual activities). We can answer any questions you have or help you fill out an application form.

    No need to book, just drop in, we would love to meet you!

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:30Third Floor, Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network (VCN) meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best best practice and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    The Network is open to those overseeing the work of volunteers in organisations big and small and involving volunteers in a variety of ways.

    Please register here and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course. The plan is to hold this meeting in person at our office in Reading Central Library, but this will be confirmed closer to the event.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Reading Central Library is holding the next Welcome to Reading Coffee Morning on Saturday 30 September from 11:00 to 13:00.

    If you are new to Reading or have lived here a while, please come and join us for a free and friendly cuppa.

    This month it is an opportunity to meet organisations and find out more about their services in a sociable atmosphere.

    We look forward to meeting you!

  • Mon
    09:30 - 15:00Broad Street Mall

    Broad Street, Reading RG1 7QE

    Reading will be celebrating National Older People’s Day on Monday 2 October 2023 with a free fun packed event at Broad Street Mall highlighting the contribution older people make to the Reading community.

    Older People’s Day coincides with the UN International Day of Older Persons. The main aim for the day is to be a celebration of the achievements and contributions that older people make to our society and the economy. Older People’s Day supports the campaign to challenge negative attitudes and outdated stereotypes.

    The selected theme for Older People’s Day 2023 in Reading is ‘Ageing Well Together’. Reading is a vibrant town with a rich array of local services that support residents, come along and find out how they can help you:

    • Reading U3A
    • Age UK Berkshire
    • Age UK Reading
    • Public Health & Wellbeing Team
    • Winterwatch Service
    • Reading Voluntary Action
    • Get Berkshire Active
    • Berkshire Vision
    • Older People Mental Health Team
    • Healthwatch Reading – The Advocacy People
    • Thames Valley Pensioner Service
    • Blandy & Blandy Solicitors
    • South Reading Patient Voice
    • The Crown Prosecution Service
    • Sheltered Housing
    • Firtree/Tilehurst Welfare Community Group
    • Reading Community Learning Centre
    • SSE network – Priority Registers
    • GLL Sports & Leisure
    • Oddfellows
    • Readibus
    • Citizens Advice Reading
    • Silvers Workshop
    • Bowling Club – outdoor and indoor
    • Macular Support Group
    • Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service
    • Talking Therapies

    Royal Berkshire Hospital will also be offering free blood pressure and wellbeing checks on the day.
    The programme will include:

    09:30 Market place of local service providers opens
    10:00 Opening remarks by The Mayor of Reading
    11:00 Bowling demonstration
    12:30 Singing for pleasure by Age UK Berkshire
    13:30 First Aid Skills and CPR demonstration

  • Thu
    13:00 - 15:00Third Floor, Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    This Ready Friends Befriending Forum will focus on how we support and care for our volunteers and staff, preventing burnout and enhancing retention. This event has been postponed from 14 September and will be the first Forum held in real life since December 2019!


    • Welcome, introductions and event outcomes
    • Presentations by local VCOs
    • Small groups workshop and feedback
    • Forthcoming training, voluntary sector updates, news etc
    • Additional networking time

    Plus lots of useful materials to take away.

    Please register at to book your place.

  • Wed
    10:00 - 13:00Third Floor, Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ.

    Does your charity offer services or activities to children or young people in Reading? If so, come along to this free training. All charities, voluntary and community groups have a duty to keep their service users safe from harm. As most charities and community groups run through the hard work and dedication of volunteers, it is important that volunteers as well as paid staff receive basic safeguarding training.

    This training will cover:

    -Basic information on Child Protection and Safeguarding Children and Young People
    -Types of abuse, including child trafficking, child sexual exploitation and FGM
    -How to recognise abuse: the signs and symptoms
    -What to do when you recognise abuse: the referral process
    -The importance of a multi-agency approach in safeguarding children and young people
    -Safe practice.

    By the end of the training you will:

    -Understand the importance of Child Protection and your role within it
    -Have an improved understanding of signs and indicators of abuse
    -Understand local Child Protection procedures and what to do if you are concerned about abuse
    -Be clear about sharing information with others
    -Have developed confidence in dealing with Child Protection issues appropriately.

    Anyone who works or volunteers with a charity, community or voluntary sector group in Reading whose work or volunteering brings them into contact with children or young people in whatever circumstances, whether they are new to the role or require a refresher. It is good practice for staff and volunteers to attend annual refresher training to ensure they are kept up to date on practices for safeguarding children and young people.

    These sessions are hosted by RVA and will be delivered by approved Safeguarding Trainers, who have received training via Reading Borough Council, Safeguarding Children Services. All trainers have experience of the voluntary sector and safeguarding children. Your trainer for this session will be Mike Edwards.

    The training will take place in the RVA Training Room, Third Floor, Central Library, Reading, RG1 3BQ (there is a public lift). Please note that the library opens at 10am. Please arrive any time from 9.50 by coming to the read door of the library and pressing the intercom. If you can no longer make the training, please let us know in advance by emailing us at to cancel your place so we can offer this free session to others on the waiting list.

    Details and booking at

  • Thu
    10:00 - 12:30RISC

    London Street, Reading RG1 4PS

    An opportunity for voluntary and community groups to come together to explore social issues that impact on the people of Reading.

    Join us to hear: How to engage with and influence your local statutory organisations e.g. Reading Borough Council, NHS, primary care. Who are they? How are they governed? How can you and your organisation connect?

    Join us to participate: Opportunities for your organisation to shape and participate in a VCS inclusion strategy for Reading.

    Plus refreshments, information and networking.

    Free event, but please register at to confirm your place.

  • Tue
    10:30 - 12:00RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Are you a small community group based in Reading and mainly volunteer run?

    If yes, this network is for you. It is an opportunity for you to learn, share and grow stronger together with other similar groups and access support from Reading Voluntary Action and partners.

    The topic for this session will be getting ready for funding and we will cover:

    • What policies your group needs to have, including some examples and information about First Steps towards Safe and Sound. This will help you get ahead of the game when applying for funding.
    • Introduction to Reading 4 Community Funding Portal from RBC – Bikal Shrestha (Funding Officer) from RBC will give a demonstration of the portal. This will help your group find funding opportunities.

    We will also have our usual networking and opportunity for you to share your news and events.

    This session will take place in-person in our training room, Third floor, Reading Central Library.

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place. We hope to see you there.

  • Tue
    10:00 - 13:00Third Floor, Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ.

    Are you a trustee or committee member of a charity or voluntary group delivering services in Reading? If so, come along to our in-person Trustee Training session.

    Trustees play an essential role in our society, making our charity sector work. It’s a hugely rewarding role but it’s not always easy to get all the information you require to be sure you are carrying out your role as effectively as possible. This training will help give you an overview of what’s expected of trustees as well as providing a networking opportunity with your fellow trustees from the area.
    Outcomes of this training are:

    To better understand your role and legal responsibilities as a trustee
    To understand how this role fits with other roles in the charity
    To understand your reporting responsibilities
    To know where to go for help and support
    To feel confident in being an active member of your Board / Committee and helping to achieve your charities purposes!

    To achieve this we will cover:

    Introduction: ‘Trustee’, ‘Charity’ and legal structures
    Trustee roles and responsibilities: 6 Main Legal Duties
    Policies and Procedures: Which ones? Why do they matter?
    Accounting & Reporting – the essentials
    Essential resources and links to help you on your way (Tools)

    The training is suitable for new and existing trustees. In some small community groups you may refer to yourselves as the Committee. If you have overall responsibility for your community group, then this course is for you.

    Please note our training is primarily for Trustees of voluntary and community groups who operate services in Reading. These sessions are popular so please contact us first if your group is out of area as we may need to add you to the waiting list.

    This course will be delivered by Reading Voluntary Action’s Advice Service Manager, Herjeet Randhawa. Herjeet has a background in Law and charity management and also helps groups to attain the Safe and Sound Quality Award in good governance in charities, and also First Steps towards Safe and Sound.

    Tickets £10. There is no parking on site but the Central Library is easily accessed vis public transport. Nearby car parks are Queens Road and the Oracle. There are also some disabled parking spots outside the library. Please contact us in advance if you have access needs.

    Details and booking at

  • Tue
    11:00 - 12:30The Quakers Meeting House

    2 Church Street, Reading RG1 2SB

    Notice is hereby given that the 16th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday 14 November 2023 at The Quakers Meeting House.


    1. Welcome from the Right Worshipful Mayor of Reading, Councillor Tony Page
    2. Apologies for absence
    3. Approval of the minutes of the AGM held on 4/10/2022.
    4. Matters arising from the minutes of the AGM held in 2022
    5. Presentation of the Annual Report for 2022/2023
    6. Adoption of the Annual Report for 2022/2023 (members to
    7. Presentation of the Accounts for 2022/2023
    8. Adoption of the Accounts for 2022/2023 (members to vote)
    9. Appointment of an Independent Examiner
    10. Election of Trustees (members to vote)
    11. Any other appropriate business
    12. Close of formal business

    We will then have short presentations on the charity’s work by our learners and volunteers. Followed by a chance for everyone to meet and talk over a lovely buffet of halal and vegetarian food.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:00RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    First Steps towards Safe and Sound is a free tool available to all voluntary and community groups offering services in Reading, who wish to take the first steps towards having good governance in place. Come along to our November introduction session and find out how to get started and what the benefits are for your group.

    This session should be attended by either a manager or trustee of your group. More than one person from your group is welcome to attend but we would suggest a maximum of three so that there are enough spaces for all.

    The session is a 1 hour lunchtime session and will include:

    1. Introduction to RVA
    2. An overview of First Steps towards Safe and Sound, what it is, the benefits, resources & support from RVA, how to get started and what you receive after completing this.
    3. Introduction to First Steps towards engaging Volunteers
    4. Introduction to First Steps towards Inclusion
    5. The wider Voluntary and Community Sector
    6. Further resources and support from RVA.

    Book your free space online at

    Please note that this session is in person in our Conference room, Community Place, Reading Central Library. We look forward to seeing you then.

    The RVA Team

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:30RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Join us for our popular Funder Event taking place in our conference room, Reading Central Library on 23 November 2023.

    You will hear from local and national funders on upcoming funding rounds and have the opportunity to ask questions.

    There will also be the opportunity for informal networking with other groups and charities, as well as news, events and support from RVA.

    Presentations from:

    • The National Lottery Community Fund on their new strategy for 2023-2030
    • Berkshire Community Foundation on future funding rounds
    • Reading Borough Council on the next Small Grants Fund expected to run early 2024
    • And potentially other local/national funders, watch this space!

    These events are very popular, therefore places are restricted to:

    -Charities or community groups offering services in Reading
    -A maximum of 2 places per organisation

    Please book your space online at

    We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Tue
    13:00 - 14:30RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network (VCN) meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best best practice and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    The Network is open to those overseeing the work of volunteers in organisations big and small and involving volunteers in a variety of ways.

    Please register via the button below and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course. The plan is to hold this meeting in person at our office in Reading Central Library, but this will be confirmed closer to the event.

    Register here

  • Wed
    10:30 - 12:00RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Are you a charity or community group looking for space to run your activities or services, or do you have space within your building that you would like to hire out, lease or offer to others?

    Then come along to our next Community Buildings Forum on 29 November 2023.

    This session will include:

    • Opportunity to hear about available space in the town
    • Health and Safety when managing a building
    • Networking with other groups

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place.

  • Fri
    18:30 - 20:30Reading Minster Church

    Reading Minster Church, Chain Street, Reading, RG1 2HX

    We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the holiday season with us this year at Reading Minster on Friday 1 December.

    Join us for a family-friendly concert of music, readings, performances and Christmas reflections to celebrate family life and raise money for PACT’s work with children, families and the local community.

    Joining us for this fun event will be Universal Voices Reading’s children’s community choir, Readiophonics – Reading’s A Cappella Choir and Reading’s Rock Choir and Dan Simpson, TV presenter of Fun Kids Science Weekly, will be compering the evening.

    Doors will open for refreshments at 18:30 with the concert beginning at 19:00. Children are invited to dress up and there will be a chance to meet Ana, Elsa and Olaf and have your photo taken! Everyone is welcome and we encourage you to join us for refreshments at the start.

    Tickets cost £10 for adults and £5 for children and are available from the website at

  • Tue
    18:00Reading Town Hall

    Blagrave Street, Reading RG1 1QH

    Join us for Reading’s favourite Christmas event, featuring the English Martyrs Primary School and Take Note Community choirs. Tuesday 5 December, 6pm at Reading Town Hall, tickets £12 with proceeds to local homelessness charity Launchpad.

    Tickets and details at

  • Thu
    14:00 - 16:00Third Floor, Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Exploring loneliness stigma: RVA will be delighted to welcome Emily Sawdon and Phoebe Weston-Stanley, Research Directors from the National Centre for Social Research, to discuss the findings of their research into social and self-stigma experienced by people facing loneliness and social isolation. Please click here for the research report.

    The event will include:

    • Welcome, introductions and event outcomes
    • Presentations by Emily Sawdon and Phoebe Weston-Stanley from the National Centre for Social Research
    • Small groups workshop and feedback
    • Forthcoming training, voluntary sector updates, news etc
    • Additional networking time

    Please register for the event online at to confirm your place.

  • Fri
    19:00 - 20:40Reading Minster Church

    St Mary's Butts, Reading, RG1 2LG

    Celebrate the Christmas season with a magical evening of singing, featuring:
    Winners of Let’s Sing Reading 2023 –
    The Barberettes – Adult Choir
    Calcot Junior School Choir – Junior Choir
    Winners of Best Community Choir south east 2023 -
    Sing for Fun
    Soprano Soloist – Stephanie Hershaw

    Enjoy a heart warming evening of festive carols and seasonal favourites, performed by some of the most talented choirs in the region. There will also be chances for you to get involved and sing along to some of your favourite Christmas classics.

    Tickets cost £5.00 per person and are available from the website ( or on the door.

  • Sun
    10:00am onwardsUniversity car park

    Shinfield Road entrance, University of  Reading.

    On Sunday 10 December, the Rotary Club of Reading is holding a Santa Run and Walk event.

    Come and join us at the University of Reading for a timed 5k Run and an untimed  2k mini-Run or Walk for everyone. 

    The routes take you through the vast and wonderful university grounds; once again we  are very grateful to the university for its support and sponsorship for this fun event at a special time of year.

    Book your place via this link; for more information visit our site here, or email: The closing date for entries is Friday 8 December.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:00RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    First Steps towards Safe and Sound is a free tool available to all voluntary and community groups offering services in Reading, who wish to take the first steps towards having good governance in place. Come along to our January introduction session and find out how to get started and what the benefits are for your group.

    This session should be attended by either a manager or trustee of your group. More than one person from your group is welcome to attend but we would suggest a maximum of three so that there are enough spaces for all.

    The session is a 1 hour lunchtime session and will include:

    1. An overview of First Steps towards Safe and Sound, what it is, the benefits, resources & support from RVA, how to get started and what you receive after completing this.
    2. Introduction to First Steps towards engaging Volunteers
    3. Introduction to First Steps towards Inclusion
    4. Further resources and support

    Book your free space online at

    Please note that this session is in person in our Conference room, Community Place, Reading Central Library. We look forward to seeing you then.

    The RVA Team

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Reading Central Library is holding the next Welcome to Reading Coffee Morning on Saturday 3 February from 11:00 to 13:00. If you are new to Reading or have lived here a while, please come and join us for a free and friendly cuppa. This month it is an opportunity to meet organisations and find out more about their services in a sociable atmosphere.

    We look forward to meeting you!

    Contact details
    Reading Borough Council - Central Library
    Phone: 01189 375950

  • Thu
    13:00 - 16:00Council Chamber
    Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU

    This is a drop-in marketplace event for refugees and asylum seekers living in Reading. No booking is needed.

    Quarterly event for refugees and asylum seekers living in Reading to meet staff from Reading Borough Council, national government services and voluntary partners. People can get support with specific enquiries and learn about the projects and support available in Reading.

    Advice is available on legal support, housing, careers and support services. Hot drinks, squash and biscuits will be provided.

  • Wed
    11:00 - 13:00Lifespring Church

    143 Oxford Road, Reading, RG1 7UY

    In collaboration with the University of Reading, we are celebrating Mother Language Day. We are hosting an event for all the family where we will showcase and celebrate some of the languages spoken in Reading.

    This event is free to attend and light refreshments will be served.

    Come and celebrate with us.

    Contact details
    Phone: 07456 512933

  • Tue
    12:00 - 14:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Please join us at Reading Voluntary Action to for our AGM and thank you lunch. We will be thanking all our staff, volunteers, partners and all of you working together to make Reading a fabulous place to live.

    Particular thanks will be given to Karen Morton who has been our Chair for 7 years long!

    This is an opportunity to hear our plans for the year and ask questions. Come along and get involved, all are welcome!

    12:00 Welcome and registration

    12:15 Team report and AGM

    13.15 Thank you lunch and networking.

    Please let us know you are coming by booking a space.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 15:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    The next Befriending Forum will explore the role that social prescribing plays in reducing loneliness and social isolation for people in Reading. The programme will include:

    • An overview of RVA’s social prescribing service and the most frequent issues addressed
    • How local people are referred to and from the service, our coverage in Reading and the information sources on local activities that social prescribers use
    • The role of social prescribing for people facing loneliness and social isolation
    • Case studies
    • Improving partnership working between voluntary and community organisations who support people facing loneliness and the social prescribing service
    • The opportunity to meet some of our social prescribers

    There will also be time for informal networking and an opportunity to share news, promote your service and find out about funding, events and training. Refreshments provided.

    Please register at to book your place.

  • Tue
    19:30 - 22:00Jazz Cafe

    Select Car Leasing Stadium, Reading, RG2 0FL

    Annual Charity Quiz night to raise funds for Royal Berks Charity. Quiz master Radio Berkshire’s Bill Buckley will guide you through six rounds of brain-bending questions, picture puzzles and a cheeky joker round. A raffle will also take place on the night.

    Tickets are £5 a head with teams of up to 6 people. Doors open from 18:00. Food can be pre – ordered and not available to buy direct on the night, information about food options will be emailed after booking.

    For further details or to register your place please see the event page on the website at

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Reading Central Library is holding the next Welcome to Reading Coffee Morning on Saturday 16 March from 11:00 to 13:00.

    If you are new to Reading or have lived here a while, please come and join us for a free and friendly cuppa.

    This month it is an opportunity to meet organisations and find out more about their services in a sociable atmosphere.

    We look forward to meeting you!

  • Fri
    10:00 - 14:00RISC

    35-39 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS

    Health Inequalities is an annual conference that the grassroots communities hold to showcase their input in addressing the widening Health Inequalities Gap. This year’s theme is ”Bridging the gap to improve our health and well-being.”

    Please join the team of community champions from the grassroots communities, voluntary organisations, the health services, and the police among others as they dialogue on having meaningful input in bridging the gap to help improve the health outcomes and the experience of care of our communities.

    The event is open to everyone.

  • Tue
    14:00 - 16:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Have you thought about volunteering but are not sure if it is right for you? Or, are you keen to get involved but not sure where to start? This free session will provide you with an opportunity to explore how volunteering can fit into your life and help you identify opportunities that work for you.

    Sessions will cover:

    • What is volunteering?
    • How volunteering can help you develop employability and life skills
    • Volunteering for wellbeing
    • How to find and secure a role
    • The volunteering experience, what you should expect and how to make the most out of it
    • Accessing further free training to help you get “Volunteering Ready”.

    Sessions will be run by our experienced Volunteering Development Manager Steve Hendry and are open to anyone interested in volunteering in Reading regardless of previous experience.

    Register to attend by completing the form or call 0118 937 2273 to book your place.

  • Wed
    19:00 - 20:30Reading Canoe Club

    The Warren, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7TH

    The Friends of Caversham Court Gardens will be holding their spring meeting on Wednesday 10 April in the Reading Canoe Club.

    Academic and author, Richard Bisgrove, will give an illustrated talk on Plant Hunters and Caversham Court. The talk will follow the briefest of AGMs. All are welcome, you don’t have to be a member.

    Contact details
    Phone: 01189 545779

  • Thu
    10:00 - 12:00Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Have you thought about volunteering but are not sure if it is right for you? Or, are you keen to get involved but not sure where to start? This free session will provide you with an opportunity to explore how volunteering can fit into your life and help you identify opportunities that work for you.

    Sessions will cover:

    • What is volunteering
    • How volunteering can help you develop employability and life skills
    • Volunteering for wellbeing
    • How to find and secure a role
    • The volunteering experience, what you should expect and how to make the most out of it
    • Accessing further free training to help you get “Volunteering Ready”

    Sessions will be run by our experienced Volunteering Development Manager Steven Hendry and are open to anyone interested in volunteering in Reading regardless of previous experience.

    Register to attend by completing the online form found HERE or call 01189 372273 to book your place.

  • Tue
    10:00 - 13:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Does your charity offer services or activities to adults in Reading? If so, come along to this free training.

    All charities, voluntary and community groups have a duty to keep their service users safe from harm. As most charities and community groups run through the hard work and dedication of volunteers, it is important that volunteers as well as paid staff receive basic safeguarding training.

    This training will cover:

    • Basic information on safeguarding adults
    • Current guidance for safeguarding adults under the Care Act 2014
    • Types of abuse and how to recognise abuse: the signs and symptoms
    • What to do when you recognise abuse: the referral process
    • The importance of a multi-agency approach to safeguarding adults
    • Safe practice

    Who should attend? Anyone who works or volunteers with a charity, community or voluntary sector group in Reading, whose work or volunteering brings them into contact with children or young people in whatever circumstances, whether they are new to the role or require a refresher.

    Practicalities: The training will take place in the RVA Training Room, Third Floor, Central Library. Registration and arrival from 09:45. The session will start promptly at 10:00. The library opens at 10:00, please come to to the rear door of the library and use the intercom. Refreshments are provided.

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place. We hope to see you there.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    First Steps towards Safe and Sound is a free tool available to all voluntary and community groups offering services in Reading, who wish to take the first steps towards having good governance in place. Come along to our May introduction session and find out how to get started and what the benefits are for your group.

    This session should be attended by either a manager or trustee of your group. More than one person from your group is welcome to attend but we would suggest a maximum of three so that there are enough spaces for all.

    This is a 1 hour lunchtime session and will include:
    1. An overview of First Steps towards Safe and Sound, what it is, the benefits, resources & support from RVA, how to get started and what you receive after completing this.
    2. Introduction to First Steps towards engaging Volunteers.
    3. Introduction to First Steps towards Inclusion.
    4. Further resources and support.

    Book your free space online at

    Please note that this session will take place in-person in the Library. If you prefer to attend an online session instead, please take a look at alternative dates on our training page.

    We look forward to seeing you then.

    RVA Team

  • Tue
    10:30 - 12:00RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Join us for our popular Funder Event taking place in our conference room, Reading Central Library on 21 May 2024. You will hear from local and national funders on upcoming funding rounds and have the opportunity to ask questions.

    There will also be the opportunity for informal networking with other groups and charities, as well as news, events and support from RVA.


    • 10:15 - Registration, tea and coffee
    • 10:30 - Presentations from funders with Q&A
    • 11:30 - Informal Q&A and networking opportunity/Reading 4 Community taster session
    • 12:00 - Main event finish
    • 12:00 - Opportunity to hear from Lloyds Foundation on Racial Equity Grants and Deaf and Disabled Grants. This is niche funding and will only be relevant to some groups so please contact to sign up to this part. Click this link for more details on this funding.
    • 12:30 - Close

    Funders attending:

    • Sovereign Network Group
    • Berkshire Community Foundation
    • The Earley Charity
    • Reading Borough Council – including the opportunity for a 1:1 session on how to use Reading4Community Funding Portal.
    • The Lloyds Foundation

    These events are very popular, therefore places are restricted to charities or community groups offering services in Reading, with a maximum of 2 places per organisation.

    Please book your space online at We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Sat
    15:00 - 17:00Reading Biscuit Factory

    1 Queens Walk, Reading, RG1 7QE

    Calling all future pop stars!

    As part of this year’s Reading Children’s Festival PACT will be bringing the tunes for a fun afternoon of children’s karaoke at The Reading Biscuit Factory on Saturday 25 May 2024.

    We have all the favourite tunes with something for every voice. Everyone is welcome to sing along…even the adults! So bring your friends. This is your time to shine.

    (Suggested donation per song £1)

    Contact details
    Phone: 01189 387600

  • Sat
    11:00 - 17:00River Kennet and Abbey Quarter

    Reading RG1 3JH

    Water Fest is Reading’s way of celebrating and showing off the Kennet Canal in all its glory, along with the gorgeous and historic spots on its towpath - complete with a programme full of fun, music, dance and activities!

    Visitors can take in the sights and sounds as they wander through Chestnut Walk, Forbury Gardens, and the Abbey Ruins. En route you’ll see some beautifully painted boats and meet some of the  friendly boaters keen to chat to you about life on board.

    Water Fest is brought to you by Reading Borough Council, in partnership with the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust. This hard-working charity is committed to enhancing and promoting the canal for people to enjoy – both on and off the water!

    Would you like to run a stall or provide entertainment, workshops, sports, or arts & crafts to raise funds and awareness? Apply now.

  • Thu
    10:00 - 13:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Trustees play an essential role in our society, making our charity sector work. It’s a hugely rewarding role but it’s not always easy to get all the information you require to be sure you are carrying out your role as effectively as possible. This training will help give you an overview of what’s expected of trustees as well as providing a networking opportunity with your fellow trustees from the area.

    Outcomes of this training are:

    • To better understand your role and legal responsibilities as a trustee
    • To understand how this role fits with other roles in the charity
    • To understand your reporting responsibilities
    • To know where to go for help and support
    • To feel confident in being an active member of your Board/Committee and helping to achieve your charities purposes

    To achieve this we will cover:

    • Introduction: ‘Trustee’, ‘members’ and others
    • Trustee responsibilities: 6 Main Legal Duties
    • Limiting liability and legal structures
    • Effective board leadership and trustee roles
    • Essential resources and links to help you on your way

    The training is suitable for new and existing trustees. In some small community groups you may refer to yourselves as the Committee. If you have overall responsibility for your community group, then this course is for you.

    Registration and arrival from 09:45. Cost £10 – refreshments included. There is no parking onsite but the Central Library is easily accessed vis public transport. Nearby car parks are Queens Road and the Oracle. There are also some disabled parking spots outside the library. Please contact us in advance if you have access needs.

    Please book online at

    Contact details: Reading Voluntary Action (RVA)
    Phone: 01189 372273

  • Tue
    12:45 - 15:00RVA Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Please join us at the next Befriending Forum where we will hear from local volunteers about how they support people facing loneliness, why they do it and the impact it has on them as well as the people they support.

    The agenda will include:

    • Welcome, introductions and event outcomes
    • Presentations by local volunteers
    • Vision for Volunteering update
    • Forthcoming training, voluntary sector updates, news etc
    • Networking opportunities

    The Befriending Forum is open to all local community groups, charities, friends and neighbours taking action on loneliness and social isolation.

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place.

    If you would like more information about the Befriending Forum, please email Rhiannon at

  • Wed
    15:00 - 17:00Whitley Wood Community Centre

    28-35 Lexington Grove, Reading RG2 8UG.

    A series of community roadshows has been launched at centres around the town, for local residents to:

    -speak with organisations including Citizen’s Advice Reading, Reading Borough Council teams and many more

    -find out what is happening at the community centre

    -have a say in future activities and events at centres.

    Come along to your local community centre to give feedback on any issues in your area, get advice and support from a range of local services and have a nice tea or coffee. There is no need to book - everyone is welcome to just drop in on the day.

  • Tue
    14:00 - 16:00Coley Park Community Centre

    140 Wensley Road, Reading RG1 6DW.

    A series of community roadshows has been launched at centres around the town, for local residents to:

    -speak with organisations including Citizen’s Advice Reading, Reading Borough Council teams and many more

    -find out what is happening at the community centre

    -have a say in future activities and events at centres.

    Come along to your local community centre to give feedback on any issues in your area, get advice and support from a range of local services and have a nice tea or coffee. There is no need to book - everyone is welcome to just drop in on the day.

  • Thu
    14:00 - 16:00Lyndhurst Road Community Centre

    Lyndhurst Road, Tilehurst, Reading RG30 6UB.

    A series of community roadshows has been launched at centres around the town, for local residents to:

    -speak with organisations including Citizen’s Advice Reading, Reading Borough Council teams and many more

    -find out what is happening at the community centre

    -have a say in future activities and events at centres.

    Come along to your local community centre to give feedback on any issues in your area, get advice and support from a range of local services and have a nice tea or coffee. There is no need to book - everyone is welcome to just drop in on the day.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 13:00Reading Central Library

    Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Reading Central Library is holding the next Welcome to Reading Coffee Morning on Saturday 20 July from 11:00 to 13:00. If you are new to Reading or have lived here a while, please come and join us for a free and friendly cuppa. It is a chance to have a hot drink in a free and friendly session and find out more about some of the services, activities and events going on in Reading.

    We look forward to meeting you!

    Contact details
    Reading Borough Council - Central Library
    Phone: 0118 937 5950.

  • Sun
    13:30 - 18:00Hilton

    Drakes Way, Reading, RG2 0GQ

    20 Years of Utulivu Women’s Group.

    This is a huge celebration to celebrate the 20 years. We would like you to come this event to see what we have done in the communities over the last 20 years, and there will be guest speakers and lovely delicious food. All are welcome.

    Contact details
    Utulivu Women’s Group

  • Thu
    10:30 - 12:30Reading Voluntary Action

    Community Place, 3rd floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading RG1 3BQ

    Have you thought about volunteering but are not sure if it is right for you? Or, are you keen to get involved but not sure where to start? This free session will provide you with an opportunity to explore how volunteering can fit into your life and help you identify opportunities that work for you.

    Sessions will cover:

    • What is volunteering
    • How volunteering can help you develop employability and life skills
    • Volunteering for wellbeing
    • How to find and secure a role
    • The volunteering experience, what you should expect and how to make the most out of it
    • Accessing further free training to help you get “Volunteering Ready”

    Sessions will be run by our experienced Volunteering Development Manager Steven Hendry and are open to anyone interested in volunteering in Reading regardless of previous experience.

    Register to attend by completing the form found HERE or call 01189 372273 to book your place.

  • Sat
    11:00 - 16:00Caversham Court Gardens

    13-19 Church Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7AD

    This year’s theme for Heritage Open Days is Routes, Networks, Connections.

    Bring the whole family along to Caversham Court Gardens on Saturday 7 September or Sunday 8 September (11:00-16:00) circumnavigate the globe learning the origins of some of the fine collection of plants and trees in the Gardens.

    Throughout history, travellers have collected useful and beautiful plants and brought them back to Britain from all over the world. Our quiz will take you round the gardens and give you fun facts about important plants and their uses. Younger children will enjoy drawing some of the many unusual plants to be found in the gardens – drawing materials available free of charge.

    You may be surprised to learn that there are plants from every continent except Antarctica in our lovely riverside gardens – test your knowledge of geography with our interactive map!

    Contact details
    Friends of Caversham Court Gardens

  • Thu
    11:00 - 12:30RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    The Volunteer Coordinators’ Network meeting provides a space for those who oversee the work of volunteers to seek peer support in a confidential space from others in a similar role. It is an opportunity to share best practice and to learn from the rich experiences of colleagues working across our diverse sector.

    The Network is open to those overseeing the work of volunteers in organisations big and small and involving volunteers in a variety of ways.

    Please register via the button below and further details and joining instructions will be sent in due course. The plan is to hold this meeting in person at our office in Reading Central Library, but this will be confirmed closer to the event.

    Register here

  • Wed
    10:00 - 11:45RVA, Community Place

    Third Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    Reading has a wide variety of charities and community groups, of various sizes. Smaller groups have told us that they would like more specialist support as they have different challenges to larger groups. RVA therefore runs a Small Groups’ Forum for charities and community groups who are:

    • Mainly volunteer led
    • With an income below £50K

    If you are a small group, come along to our next forum on Wednesday 18 September. The session will cover:

    1. An overview of the Reading-wide Voluntary and Community Sector survey, and how you can provide your views and responses as a small group.
    2. Funding opportunities for small groups.
    3. Safety tips for running your sessions.
    4. Networking with each other.

    This is a friendly, informal session hosted by the Herjeet Vass from the RVA team, so don’t worry if you haven’t attended one of these sessions before. Refreshments will be provided.

    If you have any access needs (such as a visual or physical impairment), just let us know in advance by emailing and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

    Registration and refreshments from 10:15. Session starts at 10:30.

    Free event, but please book online at to confirm your place. We hope to see you there.

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:00Online via Zoom

    RVA is running an online session in September 2024 for anyone wanting to find out more about RVA’s social prescribing service.

    The sessions will include:

    • What social prescribing is (and isn’t!)
    • How it works at RVA and how people access it
    • How we measure its impact
    • How we work in partnership with local services and community groups
    • Information about free practitioner training and the Joy Marketplace

    To book onto this session please register at

  • Thu
    13:00 - 14:00Reading Voluntary Action

    Reading Central Library, Abbey Square, Reading, RG1 3BQ

    RVA is running an in-person session in February 2025 for anyone wanting to find out more about RVA’s social prescribing service.

    The sessions will include:

    • What social prescribing is (and isn’t!)
    • How it works at RVA and how people access it
    • How we measure its impact
    • How we work in partnership with local services and community groups
    • Information about free practitioner training and the Joy Marketplace

    Free event but please register at to confirm your place.